How The Libra Season Horoscope Affects Each Zodiac Sign
Stay mindful while the Sun is in Libra.

Libra season is here, and so is that feeling of Fall goodness.
Libra coincides with Autumn and is associated with the latter months of the year. In our society, the Fall is both a season of renewal and of natural endings. It's interesting that Libra falls right on this cusp, as it's representative of balance.
Libra, like the Fall itself, has a great influence on us all. We feel Libra in our new starts, and dreams for the future. The summer is over and we know that we must adapt, and in comes Libra to help us make that transition, as this zodiac sign affects our decision-making and our need to progress in positivity.
How will Libra season affect your zodiac sign?
Well, Libra is also there to keep us mindful of our actions.
This is going to be an exceptional season in human history, this Fall, and we're going to need stability and balance. Our personal scales have been tipped, and it will be the influence of Libra on our lives that will restore our ability to move forward.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
During this transit, you will be feeling more at ease than you expected, Aries.
There is a very good chance your career will be back to flourishing, and your home life will feel renewed and promising. You may not trust things, as you've been feeling very angry over the summer, but the Libra influence is going to help you cope with negative ideas.
All in all, this will be a financially good time for you, and you can expect good news on matters of money, love and family.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Opportunities will come to you out of nowhere, Taurus, and they will require you to make tough decisions.
There is an air of risk coming your way, one that says, "Take the chance." Libra's influence is always about balance, but that also means that imbalance is part of the equation.
Watch out for poor choices, and think twice before you open the doors to the wrong opportunity.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
While Libra is known as a peaceful sign, it's going to stimulate in you an anger and a need for justice, Gemini.
Your lesson will be about justice versus vengeance. Justice will present itself, while vengeance takes on karma, and you pay for vengeance. Justice is what you must seek, and work towards.
Keep your head up and try to avoid plummeting into negativity, as it will only end up hurting you.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, you've left behind something that didn't work for you.
That's a great thing; you took the initiative and made the effort to right the wrong and make your life a better one. Libra's influence tells you to not look back; that you've paid the price already, and that it's time to face the future and plan for it. No more living in the past.
You paid that due, and you're now ready to move on.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Libra will introduce a new love, Leo, though it might not necessarily be the love of a human.
It could be an animal, or a new creative interest. Expect your artsy side to come out. You shine very well at the end of the Summer, and the Fall is where you manifest all you've worked so hard for in the past few months.
If you're in the theatrical arts, expect a paid gig and high praise for your work.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You've just stepped out of your own influential season, Virgo, and you're ready, willing and able to move forward with Libra's cosmic impact.
This season will have you feeling positive and optimistic about the next few months to come. While it's not in your nature to be patient or even forgiving, Libra will tame your anger and anxiety, and let you believe in hope again.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You've always liked your birthday, Libra, and you will always feel good during the season that is your own.
However, this is not the time to party like a rockstar or to be careless in any fashion. It's very important for you to not flip those scales out of frustration; you need to be careful and discreet.
You've promised yourself a wild outing for some time now. This may not be that time, so please be careful with your choices at this point.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Decisions, decisions. Your patience is running thin and you want answers now, Scorpio.
Libra is there to tell you to hang on and that not everything happens at the time you want it to; however, it's a positive season for you, and there is a very good chance that the project you're working on is on its way to success.
It's a good time for changing jobs, as well as getting into creative endeavors. Whatever it is, you can handle it, and that's truly a cosmic blessing.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius, it's going to be one of those months where you just don't want to deal with reality, or the realities that keep us keeping on.
Libra is reminding you that you need to pay attention; you can't just let things slip away. Pay your bills on time, communicate with others, reach out if you need help.
Libra warns you: Don't let your home become disorderly or unkempt. Keep up — this isn't the time to become complacent.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Where it's usually smooth sailing for you in business and career, it may not be as easy in other departments this month, Capricorn.
Expect hardship in finances and frustrations with setbacks. You might have had some big plans set up that fail at the last moment. Libra says, "Hold on, it'll get better soon."
You're not used to being out of control and you'll get your cool back soon enough. Just take the disappointments as they come and know that this too shall pass.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Libra is going to reiterate for you what you already know, Aquarius: you're stuck in the past and you can't get out of it.
That past is related to love and and old romance, and it's starting to get to you and everyone around you. Once again, Libra is there to tell you that you need to bring your attention to the now moment, and that this is all we have.
The past is dead and you can't bring it back. There is also a 99 percent chance that you will ignore this.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10)
If anyone is going to have a good time with the cosmic influence of Libra, it's you, Pisces.
You're going to be feeling great this month, full of youthful energy and big ideas for the future. You're the person in your circle who keeps the hope afloat, and those who love you trust in your vision.
Your month will be filled with ideas you can put into action over the next few months to come. You will be feeling creative and excited to be alive.
Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.