10 Celebrities Who Are Still Friends With Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner
Their inner circle has changed since 2017.

Before 2015, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were well-settled in new York social circles. They hung around with other rich, stylish people who go to the Met Gala and attend fundraisers for worthy causes at venues around New York City. They were known for Ivanka's fashion line and Jared's real estate deals, as well as being part of the Trump media world, thanks to Ivanka's appearances on The Apprentice.
But since moving to Washington, DC to work in politics, the couple have changed their social circle — or perhaps more fittingly, their social circle has changed on them. These days. their closest friends are members of the family or the people they work with at the White House.
Meet 10 of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's celebrity friends:
1. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Mike Huckabee's daughter was an early convert to Trumpism and started out on the 2016 campaign. She became the White House press secretary after the inauguration and became known for not holding the regular press briefings that were typical in other presidencies. She left the White House in 2019 but she and the Trump family remain friendly.
Ivanka Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders in 2018.
2. Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West
Kanye was an outspoken supporter of Trump, at least until his own bewildering attempt to run for president this year. Mrs. West, is more circumspect about her actual politics, choosing to avoid endorsing anyone this year. She has been active on issues related to criminal justice reform and has worked with the Kushners and the Trump White House on the issue so she's smart to avoid alienating the people who could help her out.
Ivanka Trump and Kim Kardashian West in 2019.
3. Wendi Deng
Wendi Deng isn't a household name but she may be one of the most influential women in the world if you judge her by the men she spends time around. She used to be married to media giant Rupert Murdoch. She divorced Murdoch in 2013 and there were whispers that something was going in between her and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Deng was rumored to have dated Vladimir Putin, though she denies it. Her friendship with Ivanka Trump predates all of that and it seems like it hasn't diminished over the years.
4. Rudy Giuliani
The Trump and the former Mayor of New York go way back. Who could forget the cringeworthy video of Donald Trump and Giuliani in drag from 2000? Giuliani was a guest and Jared and Ivanka's wedding in 2009 and has been a stalwart supporter of Donald Trump since his election. Giuliani has stayed out of the public eye after some of his close friends got in trouble for illegal campaign fundraising but he and the entire Trump clan are still on very good terms.
5. Nikki Haley
The former UN Ambassador left her diplomatic post in 2018 but she continues to be a vocal supporter to the White House and all its policies, which has earned her the return loyalty of Jared and Ivanka who have praised her on social media saying, "Jared and I are grateful for her friendship — a true blessing in our lives!"
Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, and Nikki Haley in 2018.
6. Misha Nonoo
Nonoo is a well-regarded fashion designer who is actually besties with another powerful couple: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. They have been close since 2015. But Nonoo invited Ivanka and Jared to her wedding in 2019 and the couple took time away from the White House to attend. No word on whether they mingled with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex while they were there, however.
7. Hugh Jackman
In 2018, the couple attended Hugh Jackman's 50th birthday party, which surprised some more liberal Hollywood folks. Jackman talked about it on The View in the weeks after the party, explaining that he had known the Kushners for years and wasn't one to walk away from friendships. “People question, ‘Really?’ And I’m kinda like, 'OK, let’s say your friends of 15 years’ father became president," Jackman said. "Whether you agree with the politics or not, do you just dump your friends?” Jackman said. “I’m like, 'No, no you don’t.' I don’t understand that.”
8. Steve Mnuchin
Mnuchin has been serving as Secretary of the Treasury since the beginning of Trump's term in office, Ivanka has worked with him on issues like tax reform and they are friendly in addition to working together.
9. Kimberly Guilfoyle
Guilfoyle, a one-time Fox News personality, is romantically involved with Ivanka's brother Don Trump Jr. and she has assumed a big role in the world of Trump's election campaign. She works on fundraising for the 2020 campaign, as well as being a surrogate for the president on the campaign trail. Working together has ensured that Guilfoyle and Ivanka Trump have formed a friendship as well as their work and family connection.
10. Lara Trump
Not everyone gets along with their in-laws but the Kushners seem to be close to the people Ivanka's siblings have married. Younger brother Eric's wife is a campaign staffer as well as being a presenter and producer for Trump Productions' videos in support of her father in law. She and Ivanka work together to promote the family political agenda and seem to be very good friends as well.
Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. She is the creator of the blog FeminXer and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.