Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week, February 20 - 26, 2023
Luck only occurs through the endings you are brave enough to create.

The week ahead emphasizes the lesson that luck is never something that occurs in the past – but instead within the future.
With a Pisces New Moon and the much-celebrated Aries stellium it is a week of both endings and beginnings, but it is also a lesson in divine order.
To create luck, you need space.
You need to see things from a clear perspective and to be able to be in a state of flow.
That means not hanging on, not resisting, not treading water but simply slowing down and existing in a state of flow.
But too often luck is impeded because you resist the space that it requires to appear.
You want the guarantees, luck, and abundance to come in without taking a risk to achieve it, when it is the risk that helps create it.
This week the Aries energy will increase your confidence and boldness while the Pisces New Moon helps you see exactly what needs to end so something else can begin.
Remember, these are all seeds that you are planting and just because it might take some time to grow does not mean that you should doubt their importance.
Because luck only ends up growing in the spaces that taking a chance creates.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week, February 20 - 26, 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday, February 20th
Venus is the planet that is most known for ruling love, but it also governs important themes like finances, real estate, and your purpose. In Pisces it brings up a lot of truth for you in terms of what you need and what kind of life you want to live.
As it unites with Pluto in Capricorn this week activating themes of career, a change may be in store for you. This is intensified as Pluto is moving through the very last degree of Capricorn which will help you transform the professional area of your life into one that is more in alignment with who you are.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday, February 20th
Pluto in Capricorn highlights all themes of luck and expansion for you which is increasing in intensity for you as the lord of the underworld winds down his time in this earth sign. Pluto is currently in the final fated degree of Capricorn which represents the end of an era, for you it is time to reflect on what you are on the brink of within your own life in terms of expansion and abundance. This week unites with Venus in Pisces activating the importance of those around you and the abundance and luck that they can add to your life.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest day of the week: Thursday February 23rd
Saturn is the lord of time and karma; in Aquarius it helps you reach the end of a long cycle where you have learned what it means to define your own success. You can write your own story and create whatever you want for your life.
This has been the secret all along, it was just that you needed to understand this for yourself. The less you try to fit in the happier you will be. In the week ahead as Saturn connects with Chiron in Aries, it is time to allow yourself to heal that desire to be like everyone else and instead celebrate that you are not.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday February 20th
The Pisces New Moon shines bright and beautiful light onto the luckiest part of your life. This truly is your time to shine and gives you the chance to also have that new beginning you have been desiring. You have begun an entirely new phase in your life where you’ve allowed yourself to matter as much as everyone always has. By prioritizing yourself, you are also finding new possibilities within your dreams and desires for life. This New Moon is the chance to jumpstart those dreams and start embracing life more fully.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest day of the week: Thursday February 23rd
The Aries stellium this week will be one that helps kickstart those desires towards a new chapter in your life. You have had a lot of focus recently on work, travel and even moving. You are also starting to see a new way of loving or existing within a relationship, this is part of the growth and changes that will be coming in more for you this year. But this week, Aries energy is trying to inspire you to think bigger than ever. You do not need to sell yourself short any longer, it is time to live big.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest day of the week: Tuesday February 21st
Uranus is the great awakener; in Taurus it helps break apart the structures within your life that are a part of you being able to live more expansively. Uranus has been in Taurus for some time and is not finished which means that it has also not finished working.
It is magic here for you. As it aligns with Mercury in Aquarius highlighting health themes, you understand there is a better way to approach your own dreams. This lets you incorporate your own growth and healing so that what you create from this point on is not just luck but based on your own work and effort.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest day of the week: Thursday February 23rd
Mars is the planet of action and ambition. In Gemini it has been taking you on your own lucky journey to reimagine your life and the possibilities that exist there. Mercury is the planet of communication and in Aquarius it mentions themes of commitment, joy, and self-expression.
There is a connection this week between the two encouraging you to speak out. As much as the universe will bring to you what is meant for you, it is also about making sure that you are embracing the power of being your own advocate as well.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday February 20th
The New Moon in Pisces this week shines a bright light on the part of your life that governs joy, self-expression, and creativity. Pisces is a water sign like yours but allows space for more hope to get in. This New Moon is an opening space within the most beautiful parts of your life.
To find luck Scorpio, you first must create the space to receive it which also means being able to envision the best possible outcome versus the worst. It may be that you have used that to protect yourself, but you do not need to keep yourself safe from your own dreams. Use this New Moon to release the ways you sabotage your own happiness and luck.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday February 20th
The Pisces New Moon activates themes around your home, family and even your own journey of healing. This has been an area which has seen growth and expansion over the past year as Jupiter spent some time in this loving water sign.
This year Saturn is set to move into Pisces which means things are going to get more committed and serious, but for now, this Moon is about the new beginning that in your heart you have been wishing for. Now you just must let it in so that it can become reality in your life. It is this part of your life which will bring luck because it is also going to bring you what you have always needed.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday February 20th
Pisces is the sign that rules all aspects of communication within your life. It is a sensitive romantic water sign that believes in the power of feelings while you often tend to go for the more rational and logical. This New Moon offers you the luck that comes from stretching out of your comfort zone.
Take a chance around this lunation to express your true feelings – not your thoughts – about something, whether professional, romantic, or even just personal, using this as an opportunity to embrace and validate your own feelings will let them transform your life. You are not meant to keep so much inside.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest day of the week: Monday February 20th
When you know what matters most to you, you can make the best decisions for yourself and your life. The Pisces New Moon this week activates themes around value which means that you will be asked to renew a certain area of your life to better embody your own ideals.
Right now, you are going through a great deal of reflection within yourself, your home and even in how you communicate with others. This is a chance for you to become better for yourself by honoring what you genuinely need and want instead of adhering to old fears or standards set by others. Remember, you truly do create your own happiness.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest day of the week: Wednesday February 22nd
The week ahead is one that will have far-reaching effects on your life. The Aries stellium lights up your house of value, helping you to increase your finances and overall quality of life. Aries energy governs all themes related to investments, earnings and those people and things in your life that add up to significant value.
Currently with so many planets nesting within this sign, it is time for you to focus on your future. As much as you can drift towards the spiritual and underestimate the importance of finances, do not forget that you can do both. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is know your worth.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.