Love Horoscope For Thursday, July 1, 2021
Let that one slide.

For Wednesday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on July 1, 2021.
Your love horoscope starts the day with Venus in Leo conjunct with the planet Mars.
Venus and Mars continue to transit through the zodiac sign of Leo, and we have heated feelings about everything: love, life, and our desires to look our best.
Mercury will semi-square Venus in Leo so less is more right now when it comes to communication.
Mercury is mid-way through the zodiac sign of Gemini. Mercury in Gemini enhances our desire for social connection.
Since Gemini and Mercury rule transportation, the best things to do on Wednesday include taking a car ride to sight-see with someone you love or listening to your favorite tunes.
Famous July 1st weddings:
—WWII General and the 34th United States of America President, Dwight D. Eisenhower married Mary `Mamie' Geneva Doud in 1960.
—Entrepreneur and television personality Martha Helen Kostyra weds Andrew Stewart
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday, July 01, 2021:
Be gentle with your delivery, Aries. Love needs a gentle approach today.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, so mixed signals and misinterpretation of body language can take place.
Try not to read too deeply into things without asking whether or not the situation makes complete sense.
Family is everything, but when it comes to choosing between your partner and your kin, you may have to take a stand.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus and this can have you battling with your heart about what matters most to you. It's a tough decision, but one that you should not take lightly.
Speak with open honesty, but realize that people may not be ready to hear what you have to say. So you need to prepare before delivering your message.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, and a little bit of love goes a long way.
Be kind. Think about what it would be like to be in their shoes on the other side of the sounding board.
Money isn't everything but people often fight over it as if it is.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus semi-square Venus and this can make it harder than usual to talk about financial topics.
When you find yourself getting angry over a money matter with your mate, take a step back and allow yourself time to cool off. You never know where they are at emotionally. So check-in.
You have to be yourself, Leo. It's the only way.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus and you can get the impression that you have to change to make someone else happy.
It's not realistic to do it, even if you tried to. Remember that love is a two-way street. If they want you to change, then that also means there's work that needs to be done on their end, too.
Love your enemies is a really hard thing to do, but forgiving them is the first place to start.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, and you may be having thoughts about what to do with a particular person in your life. Evaluate the situation carefully.
Consider all sides to the problem and try to sort it out internally before making demands as to who should do what in your life.
Friends will not always agree with each other, so you have to compromise, Libra.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus and you may see things in a new light.
Although you might not always understand what caused the rift in your relationship after being so close for so long, with patience and time people start to open up again. So wait.
Love can feel like a full-time job, and it's easy to want to quit when you don't feel appreciated.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, and you may be taking inventory on who does what or does not do something to make life easier for the two of you.
You may need to come up with a new way to work on your relationship that includes working with a professional.
Stop reading self-help books or blogs about a particular topic in your love life.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus and you're already at an expert level and know what to do. It's time to trust your instincts and follow them.
Gone are the days when you felt like you needed someone to be there for you all of the time.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, and you're starting to sense that you are your own boss in love and in life. Your courage is growing. Continue to feed into your confidence and don't stop.
You have an amazing opportunity for love and to see all your dreams come true, Aquarius.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, and once you get over this difficult time in your love life, things will start to fall into place in ways that you had never thought they good. All you need to do is be ready.
Love is found in the details. You may not know what you need right now in order to feel confident that your relationship will be OK.
The planet Mercury semi-square Venus, and things are confusing, but with a little bit of time and patience, the dots will start to connect and you will soon realize that this was just a growing pain that you needed to go through.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.