Horoscope For Today, May 15, 2021
Do something off the beaten path.

Your horoscope for today, May 15, 2021, is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs starting this Saturday.
Start the day early and prepare for something amazing to happen.
The Moon is home all weekend while it transits the zodiac sign of Cancer. The Moon symbolizes our emotions, and while in Cancer, happy (or sad) tears can be healing.
The Moon works sweetly with Uranus in Taurus through Sunday.
This is such amazing energy for going outside and enjoying the sunshine or looking through old family photos perhaps finding something interesting that you didn't realize you had that's part of your history.
If your birthday is on May 15, 2021:
You are a Taurus zodiac sign ruled by the planet Venus.
You have a tough exterior, but behind all your strength and courage is a soft-hearted and vulnerable person.
Famous Taureans who share your birthday include Rapper Grandmaster Melle Mel and the U.S. First female Secretary of State, Madeline Albright.
Zodiac signs you are most compatible with include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Saturday, May 15, 2021.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Hang in there, things can feel a bit crazy and unstable. So, you'll want to not react until the ride settles down and things start to level off.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of money and personal property, and this can feel like your life is being hit hard by something unexpected.
Rather than try to manage everything yourself. Focus on the one thing you can do well today, and then plan your activities carefully to minimize any risks.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Prepare to feel a bit on the exposed side of things. It could be one of your parents or even a friend who inadvertently says more than they should, and this can really make you feel bad that they didn't know better.
Conversations can come out in wonky ways when the Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of identity.
So, if you have this bizarre feeling that you should say 'don't repeat this' but think that it's understood - no, listen to your gut. Give them the heads up to avoid a problem before it happens.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You never really know a person until you actually see them in action, and sometimes the last person you thought you could trust turns out to be a real traitor.
It's treacherous when the Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of hidden enemies, and this could show up around some sort of money matter.
Don't loan out money to friends if you know that you're tight on funds. And, especially don't let someone borrow an item that you can't replace.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The truth is that what you want may never really be what your friends approve of, but if they truly are your friends, they will find it in their hearts to support you and understand.
The meaning of friendship gets a bit of a shake-up while the Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of friendships.
This can be the test of all-mighty tests that you have to go through when it comes to who is in your circle of trust.
At the end of the day, you need to be your own best friend. You have to stand strong and really own who you are.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Let the past go, and start focusing on the future. You have too many things that you need to give your attention to, so spending time reflecting or fretting is not a smart use of your day.
Your mindset is what will directly impact your life while the Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of career and social status, anyway.
So, instead of worry about what you should have done or could have done when the opportunity presented itself, think about what it is that you will do when your second chance comes through.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You don't have to learn from your own mistakes all of the time. You can learn by watching the errors of others. Your friends often do things their own way, and you observe from a safe distance.
So before you go rushing off to do that one thing you had in mind that's high-risk, ask someone in your friendship circle if they have ever tried it before.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of higher learning, and this promotes the sharing of wisdom and knowledge from others. Use it to your advantage.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
There are so many things that you can do when you have support and access to the right resources.
You have been trying to do certain things all on your own but now you've hit a wall. Ask for help.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of shared resources.
This can mean you can get financial help from banks, loans, or donations. The only thing stopping you from having all that you need is your pride.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
You might be ready to go all the way, but someone else may still be on the fence. Don't try to push the situation too much more. It could backfire on you.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of commitments, and the idea of 'togetherness' is heavily on your heart.
But, the truth is that you can't make someone want to do more than what they are ready to do. You have to be patient, and if waiting isn't worth it to you, move on.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
A routine is perfect for when you want to get a certain type of result, and you tend to be inconsistent with your actions.
You have to be persistent to get what it is that you want out of life. So make a plan for how you intend to get there.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of daily duties.
If you need to switch things up, then do so. Be open to change, especially if it helps you to reach the goal or a dream you've really wanted for a long time.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Flashes of insight happen when you least expected. If you like an idea capture it quickly before you end up forgetting it by the end of the day.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of creativity. Prepare yourself for crazy dreams that wake up and feel real to you.
You may want to keep a little notepad nearby to jot down a vision you have about the future or insight that comes to mind in the middle of a conversation.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Family is wonderful until they aren't. Ask for space if you need a bit of time for yourself. You might be ready to take a long nap or just get away from it all after a very long week.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of home, and the family. But, you're not in a hang-out mood. You need to call a time out.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Not everything needs to be out in the open. You don't have to be an open book all of the time. Sometimes you need to be private, a bit mysterious, and reserved.
The Moon spends the day in Cancer, and it harmonizes with Uranus your solar house of communication, and this can have you thinking that it's your job to inform others what you're thinking or planning to do next.
Just wait. See if the timing is right, and then once you have really given careful consideration to what you have to say, deliver your message with impact, and be strategic.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.