The Most Controlling Personality Types, Ranked
Are you controlling?

Everyone has a specific personality type. The Myers-Briggs group created a test that tells you exactly which personality type you are, resulting in a system made up of 16 Myers-Briggs types, each with their own distinct traits.
Perception is all about the ways in which a person becomes aware of things, people, happenings or ideas. Judgment, on the other hand, is how a person comes to a conclusion about what they have perceived.
Logically, if a person can differ in these two categories, they will differ in all other areas like interests, reactions, values, motivations and skills.
Each Myers-Briggs personality type is made of these traits, with 16 different possible combinations:
- E or I: extrovert or introvert
- S or N: sensing or intuition
- T or F: thinking or feeling
- J or P: judging or perceiving
The way these traits interact within each type is what makes us so different from one another, in both good and not-so-good ways (we all have our own negative personality traits to take ownership of). Sometimes, this includes just how controlling we are in our relationships.
Here's each MBTI type and how controlling they are, ranked from most to least controlling.
What are the most controlling personality types in the Myers-Briggs spectrum?
The ENTJ personality type is naturally assertive and decisive as they attempt to achieve their goals.
This can often make them seem dominating and controlling in their relationship. They do not naturally handle emotions well and they can seem insensitive to how their significant other feels.
ISFJs are a personality type that can be a bit controlling, especially in leadership positions. They enjoy having a strict structure and order in life. So, while they may be controlling, they are very loyal and faithful in their relationships.
ESFPs can be a bit sneaky when it comes to being controlling. They don't like spending time playing games in their relationships but they can make their partner feel like they may not be able to have their own opinion in the relationship by being overbearing.
ENFPs are very passionate, but sometimes they put the cart before the horse. They can come into problems with being controlling when they are thinking about all the possibilities.
And when they try to get to the future faster than it comes, it can come across as controlling. They really need to focus on the present.
ESTJs are dedicated to their significant other when they are in a relationship, even though they tend to stray away from their feelings and emotions.
They are very serious about committing to their partner, so they can seem a little controlling when they have a hard time expressing how they feel for their partner. They may come off as overbearing when they express their emotions through their actions.
ESTPs are very passionate. They are highly emotional and keep the conversation flowing easily. Therefore, their passion can be taken as being overbearing and controlling, when they are just looking to continue having fun.
INFPs can have overly idealized expectations for their relationships. This can lead to struggles in their relationship and conflicts because they have certain needs that they need to be met in their relationship.
ENTPs can struggle with following through with the promises they make to their partner. They can be a bit manipulative of their partner and they always seem to think they are right.
This manipulation can be seen as controlling because they can cause their partner to feel out of sorts and unable to talk to them about it.
People with the ISTJ personality type are not ones to be controlling. In relationships, they can struggle with showing their romantic side. They need someone to meet them equally in a relationship to feel comfortable.
ISTPs don't like to be controlling because they prefer to have short-term relationships; hence, they stay away from real relationships. They also need to have their own independence.
INFJ personalities are not typically controlling. They can quickly pick up on their partner's feelings and they really like intimate relationships. They do the best in romantic relationships where they have the same core values as their partner.
The ISFP personality type is not the kind of person that will be controlling. They are the ones who would rather defer to their significant other so they don't have to make decisions, but when they do, they take their partner's wants into consideration.
INTJs are not ones that will be overly controlling in their relationship. This is because they have a hard time expressing their emotions and communicating their feelings. If INTJs are pressured or if things move too fast, they usually run the other way.
INTPs are highly unlikely to become controlling in their relationship. They keep themselves distant until they are comfortable and have proven themselves in their relationship. INTPs struggle with expressing their emotions.
ESFJs are very supportive of their partner and they are deeply devoted. ESFJs will not take control away from their significant other because they need to know that their support, loyalty, and devotion are loved by their partner and they need similar gestures given to them in return.
ENFJs are very aware of their partner's feelings. They are less likely to be controlling because they are so concerned about their partner's happiness;they will put their own emotional needs on the back burner to make their significant other happy.
Emily Francos is a writer and editor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature. Her work focuses primarily on astrology, lifestyle and relationships. To read more of her work, follow her on Facebook.