Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Card Reading For August 29 - September 4, 2022

We are reading for change to happen once again.

Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Card Reading For August 29 - September 4, 2022

Welcome to the weekly tarot card reading for each zodiac sign starting August 29 - September 4, 2022.

We are about to exit August and enter September, and this could mean a change of heart for many. There is always something interesting that goes on when we finally enter September; it symbolizes the beginning of the end for us and that doesn't imply nihilism; just the waning of the year, and the end of the summer.


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Being that we associate summer with fun, freedom, and frolic, the idea of September tends to imply the restart of things like work, school, study, and career.

This week's card display speaks of taking things seriously as well as honoring one's own self for the purpose of living a good life.

There will be tests and trials ahead, but the main feeling towards all that is coming our way is gratitude. When we feel gratitude, we are one with everything.


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What's nice about this week is that there's no real cause for alarm coming from the cards. It's business as usual, and while that doesn't mean we can slack off, it also implies that we're doing the right thing.

Our pace for the week seems to be clear-headed and quick-witted. We are on our game and we know it. There is no false bravado, however. We really are 'that good.'

Some of us may need a break or some time off, and if this is the case, then we need to listen to our bodies and do what they tell us to do.


Each zodiac sign's weekly tarot card reading for August 29 - September 4, 2022.


(March 21 - April 19)

Tarot card: Knight of Pentacles

You're here for a purpose; this week is all about serving that purpose and getting it done, which you will do successfully. You are strong and focused this week and you will be delivering an important message to the people in your life that need to hear what's up. You may act in a strict way, but you are kind at heart. All works in your favor, as long as you stick to the plan and stay adamant in your approach.

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(April 20 - May 20)

Tarot card: Judgement


Apparently, you have a major decision to make, and you will do so only upon weighing both options. People are waiting on your decision, but you take your time. Still, you act when it's necessary and whatever it is that you're about to decide on, it will alter the rest of your life. It may be down to something like deciding to quit your job, or it could be as broad as figuring out a new location to move to. The choice is yours and you will do what's necessary.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Tarot card: Page of Pentacles, reversed

You may run into a little 'game of chance' during this week as this card implies that you may be gambling away some hard-earned money. While you do enjoy buying yourself fancy objects and glittery nothings, you may end up spending a little too much for something that clearly isn't worth it. Then again, you don't see things as 'worth it' or not. You see them as things you want, that you'll spend whatever they cost, just to have them. Materialism leads the way.


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(June 21 - July 22)

Tarot card: The World

You're in a good place this week, as it seems you are able to create just about any kind of condition that you'd like to see. So, if you feel adventurous, you'll be creating adventures to go on. And if you feel like running for president, then you'll start your campaign this week. Everything seems possible to you, and this gives you great incentive to get involved and participate in the things that you find important to your life.

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(July 23 - August 22)

Tarot card: The Empress, reversed


You may end up being the source by which friends and family go for knowledge or a handout, this week. Generally, giving money to loved ones is no big deal to you, but you'll notice a theme going on this week, and it looks like, "Leo has the money. Let's hit them up!" You get to play the part of the wise and wealthy 'elder' and while it's 'kind of' fun, it's a bit draining on the pocket.


(August 23 - September 22)

Tarot card: The Hermit

While it's known far and wide that you are not the kind of person who likes to be alone, this week will have you demanding a major 'time out' as you crave the silence of your own thoughts and you really can't be bothered with the drama of the world. You don't feel social this week and you aren't up for small talk. If everyone would just take a step back, you'd be as happy as a clam for the downtime you very much require. Spend time alone, Virgo — honestly, it's not that scary.


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(September 23 - October 22)

Tarot card: The High Priestess

You'll be slipping into 'intuitive mode' all week long as you really don't trust things at face value. You feel as though everything you are experiencing this week needs to be evaluated; you want to know the worth of things and if you deem them worthless, then you move on.

You are perfectly content to do it all on your own, and you trust in yourself to accomplish your acts, your way. You follow your gut feelings this week, and they lead you to the success you have in your mind.

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(October 23 - November 21)

Tarot card: Two of Wands

Well, you've taken care of business and now it's time to watch the fruits of your labor blossom. You are patient and sober; you do not expect miracles, but you are curious as to what will become of all your efforts. You don't lose yourself in thought, but you are focused on 'what's to come.' The week is positive and promising, even though no actual 'action' is taking place. This week is for waiting, experimenting, and believing in yourself.

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(November 22 - December 21)

Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles

You are the great advisor this week, to the people in your life who need you most. This may be your entire family, or merely one special child. You are generous with both your money and your love; you want to be of help and you are. This week is for the benefit of others; you think not of yourself, though you do feel the extreme love that comes from those who appreciate you. Your gratitude floats you like sparkling light on ocean waves.


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(December 22 - January 19)

Tarot card: Six of Pentacles


This week will bring out the entrepreneur in you, as you can't help but feel driven by success and renewal. You are just dying to get your hands on something new, as you feel you need a challenge, financially. You want to use your brain and you want to see how far you can take yourself. You are also very willing to share ideas with others who believe in the new project. This could be a very productive and social week for you, Capricorn.

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(January 20 - February 18)

Tarot card: Ace of Swords

You will be offered either an opportunity or a situation this week that you will automatically approve of. It's huge, too. This is no small potatoes decision-making; this is life-changing and important, and you are about to give the biggest thumbs up of your life to this project or experience. It's all positive, but it is just as thrilling and challenging. Whatever it is that you've just signed on for...it's going to have lasting repercussions. (The good kind!)


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(February 19 - March 20)

Tarot card: Temperance, reversed

This week has you just about ready to give the middle finger to your job as you cannot take the attitudes of fellow co-workers. The toxicity of their behavior astounds you, and you may start to wonder why on earth you even bother to put up with it. You know that it doesn't have to be this way, and yet, the mighty paycheck pulls you back in, which you resent the idea of. You have no patience and less tolerance this week for those whom you have come to know as troublemakers and drama queens.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.