31 Naya Rivera Quotes On Life, Love, & Being Proud To Be Yourself
Naya Rivera's tragic disappearance and presumed death left many people heartbroken.

Glee actress Naya Rivera has gone missing and is presumed dead after taking a boat out on Lake Piru in Ventura County with her son.
Only July 8, 2020, Naya Rivera rented a pontoon boat for her and her four-year-old son Josey, where hours later local authorities found the boy on the boat by himself floating in Lake Piru. Rivera was missing and presumed to have drowned.
A few days before her presumed death, Rivera tweeted, "No matter the year, circumstance, or strifes every day you're alive is a blessing. Make the most of today and every day you are given. Tomorrow is not promised."
In the wake of this tragedy, fans are looking to Naya Rivera quotes like the above to help guide them through this heartbreaking event.
Rivera is perhaps best known for her role on the hit TV show Glee, but her acting career started when she was just four years old on The Royal Family. She also made appearances on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Matters, and The Bernie Mac Show.
Rivera has championed so much in her time in the spotlight. As a Glee star, she brought to light more information on the LGBT community and she always advocated for mental health. She pushed for her success and is a great inspiration for the younger generation to see that people can go anywhere they desire in life.
Rivera advocated for people to treat others with kindness and care so that everyone can be happier as a whole.
As of right now, she has not been found, but the search continues.
Prayers and wishes to her and her family through this difficult time.
Here are some of Naya Rivera's best quotes that you should take to heart when you need some motivation to succeed and help you learn how to believe in yourself.
Naya Rivera Quotes on Self-Esteem
1. "You only get one you, it's best to just love yourself."
2. "I can relate to girls with self-esteem issues because growing up in this industry there is the side of you that is obsessed with perfection. You want to please everyone because if you don't, you won't get the job."
3. "I will admit to hoarding beauty products. I'm a beauty lady."
4. "There are always going to be things you don't like about yourself or reasons to compare yourself to others."
5. “I'd fallen back on my looks over and over because I didn't think I had anything else to offer, but now I was starting to see that I was actually smart. Getting a graded paper on which the professor wrote 'well written!' felt a million times better than getting a 25 percent tip because some d-bag got to ogle my butt when I dropped off his burger.”
6. "Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well."
7. "Be kind to people, do the best that you can do, and don't compromise yourself for anyone else and you'll end up being the best person, trust me."
8. "Aside from being a Latina, my family immigrated from Puerto Rico and Yugoslavia so I know all about that. I wouldn't be able to do what I do today if they didn't come to America. Everybody has an immigration story."
9. "There is always someone prettier, smarter, or a better actor than you. You start to nit-pick everything. That perfectionism kicks in and it can take over your life if you let it. You have to get comfortable with yourself.”
10. “I don't trust people who claim to like everyone, because, really, how is that possible? If that is true, then you must not have any standards."
11. "If you care about your life, then there are going to be certain people you don't want in it.”
12. “Success is not defined by what the people around you want. It is based on what you want for yourself.”
13. "I gained 15 pounds and never looked back."
14. "We've all been hurt by words before. So before you speak, think about how your words might affect someone else."
Naya Rivera LGBT Quotes
15. "Getting hit on by both genders is such a champagne problem."
16. "There are very few ethnic LGBT characters on television, so I am honored to represent them. I love supporting this cause, but it's a big responsibility, and sometimes it's a lot of pressure on me."
17. "Honestly, I never thought I'd actually be playing a teen lesbian. I didn't think it was going to go this far. But I'm glad that it did, because there have been a lot of fans who have expressed that they've been going through similar situations in their lives."
18. "It's harder for girls because no one really takes them seriously. If they see two girls making out they say 'that's hot.' but no, for teenage girls in high school this is a serious thing."
19. "It's kind of cool — and it makes me feel like a bada**. I get more girls than my boyfriend."
Naya Rivera Quotes About Her Career
20. "I definitely knew that I loved acting from the very beginning. I was such a ham growing up. Wherever the camera was, I wanted to be right in front of it."
21. "Going to regular public high school and working and auditioning was really, really tough. I never really fit in and hit the stride that all the other kids were on. Instead of going out and hanging out with my friends at that age, I remember being in my bedroom and putting on like a Christina Aguilera tape and just like belting. And seeing if I could hit every single note just like her."
22. "Music is one of my greatest loves. I don't think I would be able to live without music in my life. It's very therapeutic when I sing and it makes me feel like I'm escaping for a while."
23. "For people to even think that I'd be considered or a good candidate for a support actress nomination is mind-blowing to me."
24. “Even as a tot model, though, I couldn't just stand there, nor was it all fun. It was work! I'd have to do stuff like hula-hoop, blow bubbles, pretend to laugh or (the worst), hold hands with other kids: usually, their hands were sweaty and clammy, or they'd pick their nose right up to the very last second, then reach their fingers towards mine.”
Naya Rivera Quotes on Love & Motherhood
25. "I feel mom guilt all the time. You want everything for your child. If you're not there and you feel like you're missing out on something, it's natural to feel that."
26. "If you think back to your first love, you always remember them and little things always remind you of them."
27. "You're always going to wonder if you're doing things wrong, but that's what it means to be a mom. To care so much about someone else that you just want to be as perfect as possible."
28. "I have other mom friends who work full-time Monday through Friday and sometimes the weekend, and they tell me how hard it is. So hats off to every working mom."
29. “I don’t think I ever emotionally healed from the abortion. I think choosing to have an abortion is almost harder than choosing to have your own child, because you make that choice knowing, or at least suspecting, that many moments of your life will now be tinged with regret.”
Naya Rivera Quotes About Mental Health
30. “I think this is a common misconception about fame, or any kind of marker of 'success' in life, be it landing your dream job, getting married, or having a kid: people think that you achieve these goals, you check off certain boxes, and all of a sudden life’s perfect and you don’t have any problems. That’s not true."
31. "I walk around so mad at the world, but I'm really just fighting with myself."
Emily Francos is a writer who covers relationships, pop culture, and news topics.