The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On September 28, 2022

All the feels.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On September 28, 2022 Grandriver via Getty Images Signature

We've got two mega-powerful transits working for us today, yet only one of them will get us to the place where we want to be, in terms of love and romance.

We're looking at Mars trine Saturn, which will do anything BUT make our loved lives feel lucky, and we have Mars in Gemini, and that transit, folks, is what's going to put us over the edge in a positive and loving way. Mars is in Gemini for the win today.


Mars trine Saturn waits your turn, we don't need your lessons right now!

During Mars in Gemini, we fight hard for what we want, and we are very clear and focused on what it is that we want.

In love, this refers to open communication and the resolving of relationship issues that have existed for way too long and finally need some kind of closure.



There are no break-ups today, in fact, the energy that flows today flows for the purpose of union. Mars in Gemini will help us get out partnerships back online again, so to speak. This is the day when we come to realize that we're doing a lot better than we thought we were.


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Mars in Gemini helps us with speech, but it also keeps us strong; we don't back down in arguments with Mars in Gemini on our side. But don't think there is anything hostile in this endeavor, signs, oh no.

We may have mighty Mars doing the heavy lifting but it's all for the purpose of keeping love alive and afloat for many years to come.

We are in luck with this transit today, and a few zodiac signs here will definitely have something to report after this day is finished.


The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on September 28, 2022:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

This transit, Mars in Gemini, is something you've unconsciously been waiting for, for what feels like months. You're always strong-willed and capable, but that doesn't mean you've always said what's on your mind when it comes to the person you love.

You've held back because you know that if you don't phrase your words the right way, you might end up hurting their feelings, and that's something you aren't willing to risk.

That's why on September 28, you'll feel a sigh of relief as the right words just seem to come to you at the right time, and it also seems as though your partner is all about being open to you, today.


With Mars in Gemini, you are able to communicate your thoughts freely and with grace to the person you love, which makes the entire day feel lucky and sweet.

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2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

You are quite aware of the effect you have on the person you're with, and you also know that that effect isn't always the best. You've wanted to work on that, as your approach to love has taken a turn and you tend to be a little impatient and rude with the one you're supposed to be delicate and easy-going with.

Today helps you reconcile exactly what you need to do, and because Mars in Gemini is totally on your side, you'll find the right way to bring your person back into your heart.


You never wanted them to feel bad, and the last thing you ever wanted was for them to fear you; you may have thought that was a cool thing at one point, but reality has hit you. 

It's now making you realize that you need to channel your amazing strength into gentleness and a calmer but more directed approach. Be kind to the person you love and experience the luck that comes with this kind of behavior.

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3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

It's been a while since you took everything your partner said seriously, and most of the time you just let them speak without truly listening to what they have to say.


Being that you are happy with this person, you figure that you'll be happy no matter what they say or do. 

In feeling this way, you've come to take advantage of their presence; they're just 'there' for you, but not really a thing to take all that seriously.

Today, you'll get a cosmic wake-up call presented to you on the wings of Mars in Gemini, which will alert you to one true fact: You need to 'see' the person you're with.


Do not just assume they are always there for you, mindlessly awaiting your next whim. This is a person with feelings; pay heed to them.

Let the power of Mars in Gemini wake you up so that you notice the one who truly loves you, as they are right in front of your eyes.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
