INFP Relationships, Compatibility & Best Personality Type Love Matches
What is an INFP like in relationships?

INFP relationships are unique because this Myers-Briggs personality type believes wholeheartedly in true love. The INFP personality type (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) needs someone in their life who is sincere, honest, loyal and is someone they can be themselves with.
If you're empathetic, see the good in people, are extremely loyal, a good listener, and speak and act from the heart, you might have the INFP personality type. INFP cognitive functions are introverted feeling, extroverted intuition, introverted sensing, and extroverted thinking.
In terms of INFP compatibility, relationships can be tough on their emotions; they care deeply about their partner and often invest too much of themselves, which can lead to being taken advantage of.
INFP Compatibility In Romantic Relationships:
In romantic relationships, INFPs believe in the concept of true love and will be unhappy if their relationship doesn’t have this component. This can be a downfall for INFP due to of their semi-unrealistic dream of true love, which is rare to find. The unrealistic goal of finding their soulmate makes relationships hard because the love they desire doesn’t happen instantly.
That being said, INFPs need to realize that they need time to understand, compromise, and put in the effort with their romantic partner, rather than jumping in head-first.
Their emotions can sometimes make relationships a little more difficult because they blow things out of proportion or overthink the small details while jumping to conclusions.
What INFP looks for in a relationship is communication — this is key for these overthinkers and dreamers; they need to be on the same page as their partner and ensure their partner sees them for who they are.
If INFP's partner isn't a good communicator, INFPs become passive-aggressive — they won't express how they truly feel, and won't address conflict. Their partner needs to help encourage them to express their emotions and develop their own communication style so there is a mutual understanding.
When INFPs use their communication skills in relationships, they remain true to themselves and often inspire their partner to do the same. These healers can truly understand what it means to be loved and find true love by using their heart, as well as their mind.
Who is most compatible with an INFP?
Who are INFPs attracted to? Well, have you ever heard of the saying opposites attract? Oftentimes with the Myers-Briggs personalities, introverts are best matched with extroverts. One of the best pairings of this type of bond is INFP's compatibility with ENFJ and ESFJ types.
1. ENFJ and INFP
ENFJ personality types are said to be INFP’s natural match because they need a partner with their opposite dominant function.
ENFJ understands people, but also brings out the best in them. INFP needs that because they also strive to do the same and require mutual respect and understanding. They also both desire a partner who is loyal and trustworthy.
INFP and ENFJ are compatible because they share a lot of the same values, like prioritizing their values, being authentic and straightforward, and not playing mind games. They also have great communication and chemistry.
INFP is best matched to ENFJ's extroversion because of ENFJ’s energy, optimism, positive attitude, and outgoing personality. ENFJ is attracted to INFP because of their caring and thoughtful nature.
2. INFJ and INFP
INFJ and INFP have a lot in common and are a good match, romantically and emotionally. They are both sensitive, empathetic, authentic, loyal, value alone time, and desire harmony. INFJ can help INFP when they need a little push and deep conversation.
Compromise can occasionally be difficult because both need constant communication to work well together. However, if that doesn’t become a problem, INFJ and INFP fit very well together.
3. ESFJ and INFP
ESFJ personality types are extroverts, but have a different perspective on the world. This relationship deals with opposites attracting, as ESFJ will have a very different approach to their environment; they are structured and decisive, but outgoing.
Putting differences aside, the two share common life values — commitment, loyalty, emotional connection, companionship, affection and romance.
INFP is attracted to ESFJ because ESFJ is energetic, traditional, hard-working, and can motivate INFP. ESFJ is attracted to INFP because they are carefree, relaxed, flexible, and free-spirited.
4. ENFP and INFP
An ENFP personality and an INFP have great potential for a soulmate relationship, which the two strive for. They both share ideas about life and can address conflict easily with each other. Each approaches problems with empathy and compassion.
ENFP and INFP share intellectual curiosity and interest in learning new things, and compromise is key in this relationship.
Who is least compatible with an INFP?
1. ISTJ and INFP
INFP and ISTJ have fundamental differences that can make it hard to form a relationship. Both personalities look at relationships differently and don't have any of the same needs.
INFPs are concerned with people, relationships, values, and are open and enthusiastic towards change. ISTJs are very old-fashioned and they don't like change; they prefer consistency and predictability.
This relationship oftentimes can't work out because these personalities easily become frustrated with each other; their views and perspectives are just too different.
2. ESTP and INFP
INFP and ESTP have different interests and not a lot of things in common. The only personality trait they do share is being a relaxed and easy-going person.
INFP is always seeking deep, meaningful connections because they care about others. They want to be in a relationship with someone who is sensitive, thoughtful, idealistic and allows for personal growth.
ESTP personalities, however, are people who want to live in the moment and see where life takes them. They prioritize having fun in relationships and don't go deeper, which is what INFP wants. ESTP is too casual and easy-going for INFP.
3. ESTJ and INFP
INFP and ESTJ don't have anything in common, and in a relationship, certain issues arise. INFP wants to understand people and have a strong connection in a relationship where they know their partner on a deep level.
But ESTJ personalities want to have a stable and secure life and are micro-managers. ESTJs also are very suspicious of change and making the world a better place; they are pessimistic, and INFP doesn't like that.
4. ESFJ and INFP
INFP and ESFJ struggle with relationships because the two of them get on each other's nerves and have a lot of differences.
INFP understands that change is necessary to get where you want to go in life, while ESFJs are very traditional and want to do things a certain way. There is only one way of doing things, and they don't like change; they are suspicious of it.
Over time, because of their clashing personalities, INFP and ESFJ might resent each other and things could turn bad instantly.
Do INFPs fall in love easily?
INFP personalities are said to be guided by their core values and beliefs. They are concerned with their own personal growth, as well as that of others, and are referred to as the Healer of the MBTI personalities.
INFPs can easily fall in love. They follow their heart and have empathy for others. Their strong suit is their intuition, prospecting, and feeling. Unfortunately, this leaves room for them to be manipulated because of how nurturing and caring they are.
How does an INFP show love?
When it comes to INFP’s feelings, especially in relationships, they feel reserved or shy when expressing how they feel inside. Although they are introverted, relationships help them become more in-tune with people's feelings and develop genuine care and concern.
INFP Myers-Briggs type is idealistic and loyal to those they care about; they can be understanding in a relationship and want to help their partner be the best they can.
Megan Hatch is a writer at YourTango who covers health and wellness, love and relationships, and self-care.