The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Only Love Themselves During The Moon Conjunct Saturn, April 22 - 24, 2022
Sometimes you have to be a little selfish.

Sometimes being selfish is a healthy thing, and this weekend three zodiac signs who only love themselves will do so for their own reasons.
We all grow up in a world of mixed messages. Love yourself, but not too much. Honor your life, but don't let it come off as a conceit. Love your body, as long as it looks a certain way. Love unconditionally, but make sure there are rules, boundaries and restrictions — in other words, conditions.
We are fed so many lies about self love that by the time we actually feel love towards our own selves, we are slammed into a place where we need to doubt that love, question it, examine it and show the world that it's not 'too much.' "Hey world, I love myself; I hope I don't offend all of you by doing so."
On April 23, 2022, we will all be receiving a hefty boost of confidence, thanks to the Jupiter transit, which takes what's good and makes it even better.
And so, for those zodiac signs who are not afraid to love themselves, this is a good day to feel good about making the choice to care, respect and love one's own self.
To love one's self is what lies at the heart of being able to love others. When we come upon people who 'only love themselves' we can't condemn them; this isn't about being conceited or arrogant, this is about love and the choices one has to make in order to feel like the world is a great place.
During this transit, we will see certain signs of the Zodiac come forth to show us what it's like to love one's self. Do they only love themselves? Perhaps, for now. But that's a helluva place to start. Don't knock the idea of loving only yourself, as this is the first step in being able to love anyone or anything else.
On April 23, 2022, zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, and Sagittarius only love themselves.
And, when it comes to self-love, these people take things a bit too far at times.
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
You've always only loved yourself, and it shows in your life as self-respect and confidence. While you're still a very intense trouble-maker, you feel you can always rely upon your mind for solace.
You have upset many people in your life, and during Moon trine Jupiter on April 22, you'll be doing that once again, except this time what blows people's minds about you is that fact that you keep on ticking.
You are unstoppable, Aries, and people don't like that; they are jealous of your ability to bounce back.
Your resilience is proof of self love and while you most certainly can spare some love for others, it all starts with how you feel about yourself. And on this day, you feel pretty dang good about being who you are. You are a shining example of self-love.
2. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
You've learned the hard way and it is through that trial and error that you've come up with a way of life that could only be described as self-loving. You put yourself first because you are first; nobody comes before you, and if people can't dig that kind of self-confidence, then who are you to teach them the ways of self-love?
You care only for yourself, and you really don't care who out there wants that attitude of yours to be tamed.
Self love and self respect are what got you to the place where you are today, and that place is awesome.
You've worked so hard to feel safe and sound, and you're not about to let anyone knock that down. Can you love others? Of course you can, but it all starts with you loving you, and as experience has shown, this is the only way you can live.
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21)
You like to live up to all the Sagittarius stereotypes, and being that you truly are as independent as they say, you find it quite easy to love yourself.
In fact, you are probably your favorite person on Earth. This is OK with you. You see how the world around you likes to make people think of themselves as garbage, and you've just never bought into that kind of thinking.
You enjoy loving yourself, and yes, you only love yourself because you only KNOW yourself.
You are loving and caring for others, but at the end of the day, it's you who has to face you in the mirror, and with that in mind, you'd prefer to enjoy what you see: a caring individual who respects themselves to the point where they see no point in causing trouble, damage or self-harm.
You love only yourself, Sagittarius, and that's exactly why you are able to take that love and give it to others.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.