How Each Zodiac Sign's Relationships Change During The New Moon In Aries In April 2022

Hail to the New Moon in Aries!

new moon Aries love horoscope zodiac signs April 2022 Filipe Leme From Pexels

Each zodiac sign will feel the energy of this New Moon in Aries in their love horoscope and relationships during the month of April 2022.

In fact, this astrological transit affects us all, and if we let it, we will reap the benefits of its amazing charms.

This is a bold transit that whips up our passionate side and our courage. We are fearless and capable during the New Moon in Aries. We want to show up for the festivities.


We want to be a part of the life we are living, and on this day, there is no backing down.

The Moon entered Aries this week, and this is not only an inspirational transit, it's a gutsy one that lasts for up to three months.

If we didn't have the nerve to do something before, this transit will not only have us doing the deed, but it have us excelling at it.

For those who have creative talents, be prepared to blow yourself away with what you'll be able to achieve on this day.

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The New Moon in Aries affects the head, the teeth, and the tongue, which also leads us to believe that we'll be doing some out-of-the-box thinking, followed by some motivational speaking as well. We are not only inspired, but we ARE also an inspiration.

There is one thing, however, that we need to watch out for, and it makes sense: impulsivity. While we're on this power surge of positivity, we have to make sure we don't just dive into something treacherous, simply because we're feeling invulnerable on this day. Be careful, but enjoy it all.

New Moon in Aries love horoscopes for all zodiac signs March 31 - April 1, 2022


(March 21 - April 19)

Today you'll be dealing with a man who brings out your worst side. You will stand your ground, despite this man's efforts to undermine you. This is not a nice person to deal with, and you'll resent his presence.


You have no respect for this person, nor do they have any for you. Be smart and get whatever you have to do over promptly; you do NOT want to be close to this person for too long.

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(April 20 - May 20)

Bad dreams set the day up, as you can't help but feel there's something wrong with someone in your life. You feel like your gut is trying to tell you something, yet you can't place your finger on it.

It is this kind of uncertainty that drives you bonkers on this day, and you may end up snapping at a loved one. They will understand, but you'll still feel the regret of bashing someone who doesn't deserve your misplaced aggression.


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(May 21 - June 20)

You've used work as an escape from your love life, and yet, it's another day where you come so close, yet you don't get the prize. You are now entering a new phase in your frustration, Gemini, as you've been enduring this kind of tease for over a year.

This is work-related and you are tired of it very fast. You'll be presented with an opportunity today that will eventually remind itself, much to your chagrin. Another blow to the ego? Yes, unfortunately.

RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscope For The Week Of March 28 - April 3, 2022


(June 21 - July 22)


If you can take your mind off your self-pity, you will see that right before your eyes, you are being handed a primo opportunity. What's going on with you is that you've started to get used to feeling bad, and so when something really good presents itself to you, you hardly notice it.

Your comfort zone has now become sadness, which tells you that you need to start accepting that good thing can happen to you, too.


(July 23 - August 22)

You don't want to work so hard on your relationship all of the time. You want others to do the work for you, and while they are there, they can pay your way as well. The thing is, you've become so lazy and reliant upon the kindness of those who do come to your aid, that you're now starting to become arrogant about it.


As if everyone in your life is there to entertain and support you. This will reap disdain from your loved ones. You need to start working, Leo. Sorry, you're not the King, after all.

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(August 23 - September 22)

You won't be able to shut up today when it comes to extolling the praises of some man in your life. This could be a partner or a co-worker, but you are the kind of person who, when done a solid, react very, very well.

All you really ever needed was for someone to appreciate your hard efforts, and today, you'll get that. This person will ride high on your list.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want An Open Relationship During The New Moon In Aries On April 1, 2022



(September 23 - October 22)

Today is the day when you officially end a bad habit. And that, in itself, is a cause for joy. You've come to realize that you are the only one in your life who can make the necessary change, and you've finally accepted that it's up to you to take a stand.

You may end up mourning the loss of this bad habit, but you will be so much healthier for your choice. Stay on the path, Libra. Stand your ground.

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(October 23 - November 21)

Don't be surprised if you find yourself haggling over prices today as the New Moon in Aries brings you front and center with a financial opportunity that will be hard to pass up.


You'll like dealing with the person in charge, but you won't like the cost, and because of that, you'll try to work something out in your favor. Unfortunately, this person has no intention of budging, but you want it badly enough, and so you'll end up paying full price. It's OK.

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(November 22 - December 21)

There is an expression that suits this day for you, and it is called, "Shut Eye." Shut Eye is what happens when you start to believe your own lies, especially if you're trying to 'teach' someone something along the lines of a spiritual nature.

It's what happens when a person starts to think they are an enlightened being who is above it all. Today is your day to experience Shut Eye as you pretend your way into someone else's world, only to have them flush you out for the fraud that you are.


RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Self-Soothes And Relaxes


(December 22 - January 19)

And then there's you, Capricorn, who seems to ride through the New Moon in Aries like a conquering General. The thing you wanted most — peace in the home — will happen today.


Your partner will prove that they really are your best friend, and you'll be able to once again feel like there's hope in your relationship. You and your partner will cross a threshold; the misunderstandings of the past are now dead issues. All you want to do is move forward, do.

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(January 20 - February 18)

Good news comes to you today through a family member. You will feel proud and happy to be alive, as your wishes have come true. The New Moon in Aries lets you stand back and bask in the glory of someone else's accomplishments.

Knowing that this beloved person was able to attain such success makes you beam with love and joy. This day is not about you, but about your happiness for someone else.


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(February 19 - March 10)

Today holds victory for you, though small and humble. You could say that this day is about the little things. You're not playing with the big leagues today, in fact, you count your blessings over the smallest of accomplishments.

The New Moon in Aries gives you the ability to take strength in that which is humble, rather than in large, excessive winnings. You will be very happy today with what you have.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.
