The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Get What They Want In Love During Sun Conjunct Mercury On September 23, 2022

Luck comes their way.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Get What They Want In Love During The Sun Conjunct Mercury On September 23, 2022 onsuda via Getty Images/SimplyCreativePhotography via Getty Images Signature/nataliaaggiato via pixabay

Three zodiac signs get what they want in love on September 23, 2022! The Universe is on our side, but there are a few relationship rules we need to consider if romance is to become the real deal.

Number one: communication and honesty are the most valuable commodities we have.

Why will three zodiac signs get what they want in love this Friday?

Today brings us the glorious Sun conjunct Mercury, and that means we are going to be getting down to business with the person we love.


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Sun conjunct Mercury is good for lovers because it takes us to the next level of our relationship.



This means that if we are thinking about things like marriage, or the purchasing of real estate, we're on the right track.


Couples who are interested in spending money on their lives together will feel like they are headed in the right direction.

It is also a beneficial transit in terms of bringing couples closer together through trustworthy conversations and easy-going, heart-to-heart communications. And who doesn't want that in their love lives?

The Sun conjunct Mercury transit gives us the power to see our lives clearly. The truth is that during Mercury retrograde, we've worked on our wants.

Call it luck or call it the results of positive efforts made, today allows us the knowledge that what we're doing is working. We have taken ourselves from hopeful 'wannabe' to successful partners.


We feel good about being in love, and we want it to last. With the Sun conjunct to Mercury, we can plan creatively and achieve all that we wish, because we know for sure that we are solid in our romance. With love as our foundation, we cannot go wrong.

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The three zodiac signs who get what they want in love during the Sun conjunct Mercury on September 23, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

It's going to feel like great luck has been bestowed upon you, but you know better: it's the fact that you've stuck it out and you're only experiencing what you knew would eventually happen, and that is a successful and happy love life, right now, on this day.


You feel like the two of you have gone through hell and high water together, and honestly, you're both pretty tired of the hassles.

You know each other as worthy of the effort, but you've also experienced so many issues with this person over the years that the conversation often took on a dark tone.

During Sun conjunct Mercury, you'll toss all negativity aside and shoot for the positive. Whatever happened, happened and you can't be bothered anymore.

You are ready, willing and able to talk it out with your partner, and you are more than happy to give in if need be. You want this. You feel the love and you know it's going to work out well.

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2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

This transit, Sun conjunct Mercury, was just what you needed to make the final move, and that move is, of course, whether to tie the knot with your partner, or not.

It's become apparent that the two of you are more than into each other; things have started to blossom in uncanny ways and this blissful feeling is almost all-encompassing for you.

You want more. You are addicted to the love that you get from your partner and you want them all to yourself and the feeling is mutual.

The only logical 'next step' is to get married or legally partnered. You want this and even though it scares the pants off of you, you are now willing to take that risk. It all feels good during Sun conjunct Mercury, and if you remain honest and open with each other, then you'll end up writing a storybook romance together.


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3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

All you've ever wanted in love is for someone to love and accept you as you are, and to pay for that, you are more than willing to do the same for them.


This is how it's been in your relationship so far, and even though you've both shied away from taking it 'too' far, you are now wondering what 'too far' actually is.

Today, during Sun conjunct Mercury, it will occur to you both that you have nothing to fear any longer. Neither of you plans on straying outside the partnership and you certainly would both rather die than hurt the other one, so then what are you waiting for?

Talking about taking the relationship to the next level will happen today and it will definitely be nerve-wracking but fun. Suddenly, there's even MORE to look forward to. You lucked out today with the Sun conjunct Mercury. Make it work for you, Capricorn.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.