3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Out Their Love Is True During The Moon In Sagittarius, January 28, 2022
They finally know the truth.

Starting January 28, 2022, three zodiac signs who find out their true love during the Moon in Sagittarius get to experience honesty at its highest level.
Because Sagittarius is oftentimes associated with bluntness and independent behavior, it is also a strong transit when it comes to weeding out the people in our lives who are no good for us, in favor of those we can call 'tribe.'
Moon in Sagittarius acts as an assistant; if we are looking for someone to love, to be loved by someone trustworthy and true, this is a very good transit by which we can find that person.
Because we trust ourselves and our own judgment more during this time, we can freely choose what we need in our lives, and this also implies that we can hone in on the people that we know are on our side.
To find out that our love is true is not only a relief, but it's the next step to making that love even better.
To know that we've been right all along about someone in our lives, and to know that they are just as great as we wanted them to be, ends up feeling wonderful and satisfying.
3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Out Their Love Is True During The Moon In Sagittarius, January 28, 2022:
(June 21 - July 22)
You don't have time in your life to live a false existence. You want to be absolutely sure of the person you call your partner, and you want with all of your heart for this person to live up to your ideals.
With Void of Course Moon in Sagittarius, you'll get to see a side to this person that will have you convinced that you not only made the right choice, but this person is also absolutely the one you can trust with your life.
Whatever you wish to do, your partner will be there to support your wishes. This isn't a pushover, however; this person is strong and has great value, and they want to spend their lives pleasing you. This becomes revealed during the Moon in Sagittarius.
(September 23 - October 22)
There is one person in the world who truly knows you to the extent that we can never 'really and truly' know a person...but this person has your heart, and as far as you're concerned, they are about as good as it gets.
You've spent a lot of time distrusting people even looking down on them. It's hard for you to get people to 'stick' and yet, there's this one person that you love that always seems to come through, no matter what.
This is someone you suspected would always be there for you, and you're right. Moon in Sagittarius brings this person into the spotlight. Appreciate them, Libra. Your love is true.
(October 23 - November 21):
In your opinion, if a person shows you loyalty, then they are a tribe member — no questions asked. Moon in Sagittarius lets you regard anyone who is a tribe member and affirms that your taste in friends is good.
You have no problem with giving love, though you do it sparingly and with hyper discretion. The people you've chosen to show your vulnerability to are worthy of your time.
You may come across as a big blue meanie, but you're also as sweet as sugar when it comes to showing love to those whom you believe are worth it.
This transit puts you in touch with the people you love, letting you know that you made the right choice.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.