The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Happier After A Breakup During Moon Trine Jupiter On February 14, 2023
It's better this way.

Let's face it: if we're going to go through all that it takes to break up with someone we once loved and trusted, then there had better be a good reason for it.
During Moon trine Jupiter, we discover that reason, but more...we make sense of it, and as things become clearer and clearer, we may realize that not only was breaking up a good idea, it was just the thing we needed to get on the road to happiness. Ironic, but true...then again, such is life.
Breaking up, especially after a long term relationship, is not only the hardest thing to do, the break up itself is the gift that keeps on giving, and most of what we receive is heartache.
That's inevitable, and very few break ups leave people jumping for joy. There's a period of healing, and there's a time to recognize that the healing is over, and now it's time to get back to living.
Today, February 14, 2023, during moon trine Jupiter, is the day that we come to realize that breaking up was the best possible thing we could do, because ironically...we suddenly feel very, very happy.
When we can come around to admit it — because being happy after a break up is not always easy to admit — we will know that we made the right decision. We feel like we can breathe again.
The world fills with promise, and this instills a sense of power in us; we now know that we are in charge of our own lives and that if someone makes us unhappy, the answer is quite simple: walk away from the source of pain.
Happy Valentine's Day to the lovers of the world whose first love is themselves. Good for you!
The three zodiac signs who are happier after a breakup during the Moon trine Jupiter on February 14, 2023:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
It may take a while for the happy to kick in, but it's on its way and you know it. You have recently ended a relationship with someone and in hindsight, you aren't really sure what attracted you to them in the first place.
It was as if this person turned into a completely different person over the course of the relationship, and you didn't really feel as though you needed to support this change, as it was happening without your consent.
Your person became a stranger, and that stranger became someone you no longer wanted to be around.
Hey, it happens, and this kind of thing isn't rare, but when transits like Moon trine Jupiter are around, as they are on this day, February 14, 2023, you'll thank your lucky stars that you got away. That happiness you feel? It's real, Aries. Own it, as its all yours.
2. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21)
What's the interesting new sensation you've been feeling, and yet aren't aware that it's actually happening? Why, it's happiness, Scorpio, and it comes as a result of you taking your life into your own hands and doing what had to be broke up with your now ex, and in doing so, you opened up the gates to freedom and happiness.
While happiness isn't always the result of a harsh break up, such as the one you just went through, it's also the act that promotes change.
When you show the universe that you are willing to change, the universe provides you with options.
Now that moon trine Jupiter is high in the sky, you will finally see what you've done: you've forged a path for yourself, and now you are free. This freedom means that you are no longer attached to the memory of this person. Buh-bye. Take care, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
For the longest time you felt burdened by your partner. Things just didn't work out as you had planned, and rather than go on, tending to some slavish loyalty, you made the decision to end the relationship, point blank. You've always been good at things like this, but you've also suffered the heartbreak that comes with endings...not this time!
This time, you are not only a pro at breaking up; you're a total boss at accepting the idea of freedom and happiness.
You do not feel like you have to go through the motions of grieving over the loss of the idiot you just left, because in your mind, they really are an idiot who doesn't deserve you.
They took from you, used you, stole from you, and wasted your time. Now, you're free and it all registers in that Sagittarius brain of yours as happiness.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.