Weekly One Card Tarot Reading, September 13 - 19, 2021
The week is fresh and promising.

Your weekly one card tarot reading is here with a prediction for all zodiac signs starting September 13 - 19, 2021. Here's what the cards have in store for you.
I always thought it was nice to do the Tarot in the early Autumn, and even though we're just at the tail end of Summer, there's a feeling in the air, and as it always is with Autumn, it feels fresh and promising.
The cards pick up on this environmental attitude, and in this way, the reader is energized with optimism.
Here we are in September, it's almost as if we've passed some odd annual test that lets us know we made it, and that all we need to get through now are the holiday seasons.
My feeling is that if we got through 2020, we can breeze through the latter months of 2021 - if, of course, we're smart.
Let's not play with our lives. Let's do the right thing by our fellow humans, our neighbors.
Let's use this precious gift of life for the purpose of maintaining and promoting health.
If it's September and we are still under threat of pandemic illness, then wear a mask and get your vaccine.
Come on guys, let's uplift humanity - why else are we here?
Here are your tarot readings, as per your Zodiac sign, for the week of September 12 - 18, 2021.
Weekly one card tarot reading, September 13 - 19, 2021
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Seven of Cups, reversed
You've cried many tears for a certain person, and it may just have dawned on you; there's nothing you can to do make this situation different.
It's no longer about hate or animosity between the two of you - it's now about having the guts to move on. You may always love this person, and in their way, perhaps they love you, too.
Alas, this relationship is more than over, and you need to come to understand that whatever happens, you are still OK, healthy, and potentially happy to be on your own.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Queen of Wands
It's all work for you, this week, Taurus. This is the week where you step up a notch, in your workplace. Good things are happening, and you may be offered a higher position at your job - even one that you did not expect. People trust you, and they should; you do a great job.
You always have, and even though you have that lazy side to you, you've never been a slacker. You honor the idea of having a job, and you have no plan of doing anything less than a stellar job. Expect great news on this front, during the week.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Three of Wands
Too many cooks are spoiling the broth, for you, this week, Gemini. You have always been a solo player; you work alone, you play alone - in fact, being alone is where you derive your power.
This week - you're not going to get any alone time, and that also means you're going to be bombarded with other people who won't shut up.
Yes, this card expressly refers to too much talk and too many wrong opinions. It's nothing you can't get through, but while you're in it, these folks are going to drive you absolutely bananas.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Three of Pentacles
This week gives you an opportunity to assess the damage you may have caused by making a wrong move. It's not that you've made a fatal error in something, it's that you didn't go over your work and now you're paying for your mistake.
There is no damage, nor is their loss - however, this mistake has been noticed by all the people you wish were not looking, and it's going to have repercussions. Do yourself a favor - go over your work today so that no further damage can occur.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Nine of Swords
Not everyone's favorite card, I can tell you that. This card is symbolic of bad dreams and regret. It's hard to ever think of you, Leo, as someone who would ever regret a single thing in their lives, and yet - stereotypes are insensitive.
You do regret something, and you can't get it back. It plagues you this week, as it has in the past; it's something you try to ignore, but it just won't leave your psyche.
It does have something to do with the past - and it may just be your lost youth. Vanity is real, and you may be suffering this week, due to its inevitable message.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Four of Pentacles
It really is time to stop going over and over the same scenario. You, for some reason, cannot stop thinking of this one person. Oh it's an ex, for sure, and they are top of the heaping trash to you - and yet, you let them live rent-free in your head, year after year.
Would you rather be celebrating your birthday season, Virgo? This person isn't coming back, not that you want them - but you are also not going to be able to finally 'tell them off' the way you want to. Time is precious, don't give it all away to someone who doesn't think twice about you.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Seven of Pentacles, reversed
Every once in a while, we humans like to go hog wild and spend a good long time indulging our senses like there's no tomorrow. That's what you're up to this week, Libra. You just can't quit, and that will cover the areas of overeating, substance abuse, and overspending.
This is a week where you need to be warned: addictive behaviors are easily triggered this week, and it would be best to put a cap on your indulgences as soon as you can. You'll be fine, but know when to stop Libra.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Two of Cups
Somebody's in love, eh, Scorpio? Looks like this is the week where you make a fool out of yourself for love. Hey, everybody does it, so why not you?
You like to come across as invulnerable, able to handle anything - able to show resilience and cool...and yet, here you are, this week, going all out to show someone you love that they are the only important thing in the world to you.
Guess what? Your efforts are not in vain, Scorpio. They love you, too. It was worth being a fool!
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Two of Swords, reversed
If you don't move now, you're going to blow it. You probably know what I'm referring to here.
What this card suggests is that you had an opportunity, and you didn't move fast enough on it. Now, you're on the other side of that good fortune, and you don't know what to do.
What's required of you this week, Sagittarius is that you either walk away from this situation, or you get on in there and make up your damned mind.
Nobody wants to wait for you to decide any longer. Do them a favor and own a decision already!
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Eight of Wands, reversed
This week will have you feeling like a ghost of your former self. You are going to spend a lot of time going over 'who you were' and making comparisons to the person you've become.
You will be romanticizing the past to the point where it becomes totally unreal, and the present is made up of toil and dullness.
This is a fantasy, Capricorn, and yes, you are allowed your share of awful fantasies, but this one is not only unrealistic, but it's also harmful to your mental state. The past was fine, but heads up: the present is better. Wake up.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Page of Cups, reversed
Every now and then you feel like you can get away with murder. Well, not literally, but you do get bratty, and this is one of your more bratty weeks, no matter how old or young you are, Aquarius.
You're just going to try everyone's patience this week, and you will more than likely get away with it all because, well, people love you. You take advantage of that, don't you?
The good thing is, fate is on your side this week, so work your impetuous magic for the better. Get away with whatever you can, because it doesn't always work like this. Give and take, Aquarius - give and take.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10): Ten of Cups, reversed
You're almost there, Pisces, and that means you only need to hang on a little bit longer in order to get that 'dream come true' that you've been waiting on.
This dream is, of course, a happy family setting - a gathering that's planned and will go successfully. You've been wanting to get the gang together for a while now - and it looks like your plans are starting to come through.
Just a little while longer, not this week, but soon enough. This is a great card for family love and success, and anyone who's fortunate enough to receive it - deserves it.
Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda