308 Best Funny Usernames To Make People Online Laugh
No more basic usernames. It's time to get creative with your social media and gaming handles.

If you find yourself literally laughing out loud at the funny usernames you see on TikTok, Instagram, dating sites and gaming platforms, you need to get on board and get a hilarious account name of your own.
If you’re only setting up a social media profile now, chances are your name and every possible spelling of it has been snatched up by someone else, way before you set up your profile.
But there are a few tricks to making your username fun and unique. You can replace vowels with numbers, or throw in underscores and dashes, but nothing will be as original as coming up with a whole new hilarious moniker for your profile.
Whether it’s for TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Snapchat, or a dating profile, these funny usernames are sure to get some laughs.
308 Funny Usernames
Funny Usernames For TikTok
1. 2OldForThis
2. TheTroubleMakers
3. joe_not_exotic
4. shaquille.oatmeal
5. RenegadeMaster
6. viewer_discretion_advised
7. FunnyCatVidz
8. CharliDamelioForPresident
9. everythingbagelwithvegancreamcheese
10. name_is_in_use
11. i_dont_dance
12. builtdifferent
13. shadowbanned
14. not_my_idea
15. down_with_the_kids
16. amicoolyet
17. Addison_Rae_Of_Sunshine
18. im_an_accountant
20. FrostedCupcake
21. Avocadorable
22. MrsDracoMalfoy
23. MrsChalamet
24. MrsStyles
25. CourtesyFlush
26. MomsSpaghetti
27. just_a_teen
28. GenZWarrior
29. what_does_this_button_do
30. not_funny
31. DestinysGrandchild
32. champain
33. AspiringInfluencer
34. ClassyBadassy
35. severusvape
36. RuleFollower
37. Lizzos_Flute
38. urcutejeans
Funny Usernames For Instagram
39. guess_who
40. insert_name_here
41. InstagramM0del
42. baeconandeggz
43. look_mom
44. botaccount
45. QuarQueen
46. Reese_Withoutaspoon
47. ReeseWithafork
48. ImageNotUploaded
49. No_Feet_Pics
50. wherearethetomatoes
51. TequilaMockingbird
52. the_other_name_were_taken
53. not_my_first_choice
54. PaintMeLikeOneOfYourFrenchGirls
55. Hot_Name_Here
56. InstagramHubby
57. BasicBeach
58. thot_patrol
59. my_anaconda_does
60. kim_chi
61. username_copied
62. Ariana_Grandes_Ponytail
63. definitely_not_an_athlete
64. will_pay_extra_for_guac
65. not_my_1st_rodeo
66. coolshirtbra
67. DMmeforcompliments
68. baecon
69. boneappleteeth
70. valid8me
71. personallyvictimizedbyreginageorge
72. been_there_done_that
73. hi_future_employers
74. chalametbmybae
75. NorthWestsAssistant
76. hotgirlbummer
Funny Usernames For Online Gaming
77. fedora_the_explorer
78. iNeed2p
79. XboxForSale
80. will_rage_quit
81. Necalli Culkin
82. Yourself
83. Xboxsignout
84. Don’t Hate The Player Hate The Game
85. videojames
86. videojane
87. I_Do_Destruction
88. MarioFart
89. I_Shoot_You_Die
90. Pikachew
91. Semi_Dead
92. Monster_GUGU
93. DeadliestCatch
94. Naughty_Noob
95. WhosNext?
96. i_was_a_mistake
97. Oops_Sorry
98. RuthlessSlayer
99. NewHighScore
100. All_Time_Low
101. XBoxShutDown
102. DroppedMyController
103. catch_me_if_u_can
104. Unst0ppable
105. Sick0_M0de
106. YourTurn
107. Need4Speed
108. sendc0ins
109. i_can_see_your_pixels
110. i_was_reloading
111. thanos_left_hand
Funny Usernames For Reddit
112. InternetDad
113. JuliusSneezer
114. JuliusSeizure
115. PotStirrer
116. BloodBoiler
117. oprah_wind_fury
118. epic_fail
119. tin_foil_hat
120. yes_u_suck
121. anonymouse
122. im_confused
123. name_not_important
124. ctrl_alt_dlt
125. google_was_my_idea
126. bigfootisreal
127. worldwarIII
128. colonel_mustards_rope
129. UFO_believer
130. Area52
131. ihaveaquestion
132. AverageForumUser
133. PoliticallyIncorrect
134. always-plan-ahead
135. SelfishPresely
136. ElfishPresely
137. BudLightyear
138. bill_nye_the_russian_spy
139. rambo_was_real
140. khaleesisfourthdragon
141. Stranger_Danger
142. dont_eat_yellow_snow
143. RealNameHidden
Funny Usernames For Snapchat
144. FastAndCurious
145. CasperTheFriendlyGhost
146. unfriendme
147. text_me_back
148. ghostfacegangsta
149. wont_do_streaks
150. whats_my_snapscore
151. how_you_doing
152. im_watching_you
153. ratedG
154. magicschoolbusdropout
155. say_my_name
156. chickenriceandbeans
157. thank_u_next
158. Born-confused
159. GawdOfROFLS
160. cereal_killer
161. strike_u_r_out
162. behind_you
163. who_am_i
164. new_phone_hu_dis
165. my_name_is
166. hotline_bling
167. send_memes
168. drunkbetch
169. LlamaDelRey
170. funnycontentcoming
171. kokonuts
172. unapologetic
173. DirtBag
174. FurReal
175. ScoobyCute
176. itchy_and_scratchy
177. taking0ver
178. Unic0rns
179. OneTonSoup
180. snackluver
181. ironmansnap
182. peekabo0
Funny Twitter Handles
183. LackingToesAndTolerance
184. hakuna_matata_
185. applebottomjeans
186. chin_chillin
187. santas_number1_elf
188. CountSwagula
189. nachocheese
190. AnywayHeresWonderwall
191. immaletyoufinish
192. do_not_disturb
193. 0p_rah
194. average_student
195. Something
196. crazy_cat_lady
197. kiss-my-axe
198. unsupportedfile
199. KanyeEast
200. pluralizes_everythings
201. uncommonname
202. HashtagHustle
203. me_for_president
204. unsolicited_opinions
205. thoughts_for_sale
206. no_one_asked
207. GrammarMaster
208. srsly_rowling
209. test_name_please_ignore
210. DevilsAdvocate
211. unfinished_sentenc
212. hogwartsdropout
213. AllGoodNamesRGone
215. thegodfatherIV
216. LactoseAndIntolerant
Funny Usernames For Dating Sites and Apps
217. MustLoveDogs
218. all_strings_attached
219. WifeyMaterial
220. HubbyMaterial
221. wherefore_art_thou_romeo
222. Mr.Right
223. Mrs.Right
224. PrinceCharming
225. PrincessCharming
226. i_can_cook
227. moms_love_me
228. BaeCatcher
229. MagicMike
230. SeekingDogsitter
231. dont_friendzone_me
232. mines_a_cosmopolitan
233. in_jail_out_soon
234. desperate_enough
235. date_me
236. just_another_single_guy
237. Rebounding
238. meet_me_at_the_aisle
239. SwipeRight
240. LeftOnRead
241. NoGhostsAllowed
242. serious_applicants_only
243. MustLoveTequila
244. IdiotsNeedNotApply
245. Mrs_Your_Last_Name
246. looking_for_love
247. casanova
248. home_wrecker
Funny Usernames For Girls
249. InternetAunt
250. Beyonce_Beytwice
251. Billie_Eyelash
252. StaceysMom
253. AgonyAunt
254. SylviaPsyoplath
255. what_would_sara_do
256. JaneDoe
257. JaneDon’t
258. InternetMom
259. Jane_Bond
260. WendyWacko
261. crazyfeministblog
262. AnnaConda
263. dumbblonde
264. champagnemami
265. mother_of_dragons
266. ashley_said_what
267. catmom
268. Wonderwoman
269. chiquitita
270. Cardi_C
271. AnnaSummer
272. momager
273. Sleeping_beauty
274. over_the_lorrainebow
275. rejectedbachelorcontestant
276. itsBritneyB1tch
277. ArianaVenti
278. KaraKardashian (or any other K name)
279. 100percentthatbetch
Funny Usernames For Guys
280. Pixelated Pizza
281. InternetUncle
282. Jonah_Moutain
283. HairyPoppins
284. A$APSofty
285. not_james_bond
286. Justin_Case
287. Christopher_Sittin
288. well_endowed
289. Morgan_NotFreeman
290. imjustjoeking
291. MechanicMike
292. grahams_crackers
293. JohnDoe
294. JohnDon’t
295. CaptainJackNarrow
296. Jim_Doesnt_Carrey
297. BearGrills
298. dumbest_man_alive
299. catdad
300. not_so_superman
301. actuallynotchrishemsworth
302. Chris_P_Bacon
303. garythesnail
304. BreadPitt
305. Phil_me_up
306. oliver_clothes_off
307. TheJackPot
308. MartinRouterKing
Alice Kelly is YourTango’s Deputy News and Entertainment Editor. Based in Brooklyn, New York, her work covers all things social justice, pop culture, and human interest.