3 Zodiac Signs Who Finally Get Exclusive In Their Relationships Mercury Square Pluto Starting November 2, 2021
Being acknowledged as Number One.

Three zodiac signs who finally get exclusive in their relationships starting November 2, 2021, will feel the intensity of Mercury square Pluto — a weekly long transit that's game-changing.
"Well it's about time," says that person in your life who has been waiting around for what seems like an eternity for you to finally get exclusive with them.
This isn't really such a hard thing for you to do - not physically, but mentally, let's put it this way: there's only so much hemming and hawing a person can do, and I guess - it's your turn to walk the talk.
Mercury Square Pluto is one of those butt-kicking transits that can make a person feel like if they don't act, they'll lose out.
And it's true, especially in certain relationships. Not everyone wants to be loved, adored, and worshipped while not being acknowledged as Number One.
If you are someone who has been fearful of letting the world know you're in a serious relationship and that your partner has exclusive rights to your heart — then buckle up, because you're about to select "in a committed relationship" as your status.
The truth is, your partner-date-person is starting to feel insulted. Yes, yes, you like thinking you're a free spirit and that no one can cramp your style with a romantic title, but it might be time to wake up out of that reverie, m'dearie.
You love your person, they love you - and they want you to make it official, so stop trying to appear 'single.' Life is short - if you are lucky enough to have love in your life, then own it. Love on lock!
Zodiac Signs Who Finally Get Exclusive In Their Relationships Mercury Square Pluto Starting November 2, 2021:
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You've been towing the 'double standard' line for a little longer than your partner wants; you like coming off as 'not tied down' and 'possibly open to romance', yet, if your partner did the same thing, you'd go bonkers with jealousy and possessiveness.
What you have to realize is the Mercury Square Pluto is going to give THEM the nerve to put out an ultimatum: Either make this an exclusive, monogamous relationship or hit the road (Jack.) Oh, that's right — the chutzpah you didn't know they had?
Pluto knew they had it and Mercury Square Pluto is what's going to make them courageous enough to confront you. So, tick, tick, tick, Taurus — it's your move. Get exclusive or get packin'.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You've been burned by love in the past and you have no time for childish games. You feel like you're just too old (even if you're in your 20's) for wasting your time with someone who can't commit because you know that you're going to get hurt if you're not in an exclusive relationship.
You feel like your heart isn't meant to be someone else's hobby - you want the real deal, and because of the forceful communicative affect that Mercury Square Pluto has on you, in particular, Cancer — you're about to lay down the law. Here's the fun part — they feel the same.
Maybe you guys didn't know that about each other, and perhaps the only thing that stood in the way of you both being exclusively each other is the fear of actually saying it. Mercury is there to make the words flow easily. On November 2, you'll be in a mutually agreed-upon exclusive relationship. Huzzah!
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
When you are in love, Sagittarius - you are possessive, jealous, neurotic, and demanding. What's interesting is that you tend to attract people who want to be possessed, and there's a good chance you're in that kind of relationship right now.
You need to know that you are someone's exclusive honeybun and that there couldn't possibly be another to take your place. Pluto has been working your jealous fantasies over time, and thanks to the messenger skills of Mercury, you'll be able to tell your lover how you feel about this whole relationship thing.
You want commitment and honesty - always honesty. You want to trust and believe, and Sagittarius - you're going to get what you want. You're not only the only person your lover wants - they're completely on board with making it exclusively just the two of you.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda