Horoscope For Today, April 11, 2021
Reach for the stars.

Your horoscope for today, April 11, 2021, is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs starting this Sunday.
The New Moon in Aries is finally here, and this is a powerful time to explore where you have the most potential in your life.
Before the New Moon lunar phase begins we hear guidance from Saturn in Aquarius to remind us of the value of people in our lives.
The Moon then will partner with Mercury in Aries to bring essential conversations to the surface for the purpose of exploring our options.
If your birthday is April 11:
If April 11 is your birthday, you are an Aries zodiac sign ruled by the planet Mars.
You are brilliant and love to express your thoughts and ideas openly with others. You're typically not shy and enjoy being in a crowd.
Famous Aries who share your birthday include American rapper Q Tip and actor Bill Irwin.
You are most compatible with zodiac signs: Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Sunday, April 11, 2021.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of identity. Deep down inside, do you know who you truly are?
This could be how to tell if you're really making a connection with certain areas of your life.
Especially during this birthday month, make self-study a serious pursuit - perhaps one that you explore all year.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of hidden enemies.
People may betray your trust, but at the end of the day you have to accept that is who they are.
You may wrestle with the question as to why such things happen. Still, you'll never change a person. Sometimes you won't even get an answer as to why.
When these difficulties happen, learn and strengthen yourself.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of friendships.
Having a close circle of friends is so valuable but there's always room for meeting one more person.
You never know who will walk into your life and change things for you. A new friend brings with them a world of experiences, knowledge, and possiblilties.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of social status.
You can always hit the restart button and start over again. If you have heard that someone is gossiping or talking about you behind your back it can be a terrible feeling.
But the truth is that your actions speak way louder than their words. Don't pull back from the world. Instead, be more active.
Let people see that you're better than what's been said about you. Strive to be the bigger person.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of higher learning.
There's always room to make more progress in your life. If you feel like you should have finished a college program or have taken advantage of an opportunity to expand your education, it's not too late.
The circumstances may be harder than when you originally started your journey, but you still can make it happen. Be determined and resilient.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of shared resources. Sometimes new things come your way.
A program that allows you to refinance your home for a better rate, or a rental lease that's ready to renew but you feel like you want to negotiate the cost.
You may be presented with new opportunities to learn how to negotiate and share what you get and use with others.
This is a great time to see beyond what you can accomplish by yourself.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of commitments.
This is a wonderful time to contemplate and start over again regarding what you dedicate your time and energy toward each day.
If you have felt like a journey is ready to take a new direction, pay attention to that.
The road curves toward anything you choose today. The choices are up to you.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of daily routines.
Routines are habits that you practice every day. So, if you're ready for a different result consider what your daily actions are.
Change is simply a matter of your daily and momentary decisions.
You don't have to keep things that same because that's how it's always been. You can start choosing change one step at a time.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of creativity.
A new project or adventure could be in the future. This is a great time to update a room or to build your website.
With the summer fast approaching, add a new color scheme to your wardrobe or pick pastels or brighter colors to replace a few signature pieces in the office.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of home, and the family. Focus on the little comforts that make your life sweet and involve the closest people you know - your kin.
You never know who may make a special announcement that impacts your home. A relative may share that they are planning to grow their family. You may decide that this is the right time to get a dog as a family pet and bring more love into your home.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of communication, or even travel.
If you've been thinking about getting a new car after the moon starts a new lunar cycle can be a great time to go shopping.
The next few months can also be a great time for local travel or checking out your community if you're not ready to venture too far from home just yet due to the pandemic.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The New Moon takes place in the zodiac sign of Aries, your sector of money and personal property. It's all about comfort now.
If you love comfort food or want to do more cooking at home, indulge yourself. Learn your favorite recipe or bake something that you can share.
Don't be surprised if this lunar cycle has you wanting to nest a bit. This may be a good time to buy new furniture or a bed for your home with a weighted blanket or nice comforter.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.