The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes For October 10 - 16, 2022
Wonderful news!

With a Full Moon in Aries to jump-start our week, Mercury in Libra to help us balance it out, and the Moon square Jupiter to give us hope, we should all be having quite a full week. There's a richness to the week ahead, and we may find that our interests are 'extra' interesting, and that our creative efforts are 'extra' enjoyable. We will be pouring ourselves into our work this week, and if success is the goal, many of us will be seeing much of that.
What's going to affect our week the most is how we start it out, and that means how the Full Moon is going to affect us.
This Full Moon in Aries is just before the eclipse so it will bring out a lot of positivity, although we may take this kind of strength out of hand, meaning, we might get ahead of ourselves and end up suffering the consequences of making rash moves.
We start this week out with such high energy, that we may be plummeting by day two. Pacing ourselves this week is what will lend itself to our success. With Mercury in Libra, some of us will be able to pace ourselves so that all we do ends in success.
It's a great week for those of us who have been wanting to express ourselves creatively and literally; communications are open this week and we should definitely take advantage of the times.
This is a great week to share something meaningful with a friend or romantic partner; it's also a great time to hunker down and start making plans for the Winter months.
What we will excel at this week is expressing ourselves, letting others know what we need, feeling good about our involvement in some social gatherings, and inspiring thoughts for the future.
Three zodiac signs with great weekly horoscopes on October 10 - 16, 2022 are:
1. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
Whatever held you back over the last few weeks seems to finally be out of your system. Thanks to the Full Moon in Aries, you'll approach this brand-new week with enthusiasm and a positive outlook.
You've come to realize that you are so much a part of what makes your life good or bad and that the days of blaming others for your own mistakes are long gone.
The blame game was always such a futile move on your part, and now that you've come to realize it, you're ready to take responsibility for your life and your actions.
During this week, you'll be particularly moved into action by Mercury in Libra, which will have you and a friend going over old times, which will inspire you to get into more and more friend-related things, like having dinners with buddies, or going to the movies together.
You've missed those things and this week is going to bring back that good ol' feeling, once again, Leo.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Your week is going to be great because you've made an executive decision to change your life and your attitude. works. Effort goes a long way with you, Virgo, and effort is the keyword for your week.
You may have walked into the week feeling strong and positive, thanks to the Full Moon in Aries, but it's going to be Mercury in Libra that has you acting on all of that good feeling.
You want to move this week, you like the idea of momentum, and sitting still just isn't in your cards. This is a fantastic week for you to start something new, and if you are a creative person, then the stars have it in for you in terms of creating art or writing.
Don't worry about deadlines or pressure right now, Virgo; take advantage of this new inspiration and do something about it. Don't waste this wonderful energy!
3. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
It's Libra season, and Mercury is in Libra...what could be better? This week has it all for you, Libra. You get to feel comfortable expressing yourself to people who seem to actually be listening — what a novel experience. Because you are able to communicate very well this week, you'll find that you're also able to get things done.
Nobody is standing in your way and nobody wants to, which is different for you, as you feel you are constantly being bombarded by people whose only wish is to get in your way.
It's a very Libra-oriented week and that's going to work for you, as you are not someone who enjoys surprises or super-of-the-moment activity. Everything is neatly planned and orderly during the week of October 10 - 16, 2022, and you will get to call it a great week, even if you doubt it at first.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.