Mars In Taurus January 6, 2021- March 3, 2021: Your Love Horoscope
When Mars enters Taurus you can either fight for it or lose it.

Mars enters Taurus and it is the first astrological change we experience in 2021 and it pushes all zodiac signs to start thinking about love in a whole new way.
There’s always a unique energy of possibility that exists with the start of the New Year, and it's good to know how to prepare.
It's almost as if no matter how challenging or difficult the previous year has been, we all believe that the next year can and will be different.
Of course, after the difficulties of 2020, this is especially true when it comes to love.
We want to understand the meaning and purpose of this last year.
We want to know how to use it to our benefit in 2021.
And with Mars entering Taurus, it's good to know what this means for your love horoscope, according to astrology.
Mars rules what is divinely masculine, and it affects the way you love.
Mars is about passion and ambition, and now she expresses her heated traits with Taurus flare.
Mars is a fast-moving personal planet that changes signs every few months, but last year, it operated a little differently while in Aries.
For Mars, Aries is home, and its entry into Taurus completes a 6-month transit where we experienced a deep dive into our authentic truth.
Mars has forced a collective look at who we are, what we want —and, of course, who we love.
Mars in Aries can best be described as war. Mars in Aries is action and truth — the excavation of everything in our life that doesn’t align with who we are.
We are motivated, and that's why Mars in Taurus features so strongly at the start of your love horoscope for 2021.
In January, expect conflicts as we test our ability to fight for what matters, and bring change with them, but come February, we will be rewarded with a break in the clouds.
There will be a new beginning in love and in being ourselves — that we’ve been hoping for.
Key Dates:
Mars will be in Taurus from January 6, 2021 to March 3, 2021, and she will remain direct during this astrological transit.
January 13th Mars Square Saturn
Anticipate restrictions to self-expression. There can be some walls in love that are difficult to understand. Manage your anger and avoid being petty.
January 20th Mars Conjunct Uranus
Miracles can happen during this time. A situation can take a turn in an unexpected direction.
January 23rd Mars Square Jupiter
Lots of emotional energy during this transit, which makes it the perfect time to recenter.
February 24th Mars Trine Pluto
A change in your desires could result after this astrological aspect.
How will Mars in Taurus affect your love horoscope January 6, 2021-March 3, 2021?
The energy shifts almost immediately in the New Year when Mars enters Taurus on January 6.
We close a chapter in our lives marked with an irreproachable change of which there is no coming back.
We actually felt brave enough to face ourselves and the demons that linger there.
Mars taught us who we are but also what matters most to us, which is crucial because now we’re going to be asked to fight for it.
Mars in Taurus takes what we learned last year and brings light to love in a new way.
We need to be selective when it comes to love. Mars in Taurus tells us to only invest energy where love is truly worth fighting for.
Mars in Taurus brings love into focus.
We learn to understand what is of value.
We must invest in others using both our divine feminine and masculine energies.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Venus is feminine. She's the goddess of love.
She dominates the energy of all those things we find pleasurable.
So while we may be asked to take up arms in the coming months because Mars always brings conflict to the surface — we’ll also be reminded that love is worth fighting for.
Taurus brings to Mars the loving energy of Venus and softens its approach.
The divine feminine and masculine energies in Taurus complement one another.
Mars in Taurus reminds us that it’s our truth that’s always worth fighting for the most.
Mars in Taurus won't be easy.
There will be a battle to be yourself. You may fight to pursue and build your dreams, but most of the time, you will learn more about love.
You will learn that love deserves to be fought for.
And sometimes, you will learn that to fight is simply to protect love from those that wish to tear it apart.
We will change how we physically connect with others while Mars is in Taurus, too.
When Mars was in Aries, we likely found that our passion and drive were higher, faster, and more intense resulting in intimate encounters that left us breathless and weak-even if incredibly satisfied.
But now, things will slow down romantically. Take your time and remember that sometimes it’s about the exploration of touch — without an end in sight that love craves the most.
Read on to find out how Mars in Taurus affects your love horoscope, by zodiac sign.
Mars in Taurus love horoscopes for January 6, 2020-March 3, 2021
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
This will feel like a breath of fresh air.
Even those who approach decisions and change with force can overdo it.
Sometimes you have a hard time slowing down to appreciate what you already have especially in terms of relationships.
During the next two months, you will enjoy a break in the rush of life and be able to enjoy the love you already have.
Sometimes it’s not about what’s next but what’s already right in front of you.
You could spend forever searching for the next best thing not realizing that as long as it’s us that isn’t happy with ourselves, we’ll never find it anywhere else.
Take this breath of fresh air and let it cleanse the doubt or insecurity from your eyes so that you don’t lose the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You will actually feel a little more ambitious than normal especially in terms of pursuing a love that has been on your mind since last summer.
It’s not about rushing forward, but you will be feeling more confident in taking a chance on love-no matter how you swore off of it before.
It’s also as if not only will you be feeling more courageous but that your confidence will rise too, reminding you that your dreams about what love is supposed to be are worth fighting for too.
You may approach love at times as if you don’t care what happens next, so focused on this moment and what feels good that’s all there is.
But it’s okay to catch feelings too and it’s more than okay to change what you want if it’s the person that’s meant to be with you, they’ll rise to the challenge and if not, then it’s better to know now rather than later.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
There will be a slow down coming in which even if you resist is going to be incredibly necessary.
You tend to move a bit faster than most, especially in the love department which means that sometimes you don’t always make the right choices.
While we could argue there are no wrong choices if we learn something from them, you also often have to learn the hard way that you can’t get rid of something that feels challenging by just ignoring it.
Get ready to face some difficult relationship lessons but end up better for it.
That’s the point of all of this because we can let everything that we’ve been through be one more reason why it won’t work in the future or we can use it to show just how much we’ve learned and how far we’ve come.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You always tend to gravitate towards what feels good so you’ll be at home during this transit-but the part that will be challenging is to learn to speak up for what it is you want and need.
Because having peace in your relationships tends to be a high priority you often are the one who is biting your lip to keep it but what if it didn’t need to be that way?
In the coming months, you’ll be encouraged to find your voice, speak up, and learn that if saying your needs upsets your partner-well, then they weren’t meant to be your partner. It’s time to let others adjust.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The past six months have passed in a whirlwind for you, almost like you know that a lot has happened, but it all happened so quickly you haven’t had time to really let it all settle in.
And in your relationship, there’s a lot that you don’t know that you know. Sounds confusing, doesn’t it?
Well, that’s probably how you’re feeling right about now. A lot has happened. People have changed.
The unexpected has taken place and in the middle of it, you can sense you’re not the same person you were last year at this time.
Take these two months and let the dust settle and the lesson absorb. There’s no need to rush into the next chapter-because it’ll find you.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Love may be your greatest tool for healing.
This is something you sometimes forget along with your power in the relationships that are the closest to you. Often believing them over your own truth.
But all that has to stop, and it seems now is the perfect time for that to happen.
When we begin to heal ourselves how we approach our relationships changes but sometimes what we learn is that we also outgrow those people we never thought we would.
Allow yourself to heal in the coming months, to take the time to do what feels good, to use love to heal that broken heart of yours because relationships only change when they do.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
When we stop looking back it’s amazing how many possibilities we can see. In terms of love you sometimes get stuck in certain ideas or thinking that love can only look one way or be with one person.
But the past few months have changed you so that you feel more open, you feel more like there shouldn’t be a need to hang onto something just so you don’t lose it.
Part of this is because you have stepped more strongly into your worth especially as it relates to relationships and because of this you’re going through an evaluation period.
The next few months will be a time to reflect on the relationships you already have in your life and if they are of value to you or not.
If single or casually dating, things are about to turn more serious, because unless it’s going somewhere you no longer have time to entertain it.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Love doesn’t have to hurt. It doesn’t have to be chaotic or painful and it doesn’t have to be some complicated affair that we lose ourselves within.
But to be able to accept healthy steady love we first have to heal the parts of ourselves that were taught love equaled suffering.
We have to see the parts of ourselves that hung on to what was hurting us because we didn’t know who we were without pain anymore.
We don’t have to sacrifice ourselves and our desire for intense passionate love in order for it to be healthy-but as long as we are focusing all our attention on what hurts, we’ll never be able to notice when it doesn’t.
The next couple of months are a chance to slow down and reflect on what the relationships in your life actually feel like-and to allow yourself to take a chance on what feels good.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
When we lie to ourselves, we crush the dreams we’ve yet to dream. We break our own hearts and we turn the keys within our locks of worthiness and deservingness. But we also have another choice.
We have the truth. Since last summer you’ve stepped into yours. You’ve faced your inner fears and been the one to remain standing. You’ve done the hard work but now you have some more.
While you were asked to reflect on if the relationship you were or are in actually is based on your truth and make those hard decisions about what to do next-now it’s all about what you want to grow.
The next two months will bring in chances to pause, to heal, to celebrate, to love but most of all it's a chance to see the magic that happens when we speak only the truth.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The only thing that does hold us back is the illusion of what it is supposed to look like. In life and especially in relationships you tend to be your own worst enemy. You think the worst and often plan for it.
You look skeptically at those around you and wonder why there is no trust.
All the while, you often will continue to build but you no longer have faith in simply because of the imaginary obligation you feel to people that don’t even matter.
You get one life and it’s yours to live. Don’t let some picture or words someone else said distract you from what you want.
Everything may feel like it’s falling apart right now, let it.
In the next few months, you get to refocus and will be asked to act on what you truly want but in order to do that, you need to figure out what that is.
That’s what this time is for, use it wisely.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Once in a while, even you meet someone that changes your whole world in an instant.
Even if you pretend to play it cool, even if you tell yourself how independent you are you still feel rattled down to your very core.
This is the magic of not even you can control love no matter how much you tell yourself you’re okay without it, someone is still bound to come along eventually to challenge that.
The past six months have challenged you to reflect on what you want from life and love.
But it’s this next phase that’s going to really be that lesson for you.
The thing with life-changing love is that it happens whether we want it or not, whether we’re prepared for it or not.
So, you may have tried excuses or even to continue to live how you always have been but that’s not working this time which means you’ll have to do something different.
Let yourself soften in the next few months, try on patience for size, and exhale trusting whatever comes is meant for you.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
There are years that feel like they won’t ever end and then there are years that fly by so quick you’re not even sure they happened at all.
Sometimes we don’t even know which we’re in until we’re trying to put together the pieces like long lost puzzles of love, hoping it’ll all come together at the end.
As much as you need to feel you have a choice in love, there are times in your life when you like to pretend you don’t.
By doing this you secretly hope to stave off heartbreak or responsibility but all that happens is you prolong the journey of happiness.
You often put off building the love you want because of the fear of what happens next.
But when we’re no longer afraid it means we have stopped being the barrier to our own abundance.
It means we trust the pieces of our puzzle to come together however they are meant to, which means we get to sit back and simply smile; these next few months is your chance to do just that.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.