The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love, February 12 - 18, 2023
Oh, so lucky!

Your three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love weekly horoscope is here for February 12 - 18, 2023.
Well, let's see, what could possibly be happening this week that could bring about luck in love? Could it be...Valentine's Day? Oh yes it could be.
And while many people have turned on Valentine's Day over the years, believing it to be a forced 'holiday' that's meant to encourage us to spend money and expect gifts, the odd thing is that people still go for it. And why not? Why not have a day that is manufactured simply for the purpose of sharing love and gifts of love?
Outside of the hype of Valentine's Day, we have some other actively engaged 'loving' transits that will be pushing us into the arms of the ones we love. Don't underestimate the power of Moon trine Venus, which starts us up on the right foot, right at the top of the week.
We'll be seeing that Moon enter Sagittarius shortly afterwards, and that will tag on that idea that the love we have is going to last. Later on in the week, we'll be joined by Venus conjunct Neptune, which will take our love lives from 'fun and nice' to 'wild and intimate.'
We will not be let down this week, and while every sign has a chance to experience the love that flows, there will be three zodiac signs that really take this love thing seriously.
We can look forward to letting down our guard with the people we love, so that we can truly come to understand what romance really means. As we end the week with the Sun in Pisces, we can know in our hearts that whatever comes next, it's going to be good and it's going to be filled with love.
The three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love, February 12 - 18, 2023:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Everyday is potentially Valentine's Day for you and your person, but given an excuse to make more of it, you will absolutely go for it, with gusto.
You don't care what everybody thinks about Valentine's Day, as the vibe of this holiday seems to take over the entire week; you don't mind being the cornball who wants to receive flowers, and if you happen to pick up a cheap box of chocolates for your love at Walgreen's, who's to say you're wrong? No one.
The universe is on your side this week, and while there's always lots and lots to do that has nothing to do with love and romance, your main focus will be all about how much time you can spend with the person you love, and how the world around you seems to be slighting themselves by not going overboard.
Cheap chocolates do the trick for you and your sweetie; What's most important is the love itself, and that is here, real and lasting.
2. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
Little did you know that you, Gemini, can have a fantastically loving and most romantic week, starting today, February 12. You don't always think of yourself as 'the lucky one' even though you do have the same fantasies of love as everyone else.
You want the whole nine yards, the love, the family, the travel, the've always wanted that stereotypical love life, and it seems that this week shows you that you are definitely on the right path.
You might start out the week looking for something to go wrong, but it seems that wrongness is not a part of your week. That means you have to step up and act the part of the devoted lover, and in spite of your own hesitancy, you will be quite good at this. You were made for love, Gemini. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Your week is going to show you what you are made of, romantically.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
Everyday gets you one step closer to Pisces season, and as always, you feel it coming your way. There's a certain feeling of security that follows you through the week, and it makes it easier for you to be close to your partner.
You are no longer interested in holding back; you've come to realize that the person you are with is the person you will stay with, and after the surprise you may get on Valentine's Day, no matter how corny it is, you'll be smitten by this person's display of affection.
This is your person, and you are never going to give them up. With your boundaries and borders down, you may experience great vulnerability, but it is in your vulnerability that you get to see how respectful your partner is. They are not about to betray your trust; you can let your hair down and go wild — your partner will take you as you are. Always.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.