3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 3, 2022

If we don’t stand up for what we want, no one else will.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 3, 2022 llaszlo/Shutterstock.com

Today is a day to stand firm in who we are and what we want from this life under the waxing Cappy Moon, especially for the three zodiac signs who will have a great day on January 3, 2022.

The Moon will transition into Aquarius shortly before midnight giving us the cusp energy of these two signs.

It’s a day for feeling determined to sow something new (Cappy) and to go about it any way that we have to (Aqua).


This post Cap stellium energy will have many of us truly looking ahead with a different exuberance than we have had previous New Years’, it’s truly as if the universe has conspired to give us the fresh start that we’ve been longing for.

Also occurring today is Jupiter, recently transited into Pisces, square the North Node in Gem.

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This energy usually puts us in a crisis point to stand up for ourselves against those who are trying to talk us out of forging ahead or even the possibility of our dreams coming true.

But today is not the day to give in.


It’s not one to sit placidly by and take on the thoughts and opinions of others.

Instead, it’s one to look at any challenge, any obstacle in the eye, and simply smile because in our own hearts we are sure and steady not just about the direction of our lives in 2022 but more importantly how we are going to go about creating it.

Today will have phenomenal energy associated with it that will actually enable us to feel more determined and clearer in pursuing our new path that many of us have felt called to explore recently.

While Venus is still taking her dip into the underworld as part of her retrograde cycle, we are nearing the time when she and us will be reborn, January 8th.


This is a powerful time for manifesting and for realizing that there will always be those that try to talk us out of what we most want, but it’s our job not to let them.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 3, 2022:


(December 22 - January 19)

You are still riding high on the New Moon energy from yesterday but the Moon shifting into Aqua late tonight will actually give you the burst that you need to start making things happen. No other sign can get things done like you can, but sometimes you try to stick to the status quo, or the path is most taken.

But today allows you to see possibilities where previously you have felt limited or restricted. It allows you the perspective of seeing things in more grey tones instead of simply black or white.


It’s an extremely powerful day for you to embrace your vision and look for new and exciting ways to make things happen. This may fall under the category of travel or career but thanks to Venus Rx in your sign, it will also highlight what you need to do in terms of your romantic life.

Think outside the box today, Cappy. Don’t let any internal voices or those who are unhappy with their own lives make you doubt the truth in your heart. It doesn’t matter if it’s never been done before or if others have failed. If there is one person that can achieve the impossible, it is you.

There is so much hopeful beneficial energy coming to you during this time that your own job is to fully receive it. This year will truly look nothing like any other that has come before, you just have to recognize that you may have to do things differently to make that happen.

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(January 20 - February 18)

With Jupiter just leaving your sign and the pragmatic energy of the earth sign stellium we’ve recently seen you may be trying to readjust or find where your zing will come from next. But part of this is necessary Aqua and is actually the gift that you need in order to elevate to the next level of your life.

As an air sign you always have the best ideas but oftentimes can struggle with how to achieve them. This is your chance to do just that. On the heels of the New Moon in Cap, it will be moving into your sign today letting you see that it’s not all playing by the rules and traditions now and that you actually can embody the best of both energies so that you can truly go further than you have before.

With Jupiter and the North Node in an air sign squaring off today you will be affected more than other zodiac signs.


This energy is going to make you feel rededicated to your purpose as you are seeing clearly how much you have changed in recent years. Because the nodes of the Moon are changing signs soon these last few transits that they make are more about realizations and understanding what the purpose of everything during the past two years has been.

Make sure you remember as you go forward that it’s not just life that has changed, but you and don’t try to fit yourself in a box you’ve already outgrown. You were meant to fly, so stretch those wings and do just that.

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(February 19 - March 20)


With Jupiter recently transitioning into your zodiac sign life is starting to feel better all around. As many positive things have happened in the past couple of years it’s likely that you felt like you lost a piece of yourself, or at least that part of you needed to feel like yourself.

You will always be different than others, made up of mostly stardust, you need life to feel magical in order to feel like you’re truly alive. Today offers a reminder of just that. As much as others have often put you down for your daydreams and whimsical nature, it’s also an essential part of who you are.

The recent Cap stellium likely felt like life got the magic sucked out of it and even though you know you need that logically grounded energy it started to feel like life was just one big job. But today you’re offered a reminder that the way in which you see the world is your greatest gift.

In astrology squares represent points of action, think of them like the climax point of movies where we think all is lost only to have everything work out in the end. This is your climax point Pisces where you will see that you were onto something special alone, even if no one else could see it.


While you may have to contend with a few doubters today, it won’t be able to dampen your spirit because after all this time you’ve finally learned that the reason life seems magical for you is that not only will you not accept less, but it’s also who you simply are. Magic.

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.
