What To Do When An Aries Ignores You
Ignored by an Aries? We're here to help.

It happens to everyone at some point: one minute everything’s fine with an Aries, and the next there’s a line of unanswered texts forming between the two of you.
Nobody likes being ignored by an Aries, especially when they have no idea why.
There are different strategies for coping with this frustrating lack of communication.
So, what do you do when an Aries ignores you?
These signs can be difficult to figure out and intimidating at times, especially to fire signs that do not share the same intensity.
Aries signs are anyone born between March 20th and April 21st.
The planet Mars rules Aries signs which can lead to some explosive anger from Aries signs and explains why Aries are so fiery and full of passion.
Perhaps your new partner or friend is an Aries, and they’ve given you the cold shoulder all of a sudden.
There are a few reasons an Aries may be ignoring you.
Restricting their freedom, boring them, not being genuine, and even ignoring them first are sure ways to make an Aries ignore you.
Perhaps they heard one too many half-truths from you, and now they’ve retreated to their own space.
Aries signs have a few deal breakers that they can't get past, such as being overly clingy, having no chemistry, or lying to them.
If any of this describes your situation, it may be hard to win back your Aries you can try.
Here is what to do when an Aries ignores you:
1. Accept that you're being ignored.
The first thing to do when an Aries ignores you is accepting the fact that you are being ignored.
Don’t hound them with a million texts asking if they’re ignoring you; they clearly are.
Taking a second to think “hey, I’m being ignored” and then a moment to consider why this might be happening are key first steps.
If you have a better idea of why your Aries is ignoring you, it can help you think of a strategy.
2. Stop chasing them.
When an Aries ignores you and retreats to their world, it’s crucial to leave them alone.
When they want to talk to you, they’ll text you.
If you are being ignored, they have a reason and it isn’t something you can solve if they aren’t ready to solve it with you.
Aries dislikes being hounded and needs their space to consider their next steps.
Constant questions and concerns will only push them away more.
When an Aries ignores you, the best thing to do is let them come to you.
2. Act confidently.
The most important thing to remember is to not grovel and beg for attention from your Aries.
Aries don’t like weakness, so pleading for attention will throw them off.
Act confident and strong.
If you have done something wrong to make them ignore you, apologize confidently and firmly.
If they are simply ignoring you because they got bored, show them it doesn’t bother you.
It’s important to save face here and even if you don’t feel it, act as confident as possible.
3. Respect their feelings.
Respecting their feelings will show them that you care without bombarding them.
When an Aries needs some alone time, letting them have it without making it about you or demanding attention will show them that you’re mature and confident in your relationship.
The time an Aries needs to recharge and decide how they’re feeling is crucial to their happiness and it’s important to respect that.
4. Don’t beat yourself up.
Finally, when an Aries ignores you, don’t beat yourself up about it.
It could be that you made a mistake, hurt their feelings, ignored them first, or restricted their freedom.
If that’s the case, apologizing confidently won’t hurt anything.
However, it may not be about you at all.
At the end of the day, people make their own decisions and if your Aries is ignoring you, you have to decide how you want to react.
Sure, it hurts to be ignored but don’t let yourself get too down about it.
You can only make decisions for yourself.
Let them figure their own problems out and they’ll come to you.
Erin Watson is an Editorial Intern. Her main focuses are horoscopes, entertainment, and relationships.