The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love The Week Of September 19 - 25, 2022

Hello, love.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love The Week of September 19 - 25, 2022 StockSnap via Pixabay

Luck in love comes to us the week of September 19 - 25, 2022 in the form of good communication skills mixed with a heartfelt desire to step out of our personal limitations so that we can please another human being.

We will see the opportunity arise this week where we will be put to the test: will we be able to set aside our cemented thinking so that we can 'hear' what other requests of us, or will we shut down and pretend as though everything is OK without us doing much about it?


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What brings about the luck hinges on that decision.



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This week will show us that if we intend for the best, we will receive the best but here's the tricky part: the intention requires action. Will we act..or will we remain in the comfort zone where nothing ever changes?

We are required to step up and be present for our romantic partners this week. We are surrounded by the profound wisdom that is available to us, thanks to cosmic transits such as Libra Season, the Moon square Jupiter, the Sun trine Pluto, Moon sextile Venus, Moon trine Neptune and Jupiter in Aries.

These are the transits that can literally change a person's life.

If we want our loved lives to go well, then we have to allow that change within us to occur. We are not just pawns in some large love game; we are participants and we have brains.


It is up to us to work with our limitations, but to also know that sometimes we have to break down the barricade if we're to really BE THERE for our loved ones.

Keep in mind, that relationships are made of two people, not just us and the things we think about. Two people. That's the tango, right there. This week lets us know we're in this together.

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The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love the week of September 19 - 25, 2022

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

When you get into the idea of renewal, you go all the way. You've come to realize that there are certain changes that need to take place in your love life if it's going to work out. Being that you definitely want it to work out, you psych yourself up for the changes that are coming, and you are also aware that most of those changes are up to you, personally.


Whether it means that you need to change something about yourself, or that you have to suggest a change to your loved one, you are capable of handling whatever there is to do. This week has you feeling particularly brave and you know that your intentions are purely for the good.

There is no selfish 'backing out' nor is there any inability in you to face the truth. After all, your acknowledgment of the truth is what's put you back on the right track, and your relationship is going to benefit from this for years to come.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

You are largely going to be reacting to the initial transit at the beginning of the week, and that is the Moon square Jupiter. Right at the start of the week, you'll feel the need to cut to the chase when it comes to you and your romantic partner hashing things out.


You are close enough with this person that you don't have to fake it; if there's something on your mind, it's best to confront it and get it down with.

The great part is that your partner is going to appreciate your candor all the more because they too are tired of beating around the bush when it comes to the two of you talking out the points of your relationship.

This is what you have in common: the ability to get to the point, easily and compassionately. While you are known to blurt rudely, you will keep that side of you under wraps during this time, thankfully. What you have going for you is fantastic communication. This week brings you and your partner tremendous love and cuddles.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

You have a slightly different week coming to you, in so much as 'luck in love' means being able to get away from the person you're in a relationship with.

You just need some time alone, and while you're not fond of broaching the subject of taking this time away, with your partner, you will get up your nerve and you will present them with this idea. Fortunately, the transits are on your side, and your partner will not take it personally, nor will they have a problem with it.


You aren't looking to break up, you simply need your own space, and what brings the two of you together is the fact that your partner finally trusts you enough to grant you your own space free from their judgment, free from any neurotic suspicion.

They love you, and now you really know it. Just the idea that your person trusts you enough to let you go off by yourself for however long you need is enough to make you run back into their arms, smiling.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
