450 Best Male, Female & Gender Neutral Dog Names
Find something that fits your pup's personality.

Getting a dog is a wonderful gift.
You now have someone who will always be glad to see you, will be up for anything, and will love you unconditionally. Dogs give us so much, and it’s up to us to make sure they’re given all the love and attention possible. And that starts with choosing a name!
Perfect dog names should be something that fits their personality. A dog’s name is personal and, as they get to know it, it becomes part of their identity.
Whether you're looking for male dog names or female dog names, put some thought into it before choosing.
Do you want your dog’s name to be funny or tough? Should it be a human name? Are you going to name your pup after a TV character, a friend who passed away, or your favorite family member?
Sometimes, when we get a dog from a shelter or breeder, they’re already named, and you have the decision to keep the name or give them a new one. If they’re already bonded with the name, it’s best to leave it as is, or you can modify it slightly so it sounds similar with your twist.
Not sure what to name your new best friend?
Here are 450 dog names — male, female, and gender-neutral — to spark your own creativity and come up with the perfect moniker.
Best Male Dog Names
The best male dog names are those that sound grounded, bold, and muscular. They should be clear so your dog can easily learn and hear it when it's said.
All dogs, especially those who are trained, respond to direct commands, so you want a name that won't get lost when you're giving out directions. You want something that's unique, but not so confusing that the vet or groomer has trouble pronouncing it.
Let your dog's personality help guide you on what name you give them.
1. Ace
2. Aero
3. Alexander
4. Angus
5. Apollo
6. Archie
7. Artemis
8. Ash
9. Bandit
10. Barkley
11. Barney
12. Baxter
13. Bear
14. Beau
15. Benji
16. Benny
17. Bentley
18. Beta
19. Blue / Blu
20. Bono
21. Boomer
22. Brady
23. Brando
24. Brody
25. Brownie
26. Bruno
27. Brutus
28. Buck
29. Buddy
30. Buster
31. Butch
32. Caesar
33. Cairo
34. Captain
35. Cash
36. Casper
37. Cassidy
38. Champ
39. Chance
40. Chase
41. Chewy
42. Chico
43. Chip
44. Coco
45. Cody
46. Copper
47. Corky
48. Demetrius
49. Deuce
50. Dexter
51. Diego
52. Diesel
53. Doc
54. Duke
55. Dusty
56. Finn
57. Frankie
58. Freud
59. Fuzzy
60. Genesis
61. George
62. Ghost
63. Gizmo
64. Glacier
65. Griffin
66. Gunnar
67. Gus
68. Hamilton
69. Hank
70. Harley
71. Hawkeye
71. Henry
73. Hercules
74. Hershey
75. Hunter
76. Hyatt
77. Jackson
78. Jake
79. Jasper
80. Jax
81. Jet
82. Joey
83. Judge
84. Junior
85. Jupiter
86. King
87. Kobe
88. Leo
89. Loki
90. Louie
91. Luke
92. Mac
93. Major
94. Maverick
95. Milo
96. Moose
97. Murphy
98. Nacho
99. Nash
100. Noah
101. Oakley
102. Odin
103. Oliver
104. Ollie
105. Oscar
106. Otis
107. Ozzie
108. Patrick
109. Petey
110. Piper
111. Prince
112. Radar
113. Ranger
114. Rascal
115. Remy
116. Rex
117. Rider
118. Ringo
119. Ripley
120. Rocco
121. Romeo
122. Roscoe
123. Rudy
124. Rusty
125. Sam
126. Samson
127. Scout
128. Shadow
129. Sherlock
130. Simba
131. Snoopy
132. Spike
133. Sven
134. Tank
135. Teddy
136. Theo
137. Thor
138. Tiger
139. Titus
140. Toby
141. Truman
142. Tucker
143. Tyson
144. Wally
145. Winston
146. Woody
147. Wrigley
148. Wylie
149. Yukon
150. Zeke
Best Female Dog Names
Some people have the mistaken idea that dogs are masculine and cats are feminine. All animals can be either, or a combination of both.
It's perfectly acceptable to give your female dog a pretty, flirty name, or something stronger; female dogs have distinct personalities, too! Give them a name that suits them and is also one that you like.
If you name your dog and realize the name doesn't work, change it. Naming animals isn't as easy as you may think, and some people are more talented than others.
151. Abby
152. Amelie
153. Angel
154. Apple
155. Aria
156. Brownie
157. Bunny
158. Aja
159. Akira
160. Anika
161. Annabelle
162. Aphrodite
163. Ariel
164. Bailey
165. Bambi
166. Billie
167. Bindi
168. Birdie
169. Biscuit
170. Blanca
171. Blondie
172. Blossom
173. Bronte
174. Brooklyn
175. Buffy
176. Butterscotch
177. Cappuccino
178. Caramel
179. Casey
180. Charisma
181. Chestnut
182. Chi Chi
183. Cinnamon
184. Cleo
185. Coco
186. Cola
187. Colby
188. Cricket
189. Cupcake
190. Cupid
191. Daisy
192. Dallas
193. Diva
194. Dixie
195. Dolly
196. Duchess
197. Edie
198. Electra
199. Elsa
200. Epiphany
201. Fantasia
202. Felicity
203. Fifi
204. Frankie
205. Georgia
206. Gidget
207. Gigi
208. Ginger
209. Goldie
210. Gracie
211. Gypsy
212. Harlow
213. Harmony
214. Harper
215. Honey
216. India
217. Indigo
218. Isis
219. Ivy
220. Jada
221. Java
222. Jazzy
223. Jellybean
224. Jezabelle
225. Jinx
226. JoJo
227. Jude
228. Karma
229. Kennedy
230. Kenya
231. Kewpie
232. Kiki
233. Kimono
234. Kona
235. Leia
236. Liberty
237. Licorice
238. Lizzie
239. Lolita
240. Lotus
241. Luca
242. Lulu
243. Lyric
244. Mai Tai
245. Mango
246. Marley
247. Marshmallow
248. Medusa
249. Miley
250. Mimi
251. Minx
252. Missy
253. Morgan
254. Navi
255. Nikita
256. Nova
257. Nutmeg
258. Pansy
259. Paris
260. Peaches
261. Pebbles
262. Penny
263. Pepper
264. Pepper
265. Pinky
266. Pippa
267. Poppy
268. Raven
269. Rio
270. Roma
271. Rosie
272. Ruby
273. Sadie
274. Sasha
275. Savannah
276. Serenity
277. Shakira
278. Sidney
279. Simba
280. Skye
281. Smokey
282. Stella
283. Suki
284. Sunny
285. Tallulah
286. Tika
287. Trixie
288. Venus
289. Violet
290. Whoopi
291. Willow
292. Xena
293. Yoko
294. Yuki
295. Yumi
296. Zelda
297. Zia
298. Zoe
299. Zuri
300. Zuma
Best Gender-Neutral Dog Names
No one says you're required to follow gender-norms when it comes to naming your dog! Let them have a gender-neutral name to go along with their personality. Give them a name that gives them room to fully express who they are.
Gender-neutral names are a popular choice right now and give you some flexibility. You don't have to choose a boy name or a girl name, you can choose a name that works for everybody.
If you don't know what kind of dog you're going to get, you can decide on a gender-neutral name first and then get a dog that matches it.
301. Alaska
302. Angel
303. Ash
304. Avery
305. Aztec
306. Bailey
307. Bandit
308. Bear
309. Beasley
310. Bentley
311. Bijou
312. Bilbo
313. Bing
314. Bingo
315. Biscuit
316. Blaine
317. Blue
318. Boomer
319. Boss
320. Bourbon
321. Brett
322. Brice
323. Butters
324. Butterscotch
325. Button
326. Caden
327. Cameron
328. Cane
329. Cane
330. Casino
331. Cayenne
332. Charger
333. Charlie
334. Cheerio
335. Chunk
336. Ciao
337. Coco
338. Colby
339. Cooper
340. Cory
341. Cracker
342. Crouton
343. Cruiser
344. Crusader
345. Cupid
346. Delphi
347. Diamond
348. Diesel
349. Digger
350. Dijon
351. Dim Sum
352. Dimple
353. Domino
354. Dot
355. Doughnut
356. Dumpling
357. Elf
358. Ellery
359. Emerson
360. Emery
361. Fiji
362. Finley
363. Flame
364. Flash
365. Fluffy
366. Freckles
367. Frisky
368. Frosty
369. Frodo
370. Fuzzy
371. Gilly
372. Gimli
373. Gouda
374. Grady
375. Gray
376. Guru
377. Happy
378. Harley
379. Hayden
380. Jazz
381. Jedi
382. Kennedy
383. Kibbles
384. Kismet
385. Kit
386. Koda
387. Link
388. Max
389. Mocha
390. Mojo
391. Morgan
392. Munchkin
393. Neon
394. Nova
395. Nugget
396. Oakley
397. Oreo
398. Parker
399. Patches
400. Paws
401. Payton
402. Peanut
403. Pepper
404. Peyton
405. Phantom
406. Phaser
407. Phoenix
408. Pinot
409. Pistachio
410. Piston
411. Pixel
412. Pizzazz
413. Pooch
414. Pookie
415. Pretzel
416. Pumpkin
417. Quinn
418. Rebel
419. Reese
420. Riley
421. River
422. Robin
423. Rory
424. Runt
425. Sailor
426. Sam
427. Sandy
428. Scooter
429. Scout
430. Scrappy
431. Shadow
432. Shaggy
433. Shane
434. Skylar
435. Snowball
436. Spot
437. Stinky
438. Storm
439. Timba
440. Truffles
441. Twix
442. Veggie
443. Velcro
444. Vicky
445. Wag-A-Lot
446. Winnie
447. Woof
448. Zen
449. Ziggy
450. Zuzu
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.