Why Looking For Closure Doesn't Necessarily Mean You Will Get It
Not everyone will be honest with you and not everyone will want to open up.

The majority of us have had relationships or almost relationships that didn’t work out, which left massive scars on our hearts.
When something ends out of the blue it’s always tempting to wonder why things happened the way that they did. Breakups come with heartbreaks that are sometimes very difficult to get over, and the only thing left to do is to ask those rhetorical questions that might never get answered.
It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that someone was not on the same page as you when everything seemed to be going fine.
This could be the reason as to why you have trouble moving on for months and have trouble falling asleep at night.
I have heard so many of my friends racking their brains as to why the relationship did not work out while trying to figure out what went wrong. I think the most common advice that a lot of us give in these types of situations is to look for a chance to get some closure.
Some people believe that the best way to get over someone and to put their minds at rest is to confront their ex. As tempting as that is, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
We give ourselves false hope by believing that a simple heart-to-heart can resolve a heartbreak. As we keep thinking about the questions we want to ask the other person, we involuntarily think up the responses as well.
We start to overthink the situation and assume that this is how the other person will react to our confrontation. On the other hand, if you do confront your ex, how likely is it that you hear exactly what you imagined?
The issue with getting closure is that everyone has to be honest.
Unfortunately, we can’t force anyone to be truthful unless we hook them up to a lie detector.
Your ex might lie about what was really going on behind the scenes; he/she might have been seeing someone else, or the relationship was just not a priority from the very beginning.
Will they be honest about all those things? Probably not.
No one really likes confrontations. If you put someone on the spot and start to grill them about why they felt a certain way, most likely no truth will come out. In addition, some people just can’t put their emotions into words.
We all feel things that we can’t explain at times and no one can force us to change our minds about the situation.
That’s the problem with closure: some people use it as an excuse to try to change the other person’s mind.
You might think you are getting closure when in reality it is just the illusion of closure. The other person might be just as confused as you are about the whole situation.
It’s difficult to be completely honest with someone, knowing that what you say might bring that person pain.
As much as we all want to get closure from someone who got away, from an old crush, or from a recent ex, it might not always be the best option in order to move on.
Not everyone will be honest with you and not everyone will want to open up.
Getting closure might confuse you even more if it wasn’t what you had expected to hear.
Relying on getting closure should not be the number one priority after a hurtful breakup.
Letting go always takes time and patience. It’s important to understand that there is no quick fix that works for everyone.
Unwritten is a website for millennials written and run by millennials. We’re committed to giving Generation-Y the discussion they need, whether it be a source of news, a much needed laugh, a comforting shoulder to cry on, or a place to have their own stories heard.