3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 3, 2021

So lucky on Tuesday.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 3, 2021 song_about_summer/Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces are the three zodiac signs who will have a great day on Tuesday, August 3, 2021.

The reason for their good fortune is that Jupiter is well positioned, and their ruling planets are working in such a way that even the worst outcome brings about change that is promising some time in the future.

Zodiac signs who will have a great day may not even realize that their day was so good until after August 3 has passed, actually.

It's one thing to say that a person will have a great day because how does one measure the word great?


A great day can be something like finding a 20 dollar bill in a pocket that you didn't know you had or getting a call back from a job saying that you landed the position.

For three zodiac signs Tuesday is set up to score in a huge way, and overall we can define this as a great day.

There are plenty of astrological reasons for this. Mars opposes the Sun, and Venus is in Virgo opposite Neptune. The Moon is being brought into accountability with Saturn.

And for Capricorn, Pisces, and Sagittarius, the planets are aligned just right to bring luck, momentary happiness, or a turn of events that take a bad situation around to make it better.


Zodiac signs who will have a great day starting August 3, 2021:

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Love is knocking at your door, Sagittarius, but you may not even notice that right now. You have been single and playing the scene for a while, but lately you've lost hope that you'd find someone so it's been your friends who have filled your love cup.

And, you've gotten to the point in life where you don't mind it being that way. But, there's an asteroid, a dwarf planet bringing you some good luck and favor in the love and marriage department. And, that is Juno at 8 degrees.

Juno is in your zodiac sign, Sagittarius and this asteroid rules marriage and love. This is like hitting the money jackpot but in the form of a partner who is just perfect for you.

This person is going to be an adventure seeker just like you are, but they will understand your backstory and also like that you have a bit of edginess to you. They have some too.


Juno at 8 degrees is why your day will be a great day on August 3, and it may not even be where you meet this person out of the blue.

But, it could be when life sets you up for your first encounter to meet each other. Maybe you move into the neighborhood, start going to a coffee shop where you'll bump into each other one day, or finally open up your Tinder app and start swyping after no activity for some time. 

Either way, mark August 3 down on the calendar. The stars started to align for you. This is your day, Sagittarius, and Tuesday will be great. 

RELATED: 20 Reasons Loving A Sagittarius Is Always A Good Idea

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Pluto has been in your sign for a long while, and it's soon going to be leaving. You're going to really love having this planet stop picking on you.


All Pluto has done for you since it's been in your sign is create havoc and change, change, and change. 

Pluto has really made you look at yourself as a thick-skinned individual. It's been one of the reasons why you work so hard all of the time. But Pluto is finally going to help you see the 'big why' all of this was necessary, and it's going to be a doozy of a revelation.

August 3 is going to be a great day for your zodiac sign because the day starts off with Pluto trining the Ascendant at a tight degree while it is conjunct to the Midheaven.

This means that you are going to be moving into a power role at your job and the work you're doing now is laying the foundation for a raise, a promotion, or a job offer for another company with some serious money on the table. 


Yes, Capricorn, you are a money sign, and we may be talking about a 6-figure job or some hefty title with prestige. You will be sitting pretty finally, and those school loans won't be worrying you as much as before.

On August 3, Pluto is about to throw you a line. It's harmonizing with the planet of dreams and illusion, too. Neptune is going to kick in to help you 'fake it until you make it'.

You need a boost of illusion anyway. Reality stinks sometimes, and every once in a while when you have a vision that something good is going to be coming to you, it puts the pep back into your step to fight another round with life. 

RELATED: Facts About The Capricorn Zodiac Sign That Describe These Down-To-Earth, Ambitious People Perfectly


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, you are both pessimist and optimist rolled into one package. You are going to have a good day though you may not see August 3 as being anything special at all. 

But what is going to make Tuesday a feather in the cap for you is that Neptune, your ruling planet, is harmonizing with a small asteroid right now whose name is Ceres.

Ceres is about bringing in a harvest. It's the goddess of agriculture in Roman culture and Hellenistic astrology. She's exalted right now, and at a critical degree. At 0 degrees she's just starting to get her voice again, and it's speaking into your life. 

You won't hear it loud and clear right now, but you need to know that feminine energy is about to boom for you.


This could be a breakthrough in infertility where you could not conceive but suddenly you're able to have the child you've always wanted. It can be that the coldness you have felt around your heart for so long finally breaks, and tears flow for days, but you are back to being a human again.

Tuesday, August 3 is going to be a great day for you, and that is why you're among the zodiac signs who will have opportunities open for you.

With Neptune still at a master degree in your sign, the wounds of life that have forced you to retreat into fantasy, or to drink more than you should are going to start showing you the life lesson you need to learn. 

So, Pisces, prepare. The sun is about to shine in your life again - big time.


RELATED: 11 Ways A Pisces Is The Coolest Friend You'll Ever Have


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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
