The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, November 10, 2022

Change and stability can coexist.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, November 10, 2022 X.Style via Canva Pro/Pro-Stock Studio from Getty Images via Canva Pro

As the Moon settles into animated and thought-provoking Gemini, your thoughts turn to deeper matters that have been at play in recent events.

While yesterday saw a host of positive interactions between planets creating the space for you to feel motivated and excited to take authority over your own life, today you are being guided to reflect on things more deeply.

Early in the day, the Sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius making you understand that it is not necessarily just your job or relationship that needs a change but a belief or behavior that is the focal point in the foundation of your life.




Saturn reminds you that until you deal with what the real issue is, you will only ever end up back in the same place.

Not only does this involve learning valuable lessons along the way but it also means being able to deal with yourself and what has actually been governing the choices that you have been making.


Saturn turned direct just a few weeks ago after being retrograde since June which means you are still likely getting your bearings back so that you can understand what the purpose has been of this time.

While Saturn’s lessons are always ongoing, with it wrapping up its time in Aquarius soon, you should be able to focus more confidently on what you authentically want rather than what the status quo has been pushing you to create.

Today gives you an opportunity to take action to change your foundational beliefs which will allow you to see the results that you are hoping for in every other area of your life.

By no means is this a small undertaking and will play off themes in your life that have been ongoing since the end of 2020.


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The recent eclipse gave you an opportunity to focus more on your own feelings that may have been working against what it is that you have wanted to create.

This is what goes into your foundational belief that Saturn is bringing focus to today because if you are not aware or embracing all that you feel, then it will always feel like you are working against yourself.

While there are plenty of moments for deeper reflection today, Venus in Scorpio also makes a love-infused connection with Neptune in Pisces creating some opportunity for quality romantic time later in the day.


This is a reminder and opportunity from the universe to not get so focused on where you want to be next that you miss what is available to you at this moment.

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You are still processing recent events but that does not mean that you cannot also balance it with some time with a romantic partner or even a fun date.

There is a reason that the week after the eclipse the astrology is relatively quiet until the 16th when the planets begin their yearly migration into Sagittarius.

It is because you need time to settle into the new reality that has revealed itself which is all about finding the balance of both change and stability so that you can embrace the positive moments even within moments of big transformation.


The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Thursday, November 10, 2022:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

The Moon has now settled into your sign after going through its recent eclipse in Taurus. It is a chance for you to have reflected on all the things, likely emotional feelings, that you often do not make space for. The theme right now in your life is to slow down, honor your emotional self, and let go of having to logically explain or think through everything.

The best things in life often will not be able to be explained rationally, but it does not mean that they cannot offer you the stability that you seek. As an air sign, feeling grounded is necessary, but you also have to learn it does not mean sacrificing the best parts of yourself or your life.

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2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Neptune is in your sign as it unites with Venus in Scorpio turning up romance and love. With Pisces ruling over your sense of self and personal beliefs and Scorpio bringing in new opportunities and luck, it is time to embrace the great big world that is in front of you. It can be hard to step into the unknown, even as a water sign because it is your emotional security that feels like it is at risk.

But right now, you are being shown that the more you can find stability within yourself, the more you can actually create the life that you desire. The greatest dreams are those that require the biggest risks. By being hesitant to do so, you are not keeping yourself safe but only delaying everything coming true.


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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

Today offers you a chance to make some major progress on an issue close to home, quite literally. Neptune in Pisces is asking you to consider and think about what you really dream of for your home and committed relationship. Whether this is in terms of where you live or with whom, you are forgetting that the basis of being happy is making sure that you are honoring your own desires.

With the Moon in Gemini today, your focus will also be romantically focused which will help you find the underlying cause of some deeply embedded confusion that has been ruling your life. The more you do what you want, the more directed you will be.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
