The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Forgive Their Enemies During Moon Sextile Saturn On December 30, 2022
Forgiveness sets everyone free.

Because today's Aries Moon sextile Saturn, a very special astrological transit, we know that on December 30, 2022, problems will be dealt with and resolved.
Around this time of the year, the very tail end of December, many of us go through an ordeal of introspection; for some zodiac signs, the answers will be revealed.
For other zodiac signs, a course of action will become obvious, and it will be during this time that we come to realize exactly what we need to do if we are to take hold of 2023 and make it a good year.
Forgiveness is the key to living a free life for several zodiac signs. That means if we are hanging on for dear life to the anger and resentment that we have towards a person or persons, then the only person who is losing here is us. To hold on to grudges is like schlepping around a ton of negative energy; who needs it, and why do we think WE are the ones who do?
There comes a moment today when we may have to ask ourselves if we wish to drag this burden into the next year with us. What has our lack of forgiveness brought to us other than a fixed stance and an unmoving position? We are not here to pretend that the pain of the past didn't exist or that whoever caused this pain wasn't at fault.
Hell yeah, they were at fault, but it's done. It's over. To hold a torch for the person who tried to destroy us is ridiculous, and that's exactly what it is.
So, let go, forgive and move forward. Life is for living, and we must be as unencumbered as possible to get through it. Drop the grudge and forgive to live.
The three zodiac signs who forgive their enemies during the Moon sextile Saturn on December 30, 2022:
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
The last thing you want at this point is to walk into 2023 burdened with memories you haven't been able to rid yourself of. While these memories represent a part of your life, and all parts are important, you have started to notice that you feel these memories are holding you back somehow.
Upon investigation, you notice that each time you take a step forward, something aggravates you about the new situation, or you end up finding ways to feel sorry for yourself as if you can't escape this nasty past and, therefore, must repeat the mistakes you've made again and again.
During the Moon sextile Saturn, this is common and usually ends with some deep inner work. You will discover during this time that it is entirely up to you whether 2023 will be a good year, but one thing is for sure: You need to forgive your enemies because, Taurus, they are in the way of your success. Scoot!
2. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
Why does this one person's memory keep on coming back to you? Haven't you finished your karma with them, so why is your mind playing tricks on you? Still, that's what happens around this time of the year, especially when you have a pure transit such as Moon sextile Saturn to help you figure things out.
What's meant by 'pure' here is the idea that you are cluttered right now; you have too many thoughts in your head, and not only are they all about the same person, but these thoughts fill you with resentment and anger. But truly, Cancer, how long will you keep this going?
That person has moved on and started an entire life without you, making you look obsessive and overly lonely. If you want to 'show them,' then forgive them. Nothing says, "I have no room for you in my life," like a little ol' forgiveness.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
So, you go an entire year without thinking of that one person and all they did to you, and now that it's the end of the year, you decide to open up that can of worms one more time for what? Nostalgia? Do you miss this person's pain and selfishness, or are you bored and have nothing else to occupy your mind with?
Wake up, Sagittarius; your person has moved on, and so should you.
Take the lessons and run. Forgive them by setting them free from your psyche. You know that this person means less than nothing to you, so it makes sense of it, Sag: if they are nothing to you, then there's no need to make them into the celeb they've become inside your head.
You are free, don't look back. It's time to forgive them for good, and you know it. So get it on!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.