The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve, February 20 - 26, 2023
Just focus on the beginning.

In the coming week, hope returns along with the ability to take strategic action within your romantic life to improve whatever has felt challenging recently.
The week begins with the New Moon in Pisces which will help you reflect on the endings that you may be going through.
This does not necessarily have anything to do with a relationship, but instead can represent your own sense of self, your beliefs and even the ideals that then govern your choices.
For improvement to occur in your romantic life, growth needs to happen and wherever there is there is new growth — there is also an ending.
Pisces represents the hopeful, the ethereal, the part of you that believes in a forever unconditionally loving relationship no matter how many times things have not gone as planned.
This week what is blocking you from moving into that will be closed out while the stellium in Aries offers up a new beginning on steroids.
Midweek Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, Juno, Vesta, and the Moon will all be in Aries creating an important new chapter within your life.
It may happen quietly for some, but the week ahead is going to give you a beautiful moment that you will be able to look back and see that was the instant that everything changed.
And somehow the ending that had to first occur will not somehow even matter.
The four zodiac signs whose relationships improve the week of February 20 - 26, 2023:
1. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
The week ahead brings massive developments and improvements for you as the stellium in Aries peaks. This brings together the energy of Jupiter, Venus, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, and the Moon for one superpower charged week in your romantic life.
Aries energy is your polarizing sign which means that whenever it is activated to any degree, you will see developments within your relationship. But this week, with so many planets in this sign, not only is it a time for immense growth, but there is also a great healing present as well.
Chiron is the asteroid that is known as the wounded healer, which means that your sense of abundance, the love you receive and even the commitments that you make will be going through a major overhaul in the week ahead. There is a fantastic opportunity this week for your romantic relationship, but it is only going to come through the path of healing.
This is the direction that you have been headed in for some time because you needed to see and understand what really was holding you back all this time. You are truly heading into an extremely positive time within your romantic relationship where you will feel a more genuine connection and be able to also see the uplevel of commitment. It is truly a situation where you are about to really be creating
2. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
The North Node and Uranus are currently within the sign of Taurus which is activating all sorts of positive changes and growth within your romantic relationship. This is the year of healing which means that everything that occurs will have some deep level of growth and awareness attached to it.
Even if it does not mean that you are feeling the gravity of these lessons does not mean that they are not happening. In the coming week, Uranus in Taurus unites with Mercury in Aquarius highlighting themes of conversations and change around your romantic and home life.
It is possible this is an area that you have needed to do some greater work within or even just let things align on their own. Uranus in Taurus is going to continue to bring changes to your love life, it is just a matter of if you try to keep resisting them or instead surrender to them knowing that they are for your best.
Saturn has been in Aquarius which while bringing in an important focus and lesson to your home life, also felt a bit restrictive. Once the lord of time and karma moves into Pisces in just a few weeks you also might be able to better see how you can make your life feel better rather than just dreaming you will one day.
All of this collides this week though to bring you growth and improvements to your romantic life by being more willing to take chances, and your home life by feeling ready to have some important conversations. It is time to start walking that talk that you have been doing.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
This will be an important week for you Sagittarius as the planets truly align in your favor. The New Moon in Pisces activates a new beginning within your home and family life while the Aries stellium emphasizes themes around commitment and children.
Mars, currently in Gemini will be uniting with Mercury in Aquarius signifying that some important and life-changing conversations in your relationship will be likely. A lot of what has been going on in your life since the end of last summer is about to reach a pinnacle that will require you to do and say something.
You tend to keep your cards close to your heart, not out of fear of sharing but instead because you do not want to risk something happening to have it not come true. But in that process, you do not always enlist the help that you need, or even that wants to be there for you.
Change is coming in all ways this week Sagittarius and you will not be able to do it alone, so make sure that you lean on that person you are envisioning forever with so they can help you through it. The thing to be mindful of this week is that things may feel like they are happening more quickly than you anticipated. Just remind yourself that when life is suddenly aligning in your favor – it is not your job to question it, but only fully receive it.
4. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
It would not be Pisces Season if you were not receiving the benefits of it in your romantic life. The week starts with an amazing New Moon in Pisces. This is your chance to embrace those ethereal magical feelings that exist within yourself and even within your love life.
A New Moon is powerful in its intention because it can jumpstart your dreams as they begin to find a direction and take shape. In Pisces it means that you are being guided to reconnect to your own self, to usher in a new beginning based on your own truth and what you genuinely want from life.
This will meet inspired action as the stellium in Aries occurs and truly lights up your value sector. Not only does it mean that you will be feeling more value to your partner, and able to see their value as well, but your finances are about to get a boost which can help soothe any recent relationship challenges.
While all of this is providing the firework show, Mercury in Aquarius is working with Mars in Gemini to help bring about conversations involving the changes that are taking place within your home. You have been headed to this place for a long time Pisces, it is about time that you learned what it means when home really is where the heart is.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.