3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 29, 2021
The calm arrives after the storm too.

As three zodiac signs who will have a great day on September 29, 2021, move more deeply into Mercury Retrograde in Libra and into the soft emotional terrain of the Libra Sun and Cancer Moon, we will be feeling more at ease emotionally.
Wednesday may not be a day for high energy, but it is one that we will be feeling more relaxed and at ease with our emotions and what has been occurring recently in our lives.
It’s a day of peace.
Something that’s incredibly welcome after the past few day's chaotic energy.
Though we have moved away from the Grand Air Trine between Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, we are still in the reviewing period of Mercury Retrograde which is asking us to be a bit quieter and think things through before we speak on them.
In combination with the Cancer Moon which is bringing us back in touch with our softer sides, today should be a good day to relax, to spend some time alone, and to just simply enjoy the calm after the recent astrological storm.
We also have three different transits today, Sun trine Saturn, Mercury square Pluto and Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune which will together be strengthening the emotional softness and calm while also bringing opportunities for deep connection through conversations.
While the Grand Air Trine has passed, we still have numerous planetary bodies in air signs, so that quick thinking mental focus involving plans and our futures will be at the forefront of our lives still.
But today, it’s not so much a break from dealing with all of that, instead, it’s more of a space to feel a release from any anxiety we’ve currently been feeling so that we can just be.
Having days where we’re released from the pattern of taking action or thinking things through is always a welcome respite, especially recently as there has been so much going on energetically.
It’s also important to make the most of the softening today, and if there are words that need to be said to those, we’re in a relationship to do so because we are going to be able to speak more from our truth rather than our fears.
The energy for today won’t last for long as October is set to start off very strong and fast, so enjoy today and though it might be easy to get caught up in all that still has to be done, it’s okay to also simply rest.
Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 29, 2021:
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
After so much transition and even triggering past healing that you’ve done a day like today is very necessary. With Sun trine Saturn in Aquarius, you will feel an ease returning that hasn’t been present for a few weeks.
This means that it’s a day to allow you to process the recent events that have occurred within your life. In many ways, the turmoil of late has all been about helping you to up-level to a new version of yourself and your life.
As Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius move through the final degrees of your sign at the end of this year, many of those pieces of your life that previously haven’t been in alignment will come together. This means that it’s not just your truth, you will be speaking, but you will be living it as well.
On Wednesday, September 29, 2021 try to set off anything that needs to be done or decided for another day. The energy will be good, you will feel softer and more like those emotional defenses have melted away so it’s better to take advantage of it than trying to power through.
If things have been tense at all between you and a romantic partner recently, today would be a perfect time to reconnect and spend time remembering why you fell in love with that person. There will be other days for action, today is all about rest.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Since the start of your zodiac season, you’ve been really asked to look at some deep aspects of your life. This means that for the first time in a long time or possibly ever, you are taking control of situations or relationships in which you’ve previously given your power away.
While necessary this process can be emotionally grueling. It can be heartbreaking when people don’t show up in the way that we need them to or to realize that no matter how many chances some people get, it’ll never be enough.
But, in having the reflection that you did, you are on track to start making different choices. These choices are almost going to recalibrate your life so that certain chapters are closed for good, while others are encouraged to begin.
September 30, 2021, though is one where you’ll be encouraged to practice a healthy dose of self-love. Whether this means calling out on a mental health day, getting outside, or even to your favorite yoga class, today is all about you.
This not only is encouraged by the astrology of today but is also part of a bigger picture in which you truly start giving yourself the love that you desire and need from others.
While we can say it’s equivalent to dating yourself, today may be more about just enjoying yourself. Get back to that space where it’s all about you and what you want to do, and you’ll see just how calming it is to simply show up as yourself.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The air trine and the Sun in Libra will feel like home to you. With its gentle nature and emotional softness, you’ll be able to melt into all the places that you’ve previously been on edge. Like so many zodiac signs are, you are currently going through a life change in which you’re going to be moving from one phase to another.
Not just in terms of your own growth, but also in career, love, and in your general life direction. Sometimes when we’re transitioning there are a lot of unknowns, there are pieces that we can’t figure out or that we need to simply sit with for a time.
What you have to remember is that not everything is yours to handle or deal with. Especially if you’re looking to create change with a partner or even are awaiting news from a prospective job, not all of what is occurring is yours to have to carry.
This means that this Wednesday, you can set down all the things that aren’t your responsibility to handle or fix. Focus on what is yours and most importantly how you are feeling about what is. Today is a reminder that your softness is also one of your greatest gifts.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.