Who Is Claudia Conway & Why She's Seeking Emancipation From Parents Kellyanne And George
Her bid for emancipation isn't about political views.

Evan El-Amin
At this point, Kellyanne Conway is basically a household name. As Donald Trump's former presidential counselor, her political views lean right. It's assumed that children would follow in the political footsteps of their parents. However, Kellyanne's daughter Claudia Conway is proving that's not always the case.
Who is Claudia Conway?
Claudia is a 15-year-old Tik Tok influencer who is using her platform to speak about political issues she cares about and speak out against President Trump. She has recently gone very viral for spreading awareness about important problems in the world.
Claudia Conway's parents are notable conservatives.
KellyAnne Conway is a 53-year-old woman who has been a counselor to Donald Trump and was previously his campaign manager. Claudia’s father George T. Conway III, on the other hand, is a 56-year-old attorney who is known for founding a conservative political group that is working toward defeating President Trump. He also tends to use his twitter to speak out about how he should not get re-elected.
So, clearly there is an obvious divide in the family regarding KellyAnne’s boss.
Claudia’s dad has even written a piece for The Atlantic, called Unfit for Office, in which he states that Trump has a personality disorder. George T. Conway wrote, “yet pathological narcissism is not the only personality disorder that Trump’s behavior clearly indicates. A second disorder also frequently ascribed to Trump by professionals is sociopathy.”
George T. Conway III tweeted to Trump last year that, “You need to have the Secret Service take you back to the hospital, this time to the psych ward.”
George and Trump have even been caught feuding since Trump has also tweeted back at George.
In April, George even publicly endorsed Joe Biden for president, who is running directly against Trump.
KellyAnne Conway has also gotten involved with this feud by telling Politico, “[The president] left it alone for months out of respect for me. But you think he shouldn’t respond when somebody, a non-medical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder? You think he should just take that sitting down?”
KellyAnne even went further by discussing her husband to The Washington Post, stating, “I feel there’s a part of him that thinks I chose Donald Trump over him. Which is ridiculous, one is my work and one is my marriage.”
KellyAnne and George’s disagreements about the President have even been made fun of in a sketch for Saturday Night Live.
Claudia Conway is seeking emancipation.
On August 22, 2020, Claudia tweeted that she was "officially pushing for emancipation," prompting several replies of support.
"Politics should never break up a family," one Twitter user wrote.
However, Claudia quickly tweeted again to clear up the reason why she wants to be emancipated from her parents, asserting that politics don't have anything to do with it.
The teen then went live on TikTok to discuss more about the reason why she is seeking emancipation.
"My dad doesn't care about me," Claudia says in the video. "He's never cared about me. He probably doesn't even know my middle name." She also alleged that she was a victim of physical and mental abuse from her parents when she was younger.
Claudia has also alleged that her mother had her arrested. On August 6, 2020, Claudia posted a series of TikTok videos suggesting that Kellyanne had Claudia arrested on "fake assault charges."
"Kellyanne just called me and said I'm putting her life in danger by speaking out and how I'm gonna get arrested again for making 'false allegations," she wrote in the video.
Claudia's live video suggests that her parents have stepped down from their political positions as a "show" to prevent her from seeking emancipation.
Claudia Conway has gone viral on TikTok with anti-Donald Trump videos.
The family's political divide seems to keep growing now that their daughter is using her platform to speak out against Trump. Claudia has garnered a lot of attention, views, and followers in the past week now that her TikTok videos against Trump are blowing up.
On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, Claudia had 30,000 followers on TikTok. By Thursday, July 2, 2020, she now has over 100,000 followers.
In one TikTok video, Claudia wrote, “why do people hate on Trump supporters, like can’t we just respect everyone’s opinions? SIKE nah block me pls and then educate yourself.”
In another viral TikTok video, Claudia stated, "I love Trump, but replace ‘love’ with ‘think that we should extinguish.'"
Claudia is a vocal social media activist on many issues.
Not only does Claudia just post anti-Trump videos, but she also shares her views on social issues including race and gender. She vocally supports the black lives matter movement and encourages her fans to do so as well. Claudia uses her platform to speak about defunding the police and informs viewers about what happened to Breonna Taylor.
In an interview with USA Today, Claudia said, "I know a lot of my friends are so informed and I think they wouldn't be if it weren't for social media, which is why I think using one's platform for good and for the education of others is so, so important, especially in our day."
Claudia wants to continue to make a difference and she even told Insider, that TikTok is "a huge platform, especially for Gen Z kids," and said she wants to turn her activism into a career. She said, "I think that's what I want to do when I'm older, like social justice activism. I know my mom always told me: If you believe it, go stand for it."
Claudia Conway's parents allegedly deleted her social media.
In July 2020, Claudia tweeted that her parents were deleting her social media pages.
Her TikTok profile has since gone through several iterations and username changes. She now has two active TikTok accounts, @datjerseygirl and @clawddawg69.
Claudia has also defended her parents.
Even though Claudia is getting a lot of praise for her videos, there are people that comment disrespectful things on her videos regarding her parents and how she is being raised.
In a recent TikTok, Claudia defended her parents by saying, “Thank you for all the love on my videos but just please no hate to my mom or my dad, they’re both amazing people and I love them so much. No hate to either of them, it’s just me and my views.”
Claudia is using her platform to speak out about what she believes in but she does not do it to disrespect her family. She told Insider, "I love my parents. They are the most generous, most well-educated people I have ever met. I look up to them and want nothing but success and good fortune for them. They are my parents and that trumps all — no pun intended."
In that same interview, Claudia did admit that her and her mom, "do get into arguments a lot — I'm not going to lie. My mom is my best friend, but we do fight all the time over politics and I'm always shut down by my entire family."
Claudia told USA Today, "A lot of people have been telling me that I'm disrespecting my mother by doing this — I'm not at all. I want nothing but love for her because she is an amazing person."
After announcing her decision to take a break from social media, Claudia tweeted, "no hate to my parents please."
Claudia recently quit social media.
Despite consistently creating new social media accounts after her parents allegedly deleted them, Claudia recently announced that she would be taking a break from social media.
After news that her parents were stepping down from their respective political roles, Claudia uploaded a TikTok writing, "I am taking a break to process this recent news and to stabilize my mental health," while declaring her love for her supporters.
Jaycee Levin is an Instagram influencer and writer who covers astrology, spirituality, love, and relationships.