Monthly Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs For February 2023
Love is not just a feeling but an action.

The month ahead holds a great deal of Aries's directed, focused energy amid the romantic waters of Pisces.
The month begins under Aquarius Season before the Sun shifts into Pisces.
This brings together the energy of independence and romance, of feeling like you own yourself while becoming part of a couple.
The month begins with the Full Moon in Leo, which first ushers in that dynamic fire energy that precedes the fires of Aries.
Full Moons bring fated events alongside a greater emotional expression which can heat things within your relationships, bringing increased passion and action.
As the month progresses, Mercury in Aquarius will help you look at new ways of communicating and existing within your relationship.
Mercury rules communication, while Aquarius brings a sense of newness and individuality.
There is no sense in loving according to a cookie-cutter mold; this month, you will be inspired to strike out and decide what feels best.
Everything, though, sets the stage for the monumental stellium in Aries, which will peak towards the end of the month.
A stellium means that five or more planets have congregated within one sign; in Aries, that means that there is some dramatic action or movement towards a new beginning that will be taking place.
This changes everything and truly is an example that love is not just a feeling but a definitive action.
Most romantic dates for love in the month of February 2023:
Friday, February 3rd
Asteroid Ceres enters Libra today, allowing you to reconnect with yourself and take pleasure in the beauty of life and love around you.
Ceres is known as the earth's mother; it reflects how you care for yourself, your partner, and your relationship. In Libra, its focus is on balance, peace and making things more beautiful. You will feel more patient and more apt to tend to the fires at home, ensuring that you and your partner will be kept warm and safe.
Sunday, February 5th
Today, love takes center stage as the Full Moon in Leo peaks. This is an excellent time to be bold in the name of love. If you have been holding onto a question or deep feelings, now is the time to share and act upon them.
Leo is a fire sign and one that commands attention. Taking exceptional care of your appearance and planning exciting dates can also incorporate that Leo energy around this time. Above all, Leo follows its heart, which is easier to talk about than do but will be emphasized around this time. Your heart is the truest part of you, and the purpose of life is to embrace it.
Saturday, February 11th
Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Aquarius today, ending a two-month cycle within the logical sign of Capricorn. Mercury determines how you think and even how you communicate within relationships.
As it moves into Aquarius, you will have a chance to be more innovative in how you approach your relationship. Creating ways to spend quality time together, making your busy schedules work or even designing what kind of relationship works for you are all benefits of this transit.
Monday, February 20th
As an exciting week kicks off today, the New Moon in Pisces, along with Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Aries. The Pisces New Moon is an amazing time to take things to the next level within your relationship or to begin putting yourself out there to date again.
Pisces is dreamy, loving, and romantic. You will feel greater optimism and positivity around this time, which will blend well with the focused energy of Venus in Aries. Venus, the planet of love, often does not know how to operate within Aries.
It is brutally honest, directed and will pursue what it wants without regrets. This allows you to pursue those relationships and dreams with your partner that you have had in your heart. It is a powerful time for truly creating whatever it is you desire.
Wednesday, February 22nd
Today, the stellium in Aries peaks with Jupiter, Juno, Vesta, Venus, and the Moon all in Aries. This brings a powerful energy sweep just days after the Pisces New Moon. Aries is a fire sign that is motivated, determined, and knows exactly what it wants.
Jupiter rules expansion and abundance, while Juno governs marriages and commitments. In combination with the love energy of Venus, and the internal passionate fire of Vesta, it is a powerful time for tuning into your emotions and letting yourself truly act on what and to whom you are drawn.
While this stellium peaks today, Jupiter will be in Aries until May. Hence, it is a powerful time to refocus your energy and not let anything hold you back from making the romantic moves or decisions that you feel called to.
Monthly love horoscope for all zodiac signs for February 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Most romantic day for you: Sunday, February 5th
This month, the Full Moon in Leo will shine brightly within your marriage and children sector. If things have been challenging or disconnected, this may be a time when you can focus more on how much things have improved. A Full Moon makes everything more apparent, and in this part of your life that rules joy, it is about stepping more fully into yours.
(April 20 - May 20)
Most romantic day for you: Sunday, February 5th
Leo rules your home and commits to a relationship. As the Full Moon in Leo occurs here, this month is a fantastic opportunity to focus more on this part of your life. You might decide to redecorate with your partner or even move in together. If dating, it is a wonderful time to think more about someone you want to have a long-term relationship with because often domestic intimacy is the sweetest kind of love.
(May 21 - June 20)
Most romantic day for you: Friday, February 3rd
Asteroid Ceres is known as the earth's mother. As it begins retrograde in the Cardinal air sign of Libra, you will be more drawn to focus on your home and the children in your life. You will become more nurturing, kindhearted, and sensitive, not self-sacrificing, but by finding joy in caring for those you love. Embrace this time and that inner earth mother as you realize the simple things matter most.
(June 21 - July 22)
Most romantic day for you: Saturday, February 11th
Mercury is the planet that rules communication and thoughts. As it moves into Aquarius lighting up your intimacy sector, it is time to have some important conversations about your relationship. You desire an all-encompassing connection, but you often need to learn to ask for what you truly need. This month, you get to see just how much of a different communication makes you feel connected.
(July 23 - August 22)
Most romantic day for you: Saturday, February 11th
Aquarius energy rules the relationship sector of your life. As Mercury shifts into this innovative air sign, you will see the focus shift to communication being essential within your relationship. Use this to discuss what kind of relationship container you truly desire, and be flexible about how you both create it together. Anything is possible if you are willing to try.
(August 23 - September 22)
Most romantic day for you: Monday, February 20th
The New Moon in Pisces brings a beautiful beginning to your romantic life. Pisces rules all matters related to love and relationships. As the New Moon occurs, you will have the chance to start fresh. You and your partner may take your relationship to the next level, or you spontaneously meet someone new. Use this energy to believe that the love you’ve always desired is possible; you must take a chance to achieve it.
(September 23 - October 22)
Most romantic day for you: Monday, February 20th
Aries energy rules your romantic relationship sector, and while it is not often considered very romantic, it is passionate. As Venus crosses the flames into Aries this month, you will see more attention and focus on where you are being guided to start something new in your love life. A few days after this, there is a stellium in Aries where five planets will all be in this fire sign; expect fireworks to fly.
(October 23 - November 21)
Most romantic day for you: Saturday, February 11th
Aquarius energy governs your home and committed relationship sector. This part of your life has been getting quite the work out since Saturn first entered here in 2020, and while it is about over, it does not mean all the change is finished. This month Mercury joins Saturn here because it is time to put it all together and have the important conversations that will change the rest of your life.
(November 22 - December 21)
Most romantic day for you: Monday, February 20th
Aries energy governs the part of your life which rules marriage, children, joy, and self-expression. This month Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Aries, igniting a firestorm of passion within your life.
Whatever you have been dodging or procrastinating on in these areas is about to reach a point of no return. Just a few days later, the stellium within the Aries brings major changes and developments in this area of your life; remember, you deserve all that is on its way.
(December 22 - January 19)
Most romantic day for you: Monday, February 20th
The Pisces New Moon activates themes around communication for you within your romantic relationship. Use this to start a new chapter in expressing yourself to your partner or prospective partner. Communication, especially about your emotions, is not always easy for you, but it is necessary to start building that relationship you truly desire.
(January 20 - February 18)
Most romantic day for you: Sunday, February 5th
The Full Moon in Leo activates your romantic relationship at the beginning of the month. Full tends to bring about fate events and can make you feel more connected to your emotions. Whatever occurs now will echo back to the New Moon in Leo, which occurred in August 2022. Now it is coming full circle, and it is time to fully embrace all the growth in this part of your life. All your goodness is related to your work, so claim every bit of it.
(February 19 - March 20)
Most romantic day for you: Monday, February 20th
The New Moon in Pisces activates themes related to your sense of self, your needs and even your beliefs about love. This is your new Moon Pisces, so you will want to use it to your advantage. It is the perfect time for expressing yourself and honoring your authenticity within your relationship. Beautiful new beginnings do not just happen but are created through work and dedication; this new Moon allows you and your partner to do both.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.