Love Horoscope For Tuesday, December 8, 2020
The rest of the week will be much better!

For today's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on Tuesday, December 8.
Love can be hard to feel, express or even see for all zodiac signs.
Saturn will be keeping it real while communicating with Venus all day this Tuesday.
Venus remains in Scorpio, and even though this makes her love intensely, Saturn pulls back some of that forceful nature.
The best reaction to this energy is to structure your day and plan a date night instead of hoping one will happen spontaneously.
The Moon will spend some time in Virgo before moving into Libra.
While in Virgo, our feelings are easier to manage which can keep arguments at bay especially when earth signs feel that their partners are no longer in love.
The Moon enters Libra later, and this is a great time to work on your relationships with listening and taking turns being heard.
Try not to let the changes stress you out during the day.
The rest of the week will be much better!
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, December 08, 2020:
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of identity. When you feel emotional pain it can manifest in strange ways.
Your relationships and how you view them may be one way that Chiron in your sign has impacted your love life.
However, this does not have to be negative.
You can choose to make it better by taking action that is reasonable and sound under these circumstances. Work on yourself, and when insecurity shows up, address it.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of karma and hidden things. You may be learning about yourself in ways that you don't tell others.
You might be seeing how your past life has had an impact on your present.
A soulmate or meeting someone you feel like you've known for years can be a healing time for you.
When this happens, ask the universe what wants you to learn. You may be healing things from years past, even lifetimes ago.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of friendships. Friends can disappoint you, especially when you love them so much.
You may find that it's necessary to forgive a friend for what happened, even if there is no apology issued.
It's cliche but forgiveness is truly a gift you give yourself. You don't have to stay in the same relationship you had before, but letting go of your right to be asked for forgiveness is a starting point toward healing and growth. With or without the other person.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of social status, public reputation and career.
You may have made some important sacrifices that impacted your relationship or maybe your career out of love.
You might feel some pain or regret for choosing this other path, but you don't have to carry the sadness with you forever.
You did the best you could with the circumstances. Try to do better with the ones you have now.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of high learning and personal philosophy.
The mindset can be a wonderful thing, but when you learn that you were wrong you may ask how you can change it.
You might need to work with a life coach or a therapist who can guide you through this process. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of shared resources. You may have a need that you're too embarrassed to ask for help on.
But this is not how you learn to love others in a relationship meant to be mutually beneficial. It's sweet when you can show your vulnerable side.
Don't be shy about letting someone know that you could use their assistance. It may bring you close and teach you that it's OK to be someone who can't do it all.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of relationships. You are learning how to set clear boundaries in love and with your friendships.
It can be foreign to you to do this because of your balanced nature. You want to please others and be the one to carry the heavier burden at times.
But learning to be a little more me-focused is a positive thing. You learn to be there for yourself and it can help you keep things in the right order for your entire life.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of daily duties. Set your priorities in order and try not to neglect what's important for a temporary high.
You may find yourself choosing to have fun with someone you love and leaving your responsibilities behind; however, they do build up.
It's important to put first things first and not to let this happen, even if your heart isn't into doing the mundane tasks of life.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of romance and creativity. You may try to make something or be romantic and your efforts fall flat.
Was it you or the situation? It could be a little bit of both. Instead of shying away from the fact that your feelings are hurt, ask your significant other what their expectations may have been.
Try to find out so you can work on understanding each other. Even though this short disappointment is hard, it can pull your relationship closer.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of home and family. If you grew up in a dysfunctional home or had a relationship that was unhealthy it can cause you to feel a variety of things when you start a new relationship.
This is a great time for you to work on healing and to see how you feel about an imbalance of power when it occurs in your love life.
Do you run or hide from the confrontation? How can you learn to be more forward and forthright?
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of communication.
You may find yourself being overly sensitive to criticism, even if it comes from a place of love.
You may need to share your own thoughts and ideas about the right tone to speak when discussing tough subjects.
Don't tolerate yelling, and set a boundary for how you want others to approach or speak with you when needed.
Chiron is in Aries, your sector of money and personal property. It's best not to buy things on impulse right now.
Even if you think you or your partner need the item, it may be best to avoid jumping to conclusions before you've fully discussed it.
You could experience buyer's remorse at this time. So stop the problem before it starts.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.