Your Zodiac Sign's Weekly Love Horoscope & Tarot Card Reading For December 7 - 13, 2020
Let's see what we can look forward to, instead of losing hope.

We're at the end of the year where time seems to stand still as we move along to the new year. As soon as December starts, time slows down — and we're only on week two of the month!
There is a pervasive feeling in this week's Tarot card reading that tell us hope is here, and it's real. The end of the year allows us to reflect heavily on what happened during the year, and what a whirlwind we've all just endured.
But endings don't last forever and always make way for new beginnings, and that is what just about everyone on the planet is hoping for: a new beginning, and hopefully a happy one. That's what each zodiac sign will come to terms with in their weekly love horoscope.
Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Love Horoscope and Tarot Card Reading
There is nothing like having your cards read or your charts done to get a sense of what is to come. Perhaps, we can use our minds to create a new, hopeful scenario for ourselves.
If we believe we can, there is no stopping us. As for this week, let's see what we can look forward to.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): 6 of Cups
It's going to be a fine and dandy week for you, Aries.
Love is in the air, and so is partying. Let's keep the party limited, though; it's not the time to have many people over, but you will find yourself wanting to prepare food or fun for others, especially family members.
This might be a good week for you to dabble in cooking, baking, or crafting. Let your better side out this week, everyone in your pod will appreciate your generous nature.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Queen of Cups
You've got wisdom, beauty and love on your side this week, Taurus, so don't be surprised if, out of the blue, you're suddenly bombarded with respect and admiration.
You're the center of attention this week, and you're going to love it. Not only that, you deserve it.
You've wanted the attention of a certain so and so, and guess what? You're about to get as much as you need. Soak in the glory of being everyone's favorite person this week.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): 2 of Wands
Once again, you've put yourself in that position where you don't know what to do, Gemini.
This is getting tired, and it would be best for you to set an intention for the new year: "I can easily make up my mind." This year has brought you the fruit of your indecision, and you don't like it.
You need to work on your decision-making; leave the fear behind because, as it stands, it's eating your life up. Be brave; the world isn't as awful as you have decided it to be.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): 5 of Swords
This week is all about the past, Cancer — past choices, old regrets, reflecting over wrong moves and costly mistakes.
So, if you're going to spend time indulging in all the wrong moves you've made, try to knock out a plan while you're there for making good on your mistakes.
It's not too late to make a positive change, and dawdling around in the past isn't going to change anything. This week is a good one for planning ahead and learning from the past.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): 3 of Pentacles, reversed
Leo, this week is going to present an opportunity to you that will appear as "your last chance."
What this means is that you need to make that move now, rather than later. So, if you've been indecisive about something important and need to move on, this is the week that you do so.
The reversed 3 of Pentacles implies that your opportunity will not last forever and that time is of the essence. Make the move now, or forever hold your peace.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): King of Pentacles, reversed
This week is going to open your eyes to someone in your immediate world, and this person is going to disappoint you by not coming through for you in the way you expected them to.
It's best for you to detach now and not hold too much against them for their actions, Virgo.
The lesson here is all about expectation. You need to get real about this person; they aren't a god, nor are they here to make your dreams come true. That's for you to do. Expect less and create more on your own.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Ace of Wands, reversed
You've just managed to work what feels like the impossible, Libra, but you need to be cautious!
If you've maneuvered yourself into a better position at work, that's wonderful; however, you really need to watch your back as nothing is as it seems with this present situation.
Don't get too confident that you're secure; things are looking shaky and may just change if you don't stay aware. You made it this far, now don't get arrogant. Understand that you could lose what you've gained very easily.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): 10 of Cups, reversed
If you play your cards right, Scorpio, your love life will thrive like it's never thrived before.
But you have to make sure you do the right thing by the person you're involved with. You may have recently had an argument with this person, and you're looking for that right moment to say and do the right thing. This person means the world to you and you can't lose them.
Don't worry, you won't, but you need to show some effort. Your person is looking for you to show more involvement than you've shown in the past few months. They need it.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): 8 of Swords
As the year ends, so does the work load, Sagittarius, and you have to put your ducks in order this week.
You need to finish up what you started so it doesn't pile up on you. If you're busy with a creative endeavor, try to visualize it's completion and then get to it. You know the feeling when it all starts overwhelming you, so don't let that happen again.
Put your mind on completion and make it happen. If you don't finish what you've started, it will linger for months and will cause you grief.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): 10 of Wands
As the year winds down, so do the opportunities, Capricorn; however, in your case, there's one more door for you to go through.
That is the one that will open up a whole new slew of wonderful situations. You will learn about this door during the week, and after taking a good long think on what you're going to do about it, you'll find that taking the chance is better than remaining complacent.
This week is going to be about going for it, taking chances, and setting yourself up for a bright future.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): 7 of Cups, reversed
They say that the end of the year tends to depress many people; in your case, Aquarius, you're going to be going over old loves and good memories.
Don't get lost in them, but don't feel bad about reminiscing, either. There is someone in your life, someone from the past who you can't let go of, and thoughts of them cause you pain.
It might be time to let go. There is much to look forward to in the love department, come next year.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10): 2 of Cups
Pisces, you have always known yourself to be a fool for love; hey, you'd do anything for the one you love.
This week is going to bring that right into the open. You don't care, you have no pride when it comes to being an outright goofball for love.
Let's put it this way: if you're about to spend a fortune on someone's holiday present, no one is going to stop you, so make sure you have the money to do all that "pleasing."
Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.