Why My First Love Will Get Me Through Every Heartbreak
He is preparing the right person to meet us at the right time.

By Jane Tricia Cruz
You are just trying to see us finding our other half in a complicated relationship. You do not mind getting taken for granted because we are too busy trying to heal ourselves alone.
You try to keep silent while we are slowly hurting you for all the mistakes we keep on doing to ourselves and to people, just to prove we are worthy of being loved.
We forget you and ignore your presence because we are blinded by a love that is not true or a love that does not deserve another chance anymore.
We have to know that behind this cruel love and abusive love that we keep on saving is someone who is more than ready to save us from getting all the pain.
Someone who is ready to share with the agony when everyone else disappears as we are slowly deteriorating. Someone who is willing to wipe these tears of us and embrace us with so much grace.
Yet, we do not realize it early.
We doubt his abilities most of the time, but what is amazing is that he trusts us enough that God sacrificed his life because we deserve all his love despite our rejections and doubts.
Before we have given our feelings to someone else, there is this man who already let us feel what true love really means.
The greater love that hides behind every sin, the love that is selfless, the love that does not see any imperfections, the love that gives and still gives without asking for anything in return.
We do not follow the rules of life and drastically end up with decisions that will soon hurt us. We tend to be independent and to refuse to listen until we get lost in the end.
Maybe, we all have this kind of pride that we learn how to love because it is natural. We are loved because it is supposed to be what people must feel as no man is an island.
But apart from the love that the universe is offering, he first loved us.
He teaches us to give second chances, to forgive people, to accept someone who has hurt us before. He makes us see that love is not all about our mistakes and sins.
This is all about being better and recognizing what we have done so we can repent from it.
We may learn this feeling but someone has made us see its true meaning.
The Lord knows our hearts’ deepest desires.
We may be broken, rejected, and abandoned now, but His love is so big it can cover all the loss that we had before.
His love is more than enough for us to love ourselves first.
Maybe God is only letting us understand His plan which is better than ours, and He is preparing the right person to meet us at the right time.
Know that this love of God can conquer the sadness and hurtful past with and courage that soon, everything will come to pass.
The story of us would someday be well and beautiful.
Jane Tricia Cruz is a writer and frequent contributor to Thought Catalog, The Mighty and Unwritten. Her work focuses primarily on topics of faith, spirituality, and relationships. Visit her author profile on Unwritten for more.