The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love They Can't Have During The Moon In Leo, February 4 - 6, 2023

Today lets us see exactly how a transit like the Moon in Leo affects our love lives. This is a strong transit, and it works on our ego; we have these egos for a reason; even though 'ego' comes with such a bad rap, ego exists so we can survive.
The ego is a survival tactic, and today, February 4 - 6, 2023, during the Moon in Leo, we will see how the ego works to help us create what we believe will make us happy.
And because the Moon in Leo is a bit pushy when it comes to love, we will go for the one we want, whether they want us or not. That's ego.
If you are one of the signs particularly affected by the Moon in Leo, then you will more than likely be taking your cues from your ego today, which means that you will 'dream the impossible dream' and go for the person you can't have. You believe in yourself to such a degree that you don't even entertain the concept of rejection.
In fact, how could anyone say no to you? You believe you are bringing it all and that you are irresistible. And, friend, you may be all that AND a bag of chips, but today is not slated for success...unfortunately.
You'll either accept that the one you want doesn't want you, or you'll not take it seriously and continue to pursue them. You believe that if you keep pushing, you'll eventually get what you want. We shall see, dear signs. This is a good day to get it all out of your system, but your better bet is to detach from the results, as they may not be what you have in mind.
The three zodiac signs who want love they can't have during the Moon in Leo, February 4 - 6, 2023:
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
Because you've recently healed yourself from something that took way too much out of you, you now feel ready to rule the world once again. You equate your healing with being strong enough to achieve anything you now want.
You were knocked down by love, and now that it's out of your system, you're ready to call the shots this time. During the Moon in Leo, you'll get it into your mind that you don't deserve another day of loneliness and that from this day forth, you will set your sights on someone and make them into your own.
You are so high on your self-confidence that you cannot reason with the reality in front of you, meaning you have your heart set on making someone into your new romantic part, and they have no idea who you are. Will you push them until they finally acknowledge you?
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
You are smart enough to know that the person you want is in no way available to you, and because of that, you may unconsciously decide to make everyone in your life miserable today. During the Moon in Leo, misery needs company in a big way; you are only too happy to share your frustrations.
You have been rejected, but your ego wants nothing to do with that realization, and so, in turn, you reject everyone around you. You can't possibly look at the idea that you put out your best and, in turn, you got's way too much for your ego to deal with, and yet, that's what the Moon in Leo brings: ego-related romantic sadness.
You are prideful, like a Leo, but you are also picky and critical of just about everything...a very Virgo trait. Understand that today is made worse by your understanding and that you could let this slide.
3. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
You want the love you cannot have, and you want it in the person you DO have...and therein lies the main problem. You have tried so hard to make things right in your relationship.
You know that if only your partner would lighten up a bit, they'd be able to see what's gone on and what's gone on is that you both have let things fall into the abyss; neither of you has shown interest in mending any damage, but you, on the other hand, have decided that you need to give it one last 'college try.'
Your partner has, unfortunately, become so inaccessible that you don't know how much longer you can burn for them, as the Moon in Leo would have you doing. You are on the precipice of major change, and as much as you want it to swing back, your romantic relationship seems more on the cusp of collapse. You tried, Capricorn. It's not a failure; it just 'is what it is.'
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.