23 Moving Edgar Allan Poe Quotes About Love & Life
"We loved with a love that was more than love" — Edgar Allan Poe

The best Edgar Allen Poe quotes prove why his poetry made him one of the most important and influential American writers of the 19th century.
Poe completely transformed the horror genre and was an early pioneer of the science fiction genre.
His most famous stories are “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” “The Pit and the Pendulum,” “The Masque of the Red Death,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.”
After his death, the impact of his sales went up because of the degrading obituary written by Rufus Griswold, which backfired in his attempt to degrade and ill-legitimize the impact that Poe had on the world.
Edgar Allan Poe is known to be one of the most famous poets from the 19th century because of his early practice of the short story and inventing the detective fiction genre, and dark romanticism genre.
Edgar Allan Poe quotes about love and life
1. “I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.” — Edgar Allan Poe
2. “Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.” — Edgar Allan Poe
3. “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” — Edgar Allan Poe
4. “They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” — Edgar Allan Poe
5. “We loved with a love that was more than love.” — Edgar Allan Poe
6. “Man's real life is happy, chiefly because he is ever expecting that it soon will be so.” — Edgar Allan Poe
7. “It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.” — Edgar Allan Poe
8. “I have great faith in fools — self-confidence my friends will call it.” — Edgar Allan Poe
9. “I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.” — Edgar Allan Poe
10. “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” — Edgar Allan Poe
11.“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.” — Edgar Allan Poe
12. “Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.” — Edgar Allan Poe
13. “If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.” — Edgar Allan Poe
14. “The true genius shudders at incompleteness — imperfection — and usually prefers silence to saying the something which is not everything that should be said.” — Edgar Allan Poe
15. “It is a happiness to wonder; — it is a happiness to dream.” — Edgar Allan Poe
16. “The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” — Edgar Allan Poe
17. “There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion.” — Edgar Allan Poe
18. “Stupidity is a talent for misconception.” — Edgar Allan Poe
19. “Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore...” — Edgar Allan Poe
20. “You call it hope — that fire of fire! It is but agony of desire.” — Edgar Allan Poe
21. “Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or a silly action for no other reason than because he knows he should not?” — Edgar Allan Poe
22. “In the Heaven's above, the angels, whispering to one another, can find, among their burning terms of love, none so devotional as that of 'Mother.” — Edgar Allan Poe
23. “For my own part, I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words, with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it.” — Edgar Allan Poe
Megan Hatch is a writer at YourTango who covers pop culture, love and relationships, and zodiac.