3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Start To Grow During Sun Conjunct Jupiter Starting This Weekend, March 4 - 6. 2022
True friendship.

Anytime we have a transit that squares, trines, or conjuncts with Jupiter, we have hope and the ability to start anew. Jupiter is the planet that represents the best in us, especially when it comes to being open-minded and craving new experiences.
Three zodiac signs whose friendships start to grow will take risks and chances during transits like Sun conjunction Jupiter, which is what hovers above us right now.
One of the really nice effects of this weekend's transit March 4 - 6 2022, is that it allows us to deepen our already existing relationships, and platonic friendship tends to benefit dramatically.
Perhaps your friend just needed that extra push to get past the original awkward stage, and that's exactly what you'll get. Jupiter never holds back and when it comes to friendships, this is one of the better times to both make friends and watch already established friendships grow.
Some friends are lifers, it's true. We know them from our school days and for a few of us, those lifers are the people we turn to for everything.
Because we trust our friends, we can feel free to be ourselves, and during Sun conjunction Jupiter, and just take advantage of that freedom, which could lead to some serious fun.
This is also a good time for people who are friends to use their friends as therapy.
We all need someone to talk to, and during these harsh days, our worries may be put aside, at least for a while, by sharing what's on our minds with good friends.
Our already established friendships will grow during this transit, and for that, we can be both grateful and humbled. We are lucky.
Here's why the friendships of 3 zodiac signs start to grow during the Sun conjunct Jupiter starting this weekend, March 4 - 6, 2022.
1. Aries
(March 21 - April 19)
Your friendship boost is going to come in the form of an artistic project, meaning, you and a friend will find that you share something artsy in common and that getting together to create something special is not only interesting to you — it's exactly what you need to distract yourself from so many of the issues that you have on your mind.
So, the way that friendship will grow for you today is in how you discover that it's better to concentrate on a friend than it is to obsess over world problems.
Essentially, you will be losing yourself in a friend today, in all the best ways.
The world can wait, and even if it can't, you certainly don't want to be part of the hostility — not today, at least. Your friend can take you away from spending too much time in your head, and for that alone, they are worth the world.
2. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
Now, more than ever, you are starting to realize the value of true friendships, as you saw more than your share of the bad ones. In your life, there is no longer a place for people who want to be your friend but have nothing to show for it.
Trust is so important to you, and you've been so deceived by so-called 'friends' in the past, that you need to know you can trust a person with your life before calling it a 'friendship.' Fortunately, you're in luck, as your friendship circle tightens up during Sun in Pisces conjunction Jupiter.
You're at the place where you don't want 'more', you want quality. And you've been lucky; you have some tried and true friends in your life.
These friends are always there for you, and on this day, you might even get to experience a new stage of interest with one of them. Start making your travel plans and engagements.
Good friends are there for you — spend your precious time with them.
3. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
Friendships are your life. There's just about nothing you honor more than a good friend, as you are a good friend, yourself.
You always show up for your friends and you've found that a good friend is much more important than a romantic partner, which is why you only get involved romantically with friends.
If you are coupled with someone right now, they are probably your best friend. During Sun conjunction Jupiter in PIsces, you'll experience a growth spurt of sorts with this romantic partner-friend of yours.
You and your friend will share something that both of you were unaware of, and the idea of just releasing this 'secret' info will make you feel giddy and silly, and you'll both love the effect. You're open for more fun, laughter, and love, and because Sun conjunction Jupiter is on your side, you'll get all of it — in abundance.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.