The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Clarity provides direction.

As the waves of the Cancer New Moon energies begin to subside, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces, giving you the ability to clearly see what has previously been hidden.
Neptune is the planet that rules unconditional love, dreams, spirituality, fantasy, and illusion.
It is at home in the watery realm of Pisces, where it flourishes with eternal optimism and hope.
You need a little Neptunian energy in your life. Still, too much can cloud your vision, making it impossible to discern what is real and what is only an illusion.
When Neptune is in regular motion, it can make you see things better than they really are.
It is the planet that loves to help you wear those rose-colored glasses so that you can enjoy the illusion that things are how you wish them to be.
However, once in retrograde motion, those glasses are removed, and you can finally see the truth.
This brings a great amount of clarity involving any area of your life that you have been thinking or trying to think is going well.
Although Neptune rules unconditional love, it is not solely connected to romantic relationships, which means that clarity involving career, friendships, or even your own self may arise during this time.
What is important to remember is that only in truth can you make the decisions and choices that will help you achieve your dream.
A false sense of reality wears off and reveals how wrong you were.
Using this Neptunian energy can help you see things clearly as they are, which is exactly what you need to make the decisions and choices you need.
With the New Moon just having occurred, this will likely bring in a dose of reality to your home and family life, especially as it is occurring during Cancer Season.
This will be the truth of what your life is like now as well as the truth of what you wish it to be.
Only when you can acknowledge this will you be in the place to know which direction you are meant to move in.
The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, June 29, 2022:
1. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
Neptune has been moving through the depths of Pisces since 2012 and will continue to make its way through until 2025. This puts you in touch with your deepest dreams and desires in all areas of your life. Being a Pisces means you are more connected to your emotions than other signs.
Whatever you do or feel, you put your whole heart into it.
This is such an essential part of who you are that it can sometimes feel that the connection you must make with everything is very intense. Neptune can help you see beyond obstacles while also making it challenging to see the truth.
As beautiful a gift as it is to have this planet moving through your sign, it is also a time to realize that you cannot believe everything you feel. Take this chance to see things as if they truly are around you. There may be some harsh realities that you are coming face to face with, but it will be what puts you on the path to your dreams.
2. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
The Moon is still in Cancer, which means that it is emphasizing your energy as Neptune turns retrograde. Uranus in Taurus also makes a beneficial connection to the moon today, setting you free from whatever had previously weighed you down. This is a day to embrace your personal freedom. Instead of focusing only on what feels like an obligation, lean into the dreams that you truly have for yourself and your life.
Taking care of others and having a stable home life are important. Still, with this energy, you will be more prone to focusing on whether what is in place is helping you become the person that you need to be for yourself.
Unless you take care of your own needs first, you will never be in a place to truly show up for others.
This can be a challenging lesson for you to learn, but with Neptune’s power of persuasion, you cannot continue as you have been. You deserve to be happy too. You deserve to define your life as you see fit and make the most of this beautiful life. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to finally start taking care of yourself in the way that you always have for others.
3. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Uranus is in your sign until 2025, making this a powerful change portal. Today it unites with the Cancer Moon just shy of the New Moon energies. When Uranus hits your life, it brings about the most unexpected changes and outcomes. It is known as the great awakener and usually hits where you least expect it.
Like Neptune, it could make you see things you previously were unaware of. With Neptune now turning retrograde and Uranus moving through your sign, this is a chance to review how you have defined stability within your life.
It may apply more at first to that aspect of home or even your family roots as Cancer rules this part of your life, but as time progresses, you will be asked to look at this in all areas of your life.
It is no secret that you like the finer aspects of life, and financial stability is a huge part of this. During this Neptune retrograde, as much as home life may be coming under the microscope, so will finances and career stability. Now is the time to ground yourself in truth and take the action you need for long-term success based solely on truth.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.