21 Best Astrology Books For Zodiac Fans & Beginners
There's so much to learn.

The best astrology books not only tell us more about the things we already know, they teach us amazing insights you won’t find in horoscopes or astrology apps.
If you’re someone who is always Googling astrological information, following all the zodiac meme pages and always pestering your friends to find out the exact time of their birth, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not becoming an amateur astrologist!
You’re clearly interested in learning about astrology, so why not get a few books to accompany your studies?
The reality is, sites and apps can only tell you so much, and fitting a tradition that has spanned centuries into a single web page means cutting out a lot of information. If astrology was a college class, would you be citing an app or would you do the readings assigned by your professor?
Even the experts in astrology keep helpful books on their shelves to refer to in their teachings, and so should you!
These books cover the basics to the most complicated aspects of the planets, all while giving us fun facts and colourful diagrams to help us learn astrology.
Best Astrology Books Ever
1. The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
The title says it all. This book is packed with information on Sun signs, Moon signs, Ascending signs, the placement of planets in your Houses, and the latest astronomical discoveries.
Woolfolk writes a truly comprehensive account of the history and mythology of astrology, as well as an intricate look into the future for each sign. Any budding astrologist needs this by their side when putting together birth charts for friends and family.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
2. The Twelve Houses: Exploring The Houses Of The Horoscope by Howard Sasportas
After reading this, you’ll never need to read another book on an individual zodiac sign — it's that in depth.
Sasportas takes you on a journey that will improve your relationship with each of your own signs, and every other House of the zodiac, describing both tangible associations and the subtle meanings of the different spheres of life.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
3. Planets in Transit by Robert Hand
Robert Hand is largely considered the father of astrology as we know it, so this is definitely a must-have text for beginners and experts.
Hand really gets to grips with the details of planetary transits, which are the moving planets that impact an individual’s natal chart. The book covers each movement of the planets in relation to each other, as well as their impact on each of the twelve Houses of the zodiac.
Get your highlighter pens and sticky notes out for this one because that is 720 lucid delineations to cover!
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
4. On the Heavenly Spheres by Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro
By paring astrology back to its earliest origins, Avelar and Ribeiro really hone in on a lot of the information that has been lost in modern astrology.
Given that astrology first began as an examination of the correlation between the heavenly bodies and events on Earth, it’s essential for astrologers to understanding and apply the fundamentals and principles explored in this text.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
5. The Secret Language of Relationships: Your Complete Personology Guide to Any Relationship with Anyone by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers
Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers delve a little deeper than your typical zodiac compatibility test.
Dividing the year up into 2-week periods, the book crafts personal relationship profiles between two people born at any point in the year. That’s 1,176 potential combinations!
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
Best Astrology Books For Beginners to Learn Astrology
6. The Only Way to Learn Astrology by Marlon D. March and Joan McEvers
This is a pragmatic, systematic approach to astrological foundations.
If you’re a logical thinker who struggles with intangible ideas about astrology, this one's for you. This is the introductory text to a multivolume series, so you can easily graduate up the ranks with each book in the series.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
7. Astrology for Yourself: How to Understand and Interpret Your Own Birth Chart by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch
Every student of astrology needs to get to grips with their own natal chart first before they expand their knowledge into other areas.
This workbook is like a revision class for astrologists with exercises and questions to walk you through the fundamental basics of astrology.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
8. The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology by April Elliott Kent
Elliot Kent has a knack for breaking down even the most technical of concepts into simple, easy-to-understand terms.
Just when you’re starting to get overwhelmed by abstract astrological concepts, she sprinkles in tidbits of humor, anecdotal information, and fun facts that make studying astrology enjoyable.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
9. The Secret Language of Birthdays: Your Complete Personology Guide for Each Day of the Year by Gary Goldschneider
Combining insight from astrology, numerology and Tarot, this book creates unique and informative personality profiles for each of the 366 potential birthdays in a year.
Whether you’re learning to create birth charts or you're just want a fun book to whip out when your friends come to visit, this book does it all.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
Best Books On Vedic Astrology
10. Vedic Astrology Secrets for Beginners: The Complete Guide on Jyotish and Traditional Indian and Hindu Astrology by Manjula Tara
Vedic astrology accounts for the more specific movement of the vernal equinox, meaning, unlike Western astrology, it doesn’t use a fixed zodiac. As one of the oldest forms of astrology, it’s definitely worth studying, and this book will provide all the basics and advanced information you need.
It’s worth mentioning, though, that advanced experts in Western astrology might already know most of the general zodiac teachings mentioned in this book, so they may find it repetitive in parts.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
11. Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley
This book assumes the reader has a prior knowledge of Western astrology, which makes it helpful for those looking to expand their already detail astrological awareness.
It explains the key principles and teachings of Vedic astrology in relation to Western astrology, situating both traditions in their historical and modern contexts.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
12. Essentials of Vedic Astrology by Komilla Sutton
Sutton does an excellent job of running readers through the basics of Vedic astrology while still providing plenty of advanced information for those who have researched this practice before.
It's a comprehensive look at the Lunar Nodes in Vedic astrology and how this nodal axis affects every level of our spiritual existence.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
Best-Selling Astrology Books
13. Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller
While this book is definitely accessible for beginners, it can be a welcome fresh take for experienced astrologists. The entire book reads like a self-help book but, as it’s informed by astrology, provides a lot of personal guidance.
Focusing on one astrological point, the North Node, it explores the overarching themes of our lives and what we need for spiritual fulfillment.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
14. Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic by Vanessa Montgomery
Even the most advanced concepts of astrology are simplified here.
With sleek illustrations and glossy diagrams, astrology is made less daunting and more accessible. It’s a great coffee table book that you can quickly refer back to as you continue to learn astrology.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
15. The Astrology of You and Me: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Gary Goldschneider and Camille Chew
This book puts you in the driver seat of all of your relationships as you steer them towards greatness.
Whether you need to know how to work with a stubborn Taurus, improve your friendship with an emotional Pisces, or find love with an intense Scorpio, this text will guide the way.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
16. Astrology for Happiness and Success by Mecca Woods
After five years working in social services, Mecca Woods became an astro-coach focused on helping people claim their happiness and create a life they truly want. Unlike the kind of horoscopes you might read online, the book goes into real depth for each sign, and provides actionable steps on how to find your joy.
If you find yourself struggling to find a self-care routine that works for you, you need to read this. With different activities, therapeutic techniques, and relaxation rituals for each astrological sign, Woods not only has personalized advice for you, but offers ways you can help other signs in your life.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
17. Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil by Liz Greene
This is probably the most specific and focused book on this list, but that’s how you know you’re getting a detailed, well informed text! Greene traces the character of this most important planet through sign, house, aspect, synastry, and its role in mythology.
Saturn is the planet of limits, disappointment, and struggle. Understanding its influence is a powerful way to learn from the painful lessons this planet teaches us.
(Check prices and reviews on Amazon)
Best Astrology Books Free to Download
18. Astrology 101: Decoding Your Energetic Signature by Alanna Kaivalya
Yoga master Alanna Kaivalya knows a thing or two about understanding energies. This book is free to download on any Kindle, so it’s perfect for those just starting out on their astrological journey who want to save their money.
The book is both informative and practical, with steps on how to plot your own natal chart, and has a cheat sheet to help you remember all the personality traits of the zodiac signs.
(Download for free on Kindle)
19. Astrology: Best Astrology Compatibility Guide by Anton Romanov
We might try and act like we’re above astrology at times, but there’s one thing we all look to the stars for: love advice.
This book is all about compatibility and finding the one for your sign. Romanov breaks down each sign and tells us exactly why certain matches work (or, more importantly, don’t work). It’s a quick read and won’t cost you a cent.
(Download for free on Kindle)
20. Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View by Richard Tarnas
History buffs will definitely find themselves immersed in this book. Philosopher Richard Tarnas makes some fascinating links between astrological movements and historical events.
Ever wondered what Plato’s teachings, astrology, and the 9/11 attacks have in common? Tarnas answers it all, and more.
(Download for free on Audible)
21. Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along by Jessica Lanyadoo
Astrology For Real Relationships teaches us that compatibility is based on a lot more than the brief summaries you find on Co-Star.
Lanyadoo breaks down the essentials about Sun signs, Moon signs and Rising signs, tells us exactly what we should be paying attention to in terms of planetary positions, and debunks some of the useless information that horoscopes tell us.
Then, once armed with this knowledge, she applies this information to modern relationships, friendships and familial bonds in a way that's profound but practical.
(Download for free on Audible)
Alice Kelly is a writer and storyteller with a passion for lifestyle, entertainment, and trending topics. When she’s not creating content for YourTango, you can catch her working on creative fiction and vintage shopping.
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