The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Soulmate Returns During Mercury Trine Pluto Starting Friday, May 13, 2022
Souls often find themselves back when there are loose ends.

If you are someone who believes they have a soulmate, then just reading the headline, "Zodiac Signs Whose Soulmate Returns" will probably shake you up a bit. We who are in the know, know that this is no small potatoes headline; this is serious stuff, and for our soulmate to RETURN, of all things, well that's enough to alert the media.
Mercury retrograde hardly needs an introduction, and on May 13, we will herald this transit, which will last until the first week of June.
And while it's here, all sorts of weird things will happen, one of them being Mercury trine Pluto, the planet of transformation. And, for some zodiac signs, the return of certain people in our lives who we might have thought was gone forever can be expected.
For some of us, we feel as though we've met our soulmate … they might be a lover of the past or simply a friend that we came to know on a very profound level.
Whatever, or whoever they might be, we came to know them as our soulmates, and their impression was indelible. And for some fated reason, this person seemed to blip out of our lives as fast as they blipped in.
We may also have thought that maybe one day we'd see them again, and as it stands, the Mercury trine Pluto during retrograde season, is just the transit to bring this person back into our line of vision.
There is no promise here of the perfect reunion, but that doesn't mean one can't happen anyway. Mercury trine Pluto presents an opportunity to us: What will we do now that we know our soulmate is back?
Here’s which three zodiac signs' soulmate returns during Mercury trine Pluto starting Friday, May 13, 2022.
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
You have kept a secret that is so personal to you that nobody in your life knows what's going on, except this one person that you once knew, and that person is your soulmate. This was a dear friend who was also a very free spirit, and when they left, they departed for destinations unknown.
They didn't want to be tracked down, nor did they reach out to you.
They just left, and in their mind, they didn't do anything wrong; they just followed their heart and their heart lead them a far distance away from you. They hold your secret close to them, however, knowing that they are the very secret you keep.
Your secret is that you have a soulmate, and this soulmate hurt you when they left you behind. Now, this person is back in town, and they do wish to reconnect. Will you allow them back into your heart? After all, they are your soulmate, and you do love them. That's Mercury retrograde trine Pluto’s tricky little gift to you. Typical!
2. Leo
(July 23 - August 22)
On May 13, you will receive word from someone very special to you, and you'll feel very nervous knowing that this person is back and wants to connect with you. This is someone that, in the past, you loved more than life itself, yet, it never really went the way you wanted it to. Nonetheless, this person 'got' you.
They really understood your motivation behind everything and they were always the number one person in your life.
And, as it happens, life got in the way, once again, and somehow the two of you went your own separate ways, never to hear from each other again.
And then came May of 2022's Mercury trine Pluto during retrograde, and BAM! That person, the one you've come to call your soulmate, returns. This will cause you to feel anxiety and hopefulness. You don't know if you can trust them or your feelings, but you're ready for whatever comes your way.
3. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
Your soulmate is a figment of your imagination … or are they? You are a spiritual person, and you like to think that there are angels or spirit guides around you, helping you out. You are not alone in this kind of thinking, so do not feel like an outcast.
You have a soulmate and this soulmate is similar to a Tulpa: an imaginary friend who actually comes through at the right time.
This is not insanity, nor is it rare. People do this. People want companionship and when they don't get it from other people they create it in their vast minds.
The world does itself a disservice by insisting that imaginary friends do not exist; it's shallow, ignorant, and controlling. But you, Capricorn, know otherwise. You've always depended on that inner voice to help you through the hard times, and now that Mercury trine Pluto during retrograde looms above, you'll be back in touch with the one you call 'soulmate.' This is not a joke.
If you're a human being, then you are gifted with an imagination, and that imagination serves a purpose: survival.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.