Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Month For January 2023
Change and action will always lead to luck.

In the first month of a brand-new year, you are reminded that luck is as much something you enjoy as it is something you create.
For many, the end of the year was challenging as it felt like the lucky break or moment was just out of their reach.
You had dreams and desires and were starting to make plans, yet no matter what you did, it felt like it never got any closer.
As the new year begins, the month ahead has Mercury, Mars, and Uranus turning direct.
This represents an intensely lucky time for all zodiac signs as it begins until April 21, 2023, when all planets will be direct.
When all planets are directed, you are encouraged to take action and create change within your life, which is exactly what allows you to choose and create lucky outcomes.
Having all planets direct for about four months is an extended period, which means that as Uranus turns direct on the 22nd, the last planet to do so, you are being freed from the limitations that have set you back.
It is truly an amazingly lucky time to trust the universe and know in your heart that it is time to act.
Here is each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the month for January 2023:
(March 21 - April 19)
Luckiest day for Aries: 18
Luckiest days for love: 6
Mercury is the planet that rules communication and thoughts; turning directly within Capricorn activates improvements within your professional life. During this time, you will likely experience greater recognition or the ability to negotiate more effectively. It ultimately will lead to greater success and financial abundance.
(April 20 - May 20)
Luckiest day for Taurus: 21
Luckiest days for love: Thursday, January 12th
The New Moon in Aquarius activating your career zone represents a new chapter that is starting. Aquarius is a very innovative sign that believes strongly in humanitarian projects. If you feel this has been lacking in your professional life, it is a wonderful time to ensure that your work feels part of a greater purpose.
(May 21 - June 20)
Luckiest day for Gemini: 21
Luckiest days for love: Wednesday, January 18th
Aquarius energy rules all aspects of luck within your life. Luck is not just something that happens to you but something that is created and chosen. As the New Moon in Aquarius occurs, it is time for you to focus your energy on your unique ideas. Instead of thinking it is impossible, look at it as a challenge to which you are meant to rise.
(June 21 - July 22)
Luckiest day for Cancer: 26
Luckiest days for love: Wednesday, January 18th
Venus is most known for governing themes of love, but it also rules aspects of finances and real estate. As it enters Pisces, the zodiac sign represents lucky opportunities within your life. It is time to reflect on what you want to grow during this new year and honestly believe it is possible. Whatever your passion is during this time will ultimately lead to the greatest success.
(July 23 - August 22)
Luckiest day for Leo: 18
Luckiest days for love: 2
Juno is the goddess most known for marriages; however, it also rules over all legal contracts. As it moves into the fire sign of Aries mid-month, it will activate the luckiest part of your life. Whatever legal matter or contract is part of your life will be blessed by the universe. A new home, a rental contract, employment or even a new car is favored around this time.
(August 23 - September 22)
Luckiest day for Virgo: 22
Luckiest days for love: 26
Uranus is known as the great awakener because its changes ripple through your life in the most unexpected ways. In Taurus, it is activating your luck sector; however, since it has been retrograded since August, cultivating success or abundance may have felt challenging. Now, as it turns direct, you will once again feel like you are in the flow of divine energies, allowing you to create your lucky opportunities.
(September 23 - October 22)
Luckiest day for Libra: 12
Luckiest days for love: 18
Mars is the planet of action, but since the end of October, when it turned retrograde, that has been hard to come by. Because Gemini, where Mars has been since August, rules all aspects of luck within your life, you may have felt that life has been more challenging than normal. All of that will change as Mars turns direct within Gemini mid-month, giving you the green light to start taking action to create the life of your dreams.
(October 23 - November 21)
Luckiest day for Scorpio: 6
Luckiest days for love: 22
The Full Moon in Cancer echoes back to the New Moon within Cancer at the end of June 2022. Cancer rules lucky opportunities within your life, which means that something is about to come to fruition for you alongside this lunation. Cancer energy rules travel, new adventures, learning and even perspectives of the higher self. Look for spaces where these themes may arise, and then allow yourself to start writing your own story instead of thinking you are destined to live that of others.
(November 22 - December 21)
Luckiest day for Sagittarius: 18
Luckiest days for love: 12
Capricorn energy is always important as it rules what and who you value. This is not just about luck but also love. Capricorn energy helps you fundamentally clarify your motivating factor for making decisions so that you can create a life based on your truth. Mercury has been retrograde within this sign since the end of the year; now, as it sets to turn direct, it is time to take what you have learned and start putting it into action.
(December 22 - January 19)
Luckiest day for Capricorn: 21
Luckiest day for love: 6
The New Moon in Aquarius rules over all that you value within your life. New Moons signify new beginnings in your life, which means it is time to shift your priorities a bit, Capricorn so that you put the most energy into what matters most to you. You often need to return to this area, but something different about this New Moon could set you up on a brand-new path altogether.
(January 20 - February 18)
Luckiest day for Aquarius: 21
Luckiest day for love: 22
The annual New Moon in Aquarius falls within your sign and represents one of the luckiest days of the year for you. You love new beginnings more than most other zodiac signs. You prefer to find new and exciting solutions and always seem to walk a unique path. At the time of this New Moon, you can rewrite your story to live the most authentic and lucky life possible.
(February 19 - March 20)
Luckiest day for Pisces: 13
Luckiest day for love: 12
Mid-month, Juno, Goddess of marriage and contracts, enters Aries activating themes of value within your life. This could indicate that marriage is on the table and, if so, represents a greatly beneficial and lucky union. If that is not the path the stars guide you in now, then this is a wonderful time to sign any legal contract, whether for professional or personal matters. Do not be afraid to commit, especially when it is meant for you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.