30 Adult Sleepover Ideas For An Unforgettable Slumber Party
The guide to recreating your favorite childhood sleepovers except with adult sleepover ideas.

Let's take a trip to memory lane and think of all the fun times you used to have with your girlfriends. Think of all the fun play dates, parties, and most of all the super fun sleepovers you used to have.
Wouldn't it be great if you could recreate those sleepovers except with adult sleepover ideas?
Well, the thing is you actually can — and you might even have more fun at a grown-up slumber party!
Adult sleepovers are just as much fun as the sleepovers you used to have as a child except there's wine, charcuterie boards, and lots of raunchy party games to play with your girlfriends. The best part is they don't have to be reserved for bachelorette parties or birthday parties — set up a slumber party just because!
Whether it's for bachelorette parties, birthday parties, or just one of your girls' nights in, if you're in need of some adult slumber party ideas, no problem.
Here are 30 adult sleepover ideas for the best girls' night in.
1. Build the most epic and cozy blanket fort.
Nothing brings you back to your childhood as much as sleepover activities like creating stellar blanket forts, except this time your blanket fort will be very cute and cozy as you will have all the essentials to decorate including twinkly lights, wall hooks, party foods, board games, and plenty of alcohol to keep the night going.
2. Decorate your space with fun glitter banners.
There's nothing that feels like a party more than some fun banners, and the best ones are always the glittery and funny banners that go with your party themes. A nice banner saying "getting lit tonight" above the bar cart or "It's a slumber party" above the pillow fort.
No matter what, decorations are always important.
3. Have everyone wear matching pajamas.
Nothing feels more like a party than themed outfits. Why not get coordinated and plan to have you and your girlfriends wear matching onesies, slip dresses, and slippers?
The crazier the pajama party the better.
4. Scatter balloons all over the place.
Every fun party or event, which includes an adult sleepover, needs balloons for the overall feel of a party.
Balloons are a perfect decoration for any occasion, especially helium-filled balloons that are great for when you and your friends get a little tipsy and will get a crack out of taking terns sucking in helium... However, be careful not to do that all night!
Why not even use the balloons in a game like a scavenger hunt and spread them all over the house to find one with a specific design on it. Whoever wins gets to choose what activity to do next.
5. Create some fruity and delicious cocktails.
Yeah, sure, wine is fun. However, a fun, fruity, and delicious cocktail will always be even more fun and it will definitely help you and your friends get to a good level of tipsy very fast. Buy your favorite juices like orange juice, cranberry juice, or mango juice, and have fun creating concoctions.
6. Create your own pillow fight weapons.
We all know pillow fights are essential to a sleepover but you're an adult now with a fancy pillow, and you cannot risk your fancy pillows being ruined can you? So, instead, you can actually DIY your own pillow fight weapons with an old pillowcase, some stuffing, and a toilet paper roll.
7. Play a few rounds of board games.
The best board games when you're adults are some very fun and savage adult board games. Some fun ones include "For The Girls," "Truth Or Drink," and "Social Sabotage."
Social Sabotage and Truth or Drink are the adult version of the childhood game Truth or Dare, except using Facebook and drinking as a dare, and of course whoever has the most cards at the end wins.
For The Girls is the essential girls' night drinking game where you’ll find out which friend will prank an ex, find out each other's most embarrassing secret, or one of you own up to having the hottest dad. The player with the most cards at the end wins.
8. Have fun with your adult brains and some Mad Libs.
Remember all the funny stories you could create as a child with your friends when writing Mad Libs? Why not do it again except with some dirty words to fill in the blanks.
9. Play a fun game of M.A.S.H.
We all love seeing what our futures would look like as a child playing the fun game of M.A.S.H. but it might be a little different playing as an adult. See if your real-life matches up with what you get in your fantasy future.
10. Have a wine and candy pairing chart.
What better with a glass of wine than some nice chocolate or sour candy? Create a chart of wine, beer, and booze and match one candy with each drink. Everyone who chooses a drink will have an assigned candy to eat along with their boozy beverage.
11. Buy some wine-flavored ice cream.
Keep the night going with some wine-flavored ice cream that will be perfect for later in the night when you want more wine but also have a huge craving for some ice cream.
12. Buy a piñata for a group stress reliever.
Nothing can take out all your stress more than punching something, preferable a punching bag, or a more fun punching bag like a piñata.
Remember all the times you used you wack this thing just for the candy? Well, now nothing is more exciting as an adult than the act of being able to wack the heck out of a piñata.
13. Cook up some safe-to-eat cookie dough.
As a kid, you must have at least once tried to eat some delicious raw cookie dough and it tasted amazing, right? It still can and this time you don't have to worry about getting salmonella poisoning!
14. Create some milk and cookie mocktails.
Speaking of cookie dough, nothing is better than some warm and fresh chocolate chip cookies. But what makes them better is dipping them in a milky mocktail, of course with sprinkle rims.
15. Create a popcorn station.
Popcorn is essential for a movie at a sleepover, however, what makes it more fun is the option to customize your popcorn by adding candy! Why not try mixing in some M&M's or Skittles and see if you like it? It's the best of both worlds in one popcorn bowl.
16. Get an air popper for all your popcorn needs.
If you need a fast and instant bowl of popcorn then you need an air popper. This helpful kitchen appliance is also great for when you need to make a large amount of popcorn at one time.
17. Buy an Amazon Fire Stick or Roku remote.
When at a sleepover, you need to have a large number of options for movies to watch. Nothing will give you endless movie possibilities more than having an Amazon fire stick or Roku remote. Watch almost any movie you can think of with these smart TV sticks and your choice of streaming services.
18. Buy a slow cooker for all your spa needs.
You might be thinking, "what? a slow cooker?" but the reason why you need one is to heat up towels and keep them warm for a nice space and massage station. A hot towel on your back is one of the most relaxing things ever and it can double as a nice Christmas gift for yourself!
19. Get into some coloring with adult coloring books.
After a bit of a buzz, it's fun to play some games and see where the night takes you. Bringing back childhood memories here, why not partake in some late-night coloring with a "Color Me Drunk" book!
20. Stay up late reading the adult version of "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark."
Nothing might have scared you more as a child than reading creepy and scary stories at night. Now that you're an adult, nothing scares you more than horror dating stories, which is why "Tinder Nightmares" is a perfect book for this scary but fun reading activity.
21. Get the ball rolling with a conversation starter.
If you're with a group of friends that haven't gotten together in a really long time at this sleepover then why not introduce a fun adult conversation starter game? It's perfect to break the ice and share some fun and entertaining stories. They are also one of the best party activities out there for groups of people who might not know each other too well, especially if this is a group of your friends who might not know one another.
22. Play a fun adult game of "Never Have I Ever."
Playing Never Have I Ever was always a hard game as it took a while to come up with a prompt to ask your friends. Thankfully, in 2021, we don't have that as we can now play a card version of "Never Have I Ever" that has over 480 prompts to choose from. Now you will never be stuck with another awkward pause again.
23. Make some prettier friendship bracelets.
It's not like the friendships bracelets you made as a child were ugly, it's just that your taste in jewelry has significantly risen. That's why incorporating some decorative beads and fancy thread can make the prettiest friendship bracelets you've ever seen.
24. Create a DIY Photo booth with props.
Nothing can capture the night more than some fun photos! If you're hosting an epic adult sleepover party then creating a photo booth is essential evidence to prove that you hosted the best sleepover party ever with the most fun grown-up slumber party ideas! Plus photos to take home are great party favors.
25. Order matching eye masks for everyone.
Nothing is more fun than waking up in the morning after a girl's night and seeing the aftermath of the party, especially a funny message on an eye mask. Buy some cute and funny eye masks online and set them up on your friend's pillows, and wake up to see some sleeping hungover beauties.
26. Buy a smartphone printer to have your friends hold onto the memories.
Sure, taking pictures on your phone and posting to social media can be fun, but nothing can recreate the feeling of holding onto a printed picture or polaroid. That's why a smartphone printer is one of the best ideas for adult slumber parties as you can use your phone as a camera and easily print out memories for your friends to physically hold onto forever.
27. Bake a giant cinnamon roll cake for the morning after.
The best morning treat as a child was always waking up to a freshly baked cinnamon roll after a sleepover. Recreate that same feeling for an adult sleepover by baking a giant cinnamon roll cake for the morning after.
28. Create a movie screen in your house with a projector.
You can either buy a mini projector online to watch your movies on fullscreen or you can also recreate your own smartphone projector with an old shoebox and magnifying glass.
29. Create the ultimate bagel spread.
The best thing in the morning after a night of drinking than some delicious carbs, especially some bagels. Buy a variety of spread and cream cheeses to put on everyone's bagel.
30. Set up a coffee station for breakfast.
Coffee is always important in the morning after a long night of drinking, especially for an adult sleepover morning after. Make sure you have a variety of milk, creamers, and syrups for everyone's coffee concoctions.
Don't forget the orange juice and champagne for mimosas!
Megan Hatch is a writer at YourTango who covers pop culture, love and relationships, and self-care.