Love Horoscope For Monday, May 31, 2021
A little love goes a long way.

For Monday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on May 31, 2021.
The Moon is in Aquarius it harmonizes with Mercury in Gemini.
The Moon in Aquarius is interested in how things in life affect others, and this could be why it's so hard to say things openly - perhaps fear of hurting feelings or misunderstanding are the reasons why.
Mercury is retrograde in Gemini, and all of our deepest thoughts and feelings remain hidden beneath the surface even from people that we love.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Monday, May 31, 2021:
Kindness and a dash of wisdom are needed, and you may want to think twice before assuming what you said is what someone else heard.
Watch your tone and how you deliver your messages as Venus enters a critical degree while in your sector of communication.
Your love can come on strong, especially if you need to get things off your chest with a partner. Be sure to pay attention to their reaction, and remain open and receptive.
No one likes to argue about money, but when you are trying to have a relationship with someone the topic does come up, and it's rarely ever pleasant.
Your ruling planet, Venus enters a critical degree in your sector of possessions, and this can bring out the worst in you at the wrong time.
You may feel strongly about what you have bought and what is yours, and of course, your partner is aware of your contributions.
But, do your best not to stake a claim and make it a matter of your territory vs theirs, at least not if you want to work together in partnership.
You enjoy your freedom, and singleness comes with almost as much of a cost as being in a relationship with someone.
This is where you need to have some sort of a budget as you might spend a bit more than usual on things you think you need, but maybe you really don't.
You have a lot of personal work you want to do, and it's all for the right reasons. However, you may still struggle to make ends meet until Venus slides into the sign of Cancer. So for now, be mindful of your money management.
Not all is cheery when Venus intensifies. She reaches a critical degree while in the zodiac sign of Gemini, and this activates the areas of hidden enemies.
You may be quiet and emotional, but this doesn't mean you can't tell when things aren't right with your relationship or friends who seem to think you don't know what's going on.
You may be coming out of that shell to cut ties and let people know you cannot be walked all over the next few days. There's a line in the sand you're ready to draw and you may not let anyone cross it without a little bit of a fight.
Spending time with friends this weekend through the week can have you learning more about their lives than you have in some time.
So, when you hear that a friend is going through a tough time, it can create a sense of worry within you.
You have big hopes and dreams, and when it comes to your friends, you're often a bit overly protective of their lives as well.
The fierce side of you may come out strongly while Venus in your sector of friendship prepares to leave Gemini, and you may be that one friend who can be talked to night or day until things pass.
Respect is just as important as love, and while Venus intensifies you may be a bit more sensitive to how others treat you, especially if it relates to the work you do for a living. You have a strong connection to what you do and who it is that you are.
Being with someone that understands how multifaceted you are can be a priority for you, so when you sense that you're misunderstood for your dedication and professional focus, this could create a crisis moment where you start to question the status and overall future of your partnership.
A spiritual connection is what you want and need, and it may not remain a 'nice-to-have' for too long.
You've already experienced superficial love and now you want something a bit deeper and passionate.
Finding what you want may not be easy. Knowing what you want makes searching for love easier because it helps you to avoid compromises in areas that you can't maintain for too long.
Love brings with it certain rules and you may be keeping the scorecard as you observe the dynamics of your relationship.
Fairness is a big deal for you, and if you don't think people are acting in your best interest, you may be inclined to pull back a bit in self-defense.
Now that Venus has reached a critical degree in the zodiac sign of Gemini, you're less apt to let things go without calling them out and talking about problems out in the open.
In the next few days, you will require plenty of it. Perhaps give a little warning to your partner that you are just sorting things out emotionally when you start withdrawing while Venus begins to transition from Gemini into Cancer this week.
Commitment is a big word that requires a lot of thought and introspection. And, you may feel pushed to give more of yourself than ready when Venus hits a critical degree in the sign of Gemini. Even under the best circumstances, you, Sagittarius, love your freedom and space.
You know your relationship has reached a new level when you can hang out doing little things together and nothing has to be over-the-top special or romantically exciting.
You are learning to let people you love into your daily life a little more at a time. Perhaps the change in routine since last year has finally settled in, and you're more comfortable with distractions and interruptions that you didn't handle well before.
You've learned to love others even during the most difficult times of life, and this has made you a better partner and friend.
What is romance to you? You may be at a place where everything gets redefined, especially in the relationship department.
The things you used to find sweet and endearing, and what you need to feel close are all in a state of transition.
What you value is not the same as before, and this makes who you love new and exciting.
Venus intensifies as it reaches a critical degree while in the zodiac sign of Gemini and this activates the areas of family, and this could bring news of a pregnancy or a divorce. It's hard to receive sad news about the people in your life.
It brings awareness on how temporary things can be, and that windows of time often close when we least expect it. These moments can be dear reminders of how important it is to treasure our loved ones now.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.