3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 11, 2021

Good things up ahead.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 11, 2021 Dirima/Shutterstock.com

Bang, zoom, to the Moon! We have quite the lunar-powered day today, August 11, 2021.

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Good things are what's in store for three zodiac signs who will have a great day on Wednesday.

We're looking at Moon Opposite Neptune, Moon Conjunct Venus, Moon Trine Pluto, and all while the Moon is waxing in Libra. Phew - we should all be howling at the sky by the end of the day!


Some signs will fare better than others on this day, namely Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Thanks to helpful Venus Trine Pluto, and the lighter energy of Mercury in Virgo, these signs should right the day out smoothly and possibly even...happily. Now there's a relief!

The 'feel' of the day is going to be about figuring things out. Realizations are coming your way, and some of these new ways to think of old ideas have the potential of being life-changers.

The Moon has a tendency to bring insight, and we've got so many lunar influences going on today that it would be insane to think we wouldn't figure things out.


If you felt unsure about something yesterday, today is going to bring you the certainty you need in order to make the right decisions, moving forward.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You've survived yesterday's hassles, and you are smart enough to learn from a lesson - especially one as harsh as the one you just lived through.

You have also come to realize that you have hurt people, badly... and this is something you never wanted to do.

So, today, you will be making up mind; from here on in, you're going to be upfront with the people in your life. No more lying.


Only you know why you lied in the past, and you know it was for no other reason than to avoid conflict, or protect someone love from the truth of your actions.

August 11, you are going to free yourself from the desire to lie. It's never worked, nor will it ever, in fact, it has only ended up isolating you.

You know yourself as a person with good intentions, and as of today, you will make a commitment to yourself that can keep you in the good graces of others in your life.

Today is a good day, because today is the day you come clean.

RELATED: Why Are Libras So Pretty?

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

All of these lunations serve one purpose for you, and that's what's going to make this a great day, indeed. We are talking about love and your love life.


The transits of Wednesday work well with your psyche, Scorpio, and you should be feeling very soft and kind during the day.

You're not always up for the entire 'Scorpio the Sex God' thing; in fact, sometimes you wish you didn't have to carry around this reputation of being always on, always hot to trot.

That's good, because today, you'll be seen in a different way - and that way is loving, and compassionate.

Being perceived as something softer than Sex God is something you needed, as you really just want to experience cuddles and comfort today.

Well, it's a cuddling kind of day for you, Scorpio - no sex required. Unless of course, you want some. (Yeah, we're looking at YOU, Scorpio.)


RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Quiet?

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

It's no surprise that you, Capricorn, work best under pressure. Pressure and stress, in a way, make you come alive.

And August 11 is going to bring both the pressure at work, and your ability to thrive well when the fire is on. You'll be in your element, today - all work, no play, and loving every second of it.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know you need that play break - but what about when you're in pure over-achiever mode?

That's when you really like to release that Capricorn Kraken - don't let anyone try to seduce you with time-off, no, not today.

Wednesday is all about you relishing the work and how smoothly it gets done, thanks to your Capricorn feistiness.

You believe in yourself, and in the work, and with that in place, this day is just pure adrenaline and accomplishment. Congrats to you - you are the winner of the day.

RELATED: Why Is Capricorn So Underrated?


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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
