3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On August 29, 2021

Sad times.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day on August 29, 2021 Manop/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs who will have a rough day can point to the complications of life that arise as a result of the Moon in a new zodiac sign beginning August 29, 2021.

As the Moon enters Gemini we’re met with the harsh reality that not everyone will be getting their work together.

Others in the zodiac may be feeling detached from their reality. This isn’t a day that everyone is set to succeed, and this affects Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces the most.


Which three zodiac signs will have a rough day on August 29, 2021, according to astrology?

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Some under the zodiac may become more confused than ever.

Answers will not be clear for everyone involved; some may take untangling to better understand.

You may even find that today you’re feeling stuck even with resolutions.

It’s okay to feel distracted at times when things are rough. You’re heading towards the path you’re meant to follow. 

There may be some obstacles in your way that you have to clear first. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth working through.


Getting to the other side is the main goal, no matter the pain or discomfort presented today.

It’s best to stay grounded and to unpack your emotions surrounding these difficulties. No sense in losing your head over final outcomes.

Zodiac signs who will have a rough day on August 29, 2021:

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius, not many understand the burden that has been placed on your shoulders.

You’ve had to be the one to figure out the right direction in your life for a while. For many of you, you may find that you’re growing tired of having to heal hurt that was not inflicted on you.

There’s a potential for rash decisions that throw you off the course you’ve set for yourself.


Think wisely, not emotionally. That fiery energy is angry today, with good reason. There’s a better way to express that frustration.

There’s a great risk you could set yourself back by trying to catapult yourself forward.

All good things happen within time; so take your time! Don’t try to cheat code your way through life.

You may miss out on some of the things that make this world worth experiencing. You don’t need to cheapen yourself to accomplish your goals.

Stay strong and stay steady. You’re in this for the long haul and are ready for the miles left to go.

RELATED: 20 Truths About Sagittarius Women You Need To Know

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius, while others are starting a new cycle you’re repeating old ones. You’re living in your own personal groundhogs day.


Every day is the same, as well as every new opportunity, connection, and experience.

At what point do you learn from your mistakes?

Don’t be so stubborn as to admit when you’re wrong. You won’t be able to get yourself out of these toxic cycles until you address the conflict you avoid.

There is no reason for these things to keep happening.

It’s possible you’re contributing to your own demise. It may very well be inadvertent.

You could be finding yourself confused about what mistakes have brought you back to this point.

Instead of crumpling up the future and switching to autopilot until the next opportunity, take time to create new ones.

You can, at any point, unpack the problems in your life. Address the issues that feel too difficult to understand.


You don’t need to accept what’s happening or have a full awareness the first time you get an inkling of what’s happening. Don’t rush your processing in these matters.

RELATED: The Ultimate Aquarius Compatibility Guide: Understanding Love And Relationships

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, you may be heading towards a breakdown. There is too much going on in your life right now to be able to manage everything that was while taking on what could be.

You have yet to resolve the conflicts haunting you and now they’re set to pose a problem with the future you are manifesting.


You are being followed by a string of bad luck.

It’s important to note that a lot that is sabotaging you right now could very well be your own thoughts stuck in a loop.

If you’re unable to see the reality in them they could fester into intrusive thought cycles.

Things are a lot less scary than your head is making them out to be.

As difficult as it may be, it’s time to have an honest conversation about yourself before you self-destruct.

You owe it to the person you’re becoming to not negatively influence the future ahead of you.

RELATED: 11 Quotes That Prove It's Always A Bad Idea To Double-Cross A Pisces


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Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination. You can visit her website here.
