Horoscope For The Week Of October 25 - 31, 2021
We will see a mostly positive week ahead.

Your horoscope for the week of October 25 - 31, 2021 is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs during the Sun in Libra and Saturn retrograde ends.
We have a special week ahead of us, with many positive aspects as well as a few challenging ones.
The Moon is traveling fast between the constellations and we will be experiencing its influence as it Trines Jupiter, Neptune and Mars...as it wanes through Cancer, as it Sextiles Uranus, is in Opposition to Pluto, and Squares Mercury.
By week's end we will be celebrating the Earthly holiday of Halloween.
We will also be experiencing the loving effect of Venus, as it expands with positivity when it is Sextile Jupiter.
We will also come to know jealousy and possessiveness when Moon Square Mars, on the 28th.
Our most challenging day will be on October 30, when we have Mars in Scorpio, Sun Square Saturn, and Moon Sextile Mars.
All in all, when we break it down for the individual, we will see a mostly positive week ahead.
We will be tested and we will rise above our challenges.
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There will be a few ego-burning moments for certain signs, and a couple of unbelievable strokes of good fortune, as well as the possibility for one of two broken hearts along the way.
Let's see what's in store for your sign of the Zodiac, for the week of October 25 - 31, 2021...
Horoscope For The Week Of October 25 - 31, 2021:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You'll be holding down the fort this week, Aries, meaning that there will be some sort of internal strife at work, and you'll be called upon to guide everyone back to sanity.
This may also be a home issue, where you are the 'head' of the family and it will fall on you to bring back the order to a situation that seems chaotic.
Whether you like it or not, you are the person everyone looks to this week for direction.
You can take it like a true Aries and take on the role of leader; it would suit you well, and your presence will be helpful in this regard.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A financial decision needs to be made, and it's going to be both confusing and essential.
This is spur of the moment stuff here, so you'll have to rely upon your intuition.
This isn't something that's been around forever, waiting for you to make up your mind.
This is strictly related to this week, and it will require your attention.
While it's a good idea to mull it over, don't take too long, as your choice stands to make you money. Pass it over, and you will lose that opportunity.
It's brain time, Taurus - make the decision.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The week may hold a slight disappointment for you, as it seems there was a plan made that isn't going to come through.
It may very well have to do with travel - perhaps a tour was cancelled, or a show that you wanted to attend.
This could also be Halloween related - was there something you wanted to do that may not come to pass?
The week is about anticipation; you will be waiting on the word of others to find out where you will attend this event or not.
It looks like 'not' according to the stars.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
There's someone in your life who is going to make it known to you that there are both on your side - and that they are going to protect you.
This person is very jealous and possessive and may cause you grief.
They pose as a protector in your life, but they want more.
This week may have you feeling claustrophobic in their 'love' and may have you wondering if this is the kind of person you want in your life.
They are like a mixed blessing; on one hand, they give you what you need, and on the other, they ask way too much in return.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
This week is going to open your eyes to someone in your life who might be lying to you.
This is someone you trust with your heart, and yet, this person has not been up front with you; this may not necessarily be a partner or love interest, but it is someone who knows you well, whom you know just as well, save for this one bit of information that hasn't been exposed yet.
There is also the chance that something you believed in is not what you think it is.
This week may bring about insecurity in you, as you are unsure of what is truth and what is lie.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
An altogether brilliant week is in store for you, Virgo. And it's about time, wouldn't you agree?
You've been going through hell at work, and you really are at your wit's end.
This is the week where all of those woes seem to fall behind you.
Suddenly, you have hope - and dreams that you wish to pursue. Whatever happens this week, it acts as an inspiring agent for you.
Now, you think of travel, of plans, of vacations. Now, you feel you can survive anything; let the naysayers of your life just go away.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
This is about to be a truly sweet week for you.
You mean what you say and you say what you mean - and there is someone in your life who will benefit from all of your kindness and honesty.
Perhaps you are in love and you want to do something wonderful for the person you are smitten with.
This is a great week to show love, to buy gifts and to watch someone's face as you surprise them with positive attention.
You will make someone very happy this week, Libra, and it's the kind of feeling you will retain for a long time.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
This week has total confusion in store for you. It's nothing you can't handle, but it's a major hassle, and you really weren't up for this kind of challenge.
You are destined to make a decision.
This decision is ultimately important, and just the idea that it falls on your shoulders to be the deciding factor makes you angry and conflicted.
You feel you don't have enough facts to make this decision, and yet, no one around you cares. It's on you, whether you like it or not.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
You will be taking yourself out of the picture during this week, meaning, you feel it's best for you, at this time, to withdraw from social engagements so that you can spend time alone, in your thoughts.
You are not in a good mood, nor are you in a bad mood - you are in a contemplative mood all week long, and this will do you a world of good.
What would be advised is to not shoo people away; yes, you'll have your precious alone time, but you must not be pushy when you ask to be left alone.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Joy to the world is your motto for the week, Capricorn. You will be getting together with friends and enjoying the heck out of life.
You are one of the very lucky ones, this week - your stars are working in your favor to the degree where you can't see anything but goodness.
You will also be productive and successful during the week, and it will only get better as the days press on.
By the end of the week, you'll be radiant and happy. If you are going 'trick or treating' then stay safe and have fun!
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
This week is about maintaining what you've worked so hard to achieve.
It's a work-related week that will have you questioning whether you even like your work or not, but it will also put you in the situation where you might want to leave your job.
Sometimes you feel as though all you do is work, and that it's just not worth it, that you're underpaid and overworked, and you very well might be.
This week doesn't show change, but it does show regret and toil.
This is a week for the consideration of a new job - something to think about.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10)
There will be much reminiscing over the past during this week, Pisces.
You may wonder if things were better then than they are now.
While there is nothing that threatens you at present, your head will be romanticizing the past as if it were a much better place than where you are now.
You will consider mistakes that were made, but you will not see how much you've grown because of those mistakes.
You are in a good place in your life right now, Pisces, though this week may have you feeling otherwise.
Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda