Outer Planets In Astrology: Effects & Zodiac Sign House Meanings
Lots to learn!

There's a lot to learn about outer planets and how they work in astrology. Depending on which house or zodiac sign your outer planet is in, the effects are different.
What is an outer planet?
In astrology, you have personal planets that include Venus, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, and Mars. These planets represent who you are and what it is about your personality is unique.
But there are also outer planets. These planets are about the circumstances in your life and the effect situations may have in the world on you, from an external standpoint.
Outer planets also can represent people and governments.
The five outer planets are:
1. Neptune
2. Pluto
3. Jupiter
4. Saturn
5. Uranus
It can be hard to know how outer planets in astrology affect us in our daily lives; since they move slower, their effect is less obvious than the inner planets’ changes.
It can be difficult to know what is the effect of these outer planets and what is simply you.
Read on to get the rundown on these fascinating planets and how they relate to astrology!
Outer planets in astrology: effects & zodiac sign house meaning:
Neptune rules Pisces and the 12th house (subconscious, secrets, and psychology). It also relates to the feet, toes, lymphatic system, and left eye.
Neptune is named for the god of the sea in Roman mythology. He is the classic symbol of the god holding a three-pronged trident.
Neptune is the son of Saturn who swallowed Neptune and his siblings whole for fear they would one day usurp him.
Neptune’s mother, Ops, tricked Saturn into freeing him and his siblings. The brothers, Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune, then divided the universe into sections with Neptune ruling the sea.
Neptune, which represents dreams, inspiration, illusion, and confusion, was discovered in 1846.
Neptune is associated with youthful, intuitive, and spiritual people as well as more negative qualities such as tricks and deception.
Dreamy and fantastical, Neptune is connected to spiritual development; childlike wonder and a positive outlook make a fulfilling life possible with Neptune.
When Neptune retrogrades, it is a hard reality check, and this generally means you are grappling with the fact your dreams may not come true the way you imagined.
Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house as well as the organs of procreation, the kidneys, and the rectum.
Pluto is named for the Roman god of the underworld (in Greek mythology, this would be Hades).
He is also known as the god of wealth as well as the god of the dead. Pluto lived in the underworld away from the other gods who stayed at Mount Olympus.
His job was to collect the souls of the underworld which was guarded by his three-headed dog, Cerberus.
After defeating Saturn, Pluto was given control of the underworld while Neptune took the seas and Jupiter took the earth and sky.
Pluto was discovered in 1930 and symbolizes rebirth, evolution, and healing.
In positive terms, Pluto is associated with renewal and new beginnings; on the other hand, destruction and a hunger for power are also tied to this planet.
Pluto can be related to change we desire or change that is forced on us, which can lead to destruction or a fresh start.
When Pluto retrogrades, it is not as disastrous as you may think; typically, it is used as a wake-up call to figure out what you want and go pursue it.
Uranus rules Aquarius and the 11th house (friendships, ideals, and associations).
Legs, the circulatory system, ankles, and your left ear are all ruled by Uranus as well.
Uranus is named for the Greek personification of heaven or Father Sky.
He was born without a father; Gaea was his mother and sole parent and eventually his wife who he went on to father the rest of the Greek gods with.
His son, Cronus, eventually overthrew him (after being hidden in his mother’s womb with the rest of his siblings) with a sickle given to him by his mother.
Uranus represents the unique and unusual, as well as change, and was discovered in 1781.
Uranus is all about looking forward and straying from the traditional; it invites change and inventive ideas.
Associated with progression and moving on to something new, Uranus can also be considered rebellious as it strays from what is expected or normal.
When Uranus retrogrades, it can be a time of personal freedom and change from things that are holding you down.
Saturn, discovered in 1610, represents deep thinking, structure, restrictions, and history.
Though we may not necessarily think of restrictions as a positive thing, in Saturn’s case it is less about holding us back and more about reminding us of our responsibilities and how to best manage our time.
Saturn is all about structure and creating an aligned and well-organized life in order to thrive and be less overwhelmed.
Saturn handles challenges in our lives and the discipline and structure we need in order to face the accompanying fear and doubt. When Saturn retrogrades, it can send planning and structure completely out of balance.
Saturn rules the Capricorn sign as well as the 10th house (that deals with career, prestige, and reputation). It also is associated with knees, hamstrings, joints, and bones.
Saturn is named for an ancient god from Roman mythology who ruled over agriculture, wealth, and plenty.
Saturn has many similarities to the early Greek god, Cronus. He was the son of the sky god Caelus, who he eventually overthrew.
It was said that one of Saturn’s own children would overthrow him in turn, so to avoid this, Saturn devoured all of his children.
Jupiter was discovered in 1610 and represents growth, good fortune, expansion, and healing.
It is connected with good luck and good fortune in astrology. It helps you find out where your natural talents are and what will come naturally to you in life.
Plentiful and lucky, Jupiter is all about hope and optimism and is generally considered a favorable planet. The negative side of Jupiter is naivety, excessive optimism, and irresponsibility.
When Jupiter retrogrades, it is not so bad as other planets and is a great time to think and reflect on your choices.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius and dominates the arteries, veins, thighs, hips, and nerves.
It also rules the 9th house (travel, philosophy, and higher learning).
Jupiter is named for the king of the Roman gods as it is the largest planet in the sky and therefore, the most powerful.
Jupiter began as a sky god who had control of lightning bolts and storms, but he eventually became a very successful god of war who led armies to victory. He is known as Zeus in Greek mythology.
Erin Watson is an editorial intern. Her main focuses are relationships, entertainment, and astrology.